God of Greenery

Chapter 195

Letting Jiang Liantao go to the Netherlands to live with Jiang Xiaolin is definitely not acceptable, but it is a bit inappropriate to let her mother live in clear water and blue sky and go to the vegetable market to sell vegetables, and it is troublesome to be reported by the media.

The principle is the same as what Qiao Jun said before, Jiang Xiaolin is a football star, and his mother has to get up early every day to sell vegetables in the vegetable market. It is really not good for Jiang Xiaolin's personal image, and many people must think Jiang Xiaolin is not filial.

Even if Jiang Liantao stood up and explained, it might not have any effect.

Because many people only see things based on their first impressions, and they may think you are quibbling when you say anything later.

After forming the impression that Jiang Xiaolin was unfilial, no matter what Jiang Xiaolin or Jiang Liantao said, some people probably wouldn't believe it.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin intends to buy a shop for his mother in the clear water and blue sky, open a small smoking hotel, and do business for the residents of the community, which is much easier and cleaner than selling vegetables.

If you are too busy, you can also ask a shop assistant to help, and you can also keep your mother company.

It just so happens that my uncle’s cousin has been staying at home to do farming after graduating from junior high school.

Although everyone had some gossip before, Jiang Xiaolin knew that her mother and uncle were brothers and sisters, and she still cared about her natal family in her heart.

It's fine if you don't have the ability. If you have the ability, the mother must want to take care of the relatives in her natal family.

When Jiang Xiaolin made this suggestion, although Jiang Liantao was reluctant to part with those old friends in the vegetable market, for the sake of his son's reputation and to take care of his eldest brother's daughter, he finally nodded in agreement.

So, Jiang Xiaolin discussed with Yang Qingyan again and bought a storefront on the first floor at a very favorable price.

As for the decoration, let Yang Qingyan help to get in touch and get it all done.

After solving the housing and appearance matters, Jiang Xiaolin called Wang Jianping in the afternoon.

Jiang Xiaolin: "Hey, Wang Jianping, where are you?"

Wang Jianping: "In the Internet cafe, I read the news that you have returned to China?"

Jiang Xiaolin: "Not only have I returned to China, but I have already returned to the tea city. I came back yesterday. Are you free now? Call some classmates from the former football team out of the class? I treat you!"

Wang Jianping, who was playing games in the Internet cafe, pushed the keyboard and mouse away, stood up and said, "You must be free to treat me. Where are you?"

Then Jiang Xiaolin mentioned the name of a restaurant and asked Wang Jianping to invite someone over for lunch.

In the Internet cafe, after Wang Jianping hung up the phone, he shouted to the other students around him: "Xiaojun, Zhou Kang, Songzi, don't fight, let's go."

A classmate named Zhou Kang said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you going? Damn we played well and we are going to win soon. Why are you crazy?"

It turned out that they were teaming up to play CS, and Wang Jianping suddenly turned off the keyboard and mouse when he received a call from Jiang Xiaolin, putting the other students in danger of being wiped out.

Therefore, everyone is a little dissatisfied.

In the end, Wang Jianping leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Jiang Xiaolin is back, he's treating guests, shall we go?"

Zhou Kang was startled, stopped playing games, turned his head and widened his eyes and asked, "Is it true?"

Wang Jianping shook the mobile phone in his hand and said, "What do you think?"

Zhou Kang immediately pushed the chair away, stood up and said with a smile, "Stop beating, it's more important to have a big meal."

Then, the two went to pull the other two classmates separately.

As soon as they heard that their former classmate and current football star Jiang Xiaolin came back for a treat, the other two immediately gave up their obsession with games, stood up and left the Internet cafe together, and then called other classmates.

Some students have a phone at home and it’s okay, but some students don’t have a phone and live far away.

In the end, we made an appointment with eight people, and rushed to the restaurant that Jiang Xiaolin had booked together, found a box, pushed in, and it turned out that Jiang Xiaolin was signing autographs for the chefs and waiters of the restaurant.

Wang Jianping, who was still a little nervous, immediately shouted: "Damn it, Jiang Xiaolin, you are finally willing to come back, we want to sign."

Jiang Xiaolin smiled and said, "I signed a lot of names when I was studying, just look for my papers."

Wang Jianping "cut" and said: "I'm afraid those papers of yours have been thrown into the trash can long ago. Besides, your original handwriting was very ugly. Who wants it? Now this handwriting is beautiful. You must sign one for me today."

Other students also booed one after another.

After the waiters took their autographs and took a group photo, Wang Jianping and the others really took out the things they had prepared and asked Jiang Xiaolin to sign them.

Then, taking advantage of the time before the food was served, everyone started to ask questions enthusiastically, asking about Jiang Xiaolin's experience in the Netherlands, the training mode of the Dutch club, competition-related issues and so on.

Jiang Xiaolin's answer opened everyone's eyes.

However, the students still have a lot of doubts about why Jiang Xiaolin was able to play in the Eredivisie league and scored 9 goals in 17 games when he went abroad.

Because when we played football together before, we didn't realize that Jiang Xiaolin was so good.

How could it be possible to suddenly play in the Eredivisie in such a short period of time?
If the Eredivisie League was so easy to play, it wouldn't be possible that before Jiang Xiaolin, no player from China could score goals in the Eredivisie League.

It can be seen that it is not the weak chicken in the Eredivisie League, but Mrs. Jiang Xiaolin.

But they have all played football together, and they know the basics. Jiang Xiaolin a year ago was really not what he is now.

Just looking at his physique and muscles, everyone knows that Jiang Xiaolin is much stronger now than he was a year ago.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaolin naturally attributed it to his genetic reversion to his ancestors, and told everyone that there is a professor from the University of Amsterdam in the team who has been observing him for a long time to study this genetic reversion problem.

Of course, Jiang Xiaolin also said that the youth training in the Netherlands is very scientific, and the football atmosphere is also very strong. He also went to the Netherlands to start to improve his skills by leaps and bounds.

Only then did the students understand Jiang Xiaolin's progress.

Training and competing alone in the Netherlands, lonely, actually Jiang Xiaolin was also a little depressed.It is also very happy to see these friends who used to play football together.

Although he is already a big star, but after all, he is young, and he soon got together with his classmates again.

After dinner, Wang Jianping asked Jiang Xiaolin if he should go back to school.

Because Jiang Xiaolin is now the most famous person who has gone out of the school.

Fortunately, the school didn't do much when Jiang Xiaolin was in the Eredivisie, but when Jiang Xiaolin was selected for the Olympic team, the school immediately posted Jiang Xiaolin's photo on the famous alumni wall, and used it to promote it from time to time.

Among the middle-aged and elderly people on the alumni wall, only Jiang Xiaolin is 16 years old. This is very embarrassing for Jiang Xiaolin.

After Jiang Xiaolin thought about it, he decided to ask Wang Jianping to ask, if the school welcomes him, he would not mind going back to school to have a look.

Naturally, it is impossible for the school to disagree.

When Wang Jianping called the head teacher, the head teacher contacted the principal. After talking directly with Jiang Xiaolin, the headmaster agreed that Jiang Xiaolin would return to school tomorrow Monday to participate in a football friendly match, and let Jiang Xiaolin lead his original class team against school varsity.

Originally, the principal wanted Jiang Xiaolin to give a speech, but Jiang Xiaolin was a little too frightened to agree to this, and finally changed it to a friendly football match.

After discussing the matter, Jiang Xiaolin also informed the two reporters of Qianzhou TV Station about the matter.

Those two people are still staying in Chacheng County, and they want to interview Jiang Xiaolin for more news!

Jiang Xiaolin and his mother bought a house, and had dinner with classmates and friends. It's not easy to call them, but they can be called when they go back to school for a friendly match tomorrow.

The two reporters from the county TV station were also notified.

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