God of Greenery

Chapter 180

After Riji scored a penalty kick in the 72nd minute to equalize the score for Serbia, the two sides did not score any more goals.

Although Serbia wants to take advantage of the morale of the equalizer to make persistent efforts and reverse the score, it lacks some attacking strength and luck.

As for the Hua Guo team, although the morale was a bit low, they did not mess up the rules, and continued to tenaciously implement the defensive counterattack tactics of the head coach Dujkovic.

Of course, there were few counterattacks, but the defense has been firmly done, and Serbia has not been allowed to score.

The situation between the two sides reached a stalemate for a while.

Serbia can't attack the Hua Guo team's penalty area, and it is difficult for the Hua Guo team to counterattack beyond the center line and enter the opponent's half.

The game came close to the end of the regular game time under the stalemate between the two sides.

Many people had a premonition that the game would end in a draw.

If it ends with this score, it will be a good result no matter whether it is against the Chinese team or Serbia.

The Hua Guo team drew with the European team Serbia, and it is not bad if they do not lose. This must be a good experience for the Hua Guo Olympic team to play Belgium in the Olympics.

For the Serbians, who were originally 0-2 behind, they were able to equalize the score in the end, which is also very good.

Ending the game with such a score is acceptable to everyone.

In addition, after playing for more than 80 minutes, everyone was a little tired. Whether it was the Chinese players or the Serbian players, they couldn't run anymore.

After all, no one is an iron man.

However, Jiang Xiaolin, the only striker of the Huaguo team, did not give up.

Although he didn't get any good opportunities in the second half, he kept running back and forth, looking for gaps that he could use.

Although most of the time even if he finds a gap, his teammates can't find it and can't cooperate.Or the teammate with the ball found it, but failed to deliver the ball accurately to his feet.

But this does not prevent Jiang Xiaolin from continuing to move around and look for gaps.

For the sake of system rating, he has to take every training and every game seriously until the end of the training or game.

Of course, this has become his training and competition habit now, and it seems that he cannot stop until the last moment.

This is also the reason why reporters and fans like him more, because in everyone's opinion, although Jiang Xiaolin is very talented, his spirit of fighting to the last moment in every game is more worthy of everyone's admiration.

Speaking of the game, the two Serbian central defenders were dragged by Jiang Xiaolin for almost half of the game, and they were also very tired.

At the end of the game, once Jiang Xiaolin withdrew to his own half, the two of them no longer followed closely, but stayed near the top of the circle in their own half.

In the 88th minute, Jiang Xiaolin had no choice but to return to his own half as the two sides competed at the front of the Hua Guo team's penalty area and the ball could not be passed.

Of course, he didn't get too close to the penalty area, and he still had to leave enough room for himself to counterattack.

The defense can only be handed over to the teammates!
However, Jiang Xiaolin's retreat this time ushered in a fatal blow.

Just when Jiang Xiaolin crossed the center line and retreated to his own half in less than 10 seconds, Huaguo defender Li Weifeng made a ferocious and accurate shovel, breaking the ball at the feet of Serbian forward Rakić.

The shoveled ball landed at the feet of the midfielder Zhao Xuri.

Because there were too many people near the penalty area, Zhao Xuri was worried that his sticky ball would be broken, and then the opponent could take advantage of the situation to counterattack and threaten the goal.

Therefore, Zhao Xuri didn't even stop the ball, and just passed the ball with one kick.

The direction given was exactly Jiang Xiaolin who had just crossed the center line and was standing at the top of the arc of the center circle.

And Zhao Xuri's pass this time was very lucky. The pass was quite standard and fast, but it did not deviate from the opposite direction.

The ball quickly fell to Jiang Xiaolin's feet. Jiang Xiaolin easily stopped and turned the ball with his full-value stopping skills, and then he turned around and rushed towards Serbia's half court. There was no time for the Serbian players behind him to return to defense .

However, six or seven meters ahead, in Serbia's half, there were still two Serbian central defenders blocking Jiang Xiaolin's path, ready to block Jiang Xiaolin with a closed door.

But the two haven't closed yet, there is a gap of two or three meters.

Although Jiang Xiaolin only has the breakthrough skill of fried meatballs, it doesn't mean that he can't break through at all. After all, he is also very fast.

Sometimes, just passing the ball directly can eat the opponent raw with speed.

Seeing the huge gap between the opponent's two central defenders, Jiang Xiaolin suddenly had a flash of inspiration while sprinting with the ball, and kicked the ball between the two central defenders.

Seeing the ball rolling over between the two, the two central defenders moved closer subconsciously.

Although the ball was faster than them and failed to stop it, their idea was to just stop Jiang Xiaolin.As for the ball, if no one chased it, it would naturally be caught by the goalkeeper, and there was no threat.

However, what surprised the two of them was that when their centers of gravity began to move closer, Jiang Xiaolin, who kicked the ball between them, changed direction and went around the outside of the left central defender.

The ball is divided!

Jiang Xiaolin used the technique of passing the ball in this game without a teacher.

Of course, it is not completely self-taught. After all, I have seen many other stars use this trick on TV, and I have the impression that I can use it at this time and know how to use it.

However, Jiang Xiaolin, who had never used this move before, did catch the two central defenders of Serbia by surprise, and they were broken through before they could even react.

The left central defender subconsciously turned around and wanted to pull Jiang Xiaolin, but unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaolin's angle of rotation was a bit too wide, so that he not only failed to pull Jiang Xiaolin, but tripped himself on the ground, only the other right central defender went to chase Jiang Xiaolin is gone.

But the turn of the right central defender was still a bit slower than that of Jiang Xiaolin.

Although Jiang Xiaolin was delayed for a while by changing directions and the speed of dribbling dropped, Jiang Xiaolin's speed was very fast.

Compared with the slow central defender, the speed is faster.

The right central defender tried his best to chase back, but he couldn't close the distance with Jiang Xiaolin. The two kept a distance of three or four meters and rushed towards the Serbian penalty area one after the other.

In fact, Jiang Xiaolin has formed a single sword.

Neither the central defender nor the other Serbian players behind him could catch up with Jiang Xiaolin.

Jiang Xiaolin used a one-ball pass and excellent speed to abruptly get a chance to go to the meeting solo in this counterattack.

When Jiang Xiaolin dribbled the ball to the front of the penalty area, seeing that his teammates had no chance of catching up with Jiang Xiaolin, the goalkeeper Stojkovic in the small penalty area had no choice but to attack.

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