God of Greenery

Chapter 177 Assist

Indeed, in the first live broadcast of Jiang Xiaolin's game on the National Television Sports Channel, Jiang Xiaolin scored the first goal of the game and helped the Olympic team lead Serbia 1-0. This is simply the most ideal scenario in everyone's mind.

Therefore, although it was already midnight, there were deafening cheers from countless fans all over the country.

As for disturbing the family, disturbing the neighbors and so on, I can't care about it anymore.

What many fans saw was not only Jiang Xiaolin's goal, not only the Olympic team's 1-0 lead over Serbia, but also the prospects of the Olympic team in the Olympics, and even the prospect of Huaguo football in the next ten or 20 years.

A superstar's promotion to a country's football is undoubtedly huge.

If Jiang Xiaolin enters the five major leagues in the future, and even enters the Champions League, and achieves more dazzling results, it will undoubtedly drive countless Huaguo children to participate in this sport, increase the population of Huaguo football, and the future of Huaguo football can be expected clicked.

Of course, apart from ordinary fans, the whole room in Jiang Liantao's house in Chacheng County was also quite excited.

Especially for Jiang Liantao, it was the first time that she saw her son jumping high in the penalty area of ​​Serbia, which was tall and burly, and headed the ball into the opponent's goal with his outstanding head, which made her feel a feeling of tears.

I raised my son alone for more than ten years. During this period, I was criticized and suffered a lot. Today I feel that all the sacrifices are worth it!
Of course, the landlord's eldest sister, two friends who are also vegetable vendors, and two reporters from the county TV station also applauded and cheered in the room, excited for Jiang Xiaolin's goal, and congratulated Jiang Liantao.

Everyone had a premonition that Chacheng County was about to give birth to the most famous star ever.

At the scene, Jiang Xiaolin, who scored the goal, naturally celebrated fiercely with his teammates.

If Jiang Xiaolin felt a little downhearted after scoring a goal in the last game against the Belgrade regional selection team, then Jiang Xiaolin felt that the goal was very valuable in this game.

Because the opponents are different.

Serbia is a European team.

If you can score goals on such a team and have not conceded a goal yet, then it is of great reference value.

Perhaps, if everyone works harder and cultivates a tacit understanding of cooperation, it is really possible to fight with Belgium when the Olympic Games begins and fight for a place to qualify.

Therefore, whether it is Jiang Xiaolin or other teammates, they are really happy for this goal.

Of course, the coaches, team doctors, translators, and substitute players on the sidelines also celebrated the goal enthusiastically.

Relatively speaking, Serbian players and fans feel a little annoyed.

Everyone understands that in terms of team strength, Serbia is stronger than the Hua Guo team, and the previous game process clearly showed this.

But the problem is that Serbia does not have a super striker like Jiang Xiaolin of the Hua Guo team, and their scoring efficiency is quite poor, making their threat to the Hua Guo team's goal even less than the Hua Guo team's threat to their goal.

As for the number of goals that really determine the outcome of the game, needless to say, they fell behind 0-1.

This made many Serbian players feel unconvinced and unwilling.

Therefore, after the game restarted, although the two central defenders still did not dare to press up to participate in the attack, the other players pressed up more than before, hoping to use a more violent attack to break through the Hua Guo team's goal.

However, the number of people accumulated in the restricted area of ​​Huaguo is too many.

Although Serbia has stepped up its offensive, it is still unable to break through the Hua Guo team's goal.

Not to mention breaking the goal, even the number of times he scored into the penalty area is very small.

Even if there is an occasional shot, it is either missed or the angle is not tricky, and it is easily confiscated or saved by the goalkeeper Qiu Shengjiong. Anyway, it is difficult to score a goal.

On the contrary, the Hua Guo team played threatening counterattacks from time to time, which made the Serbian fans in the stands very nervous.

However, no matter how nervous, what should come will still come.

In the 38th minute, it was originally Serbia's frontcourt attack. As a result, their midfielder made a pass error under the pressure of the Huaguo team. A midfielder passed the ball to the forward with insufficient strength and was blocked by midfielder Tan Wangsong. Going forward and intercepting the ball.

Then, without waiting for the opponent to fight back, Tan Wangsong kicked the ball into the frontcourt with a big kick.

However, the ball was not very wide, and it fell when it was still some distance from Serbia's penalty area line, failing to take advantage of Jiang Xiaolin's speed.

After Jiang Xiaolin took the position and unloaded the ball, he was stopped by two Serbian central defenders and it was difficult to advance.

He does have 18-point fried meatballs, but he has used it a few times before, and the opponent already knows this trick of his and is prepared.

In addition, Jiang Xiaolin doesn't know other extraordinary skills, so it seems relatively weak, and it is difficult to break through successfully.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaolin saw Wang Yongbai, who was plugging in behind him, was about to run over from the side.

So Jiang Xiaolin didn't hesitate any longer, and made a cross pass, accurately passing the ball to Wang Yongbai's way forward.

Jiang Xiaolin's full-value short pass attributes make his pass very precise, no matter the speed or angle, there is no deviation.

Chased by the Serbian midfielder behind him, Wang Yongbai comfortably received Jiang Xiaolin's pass, then moved forward, and rushed towards the Serbian penalty area without stopping.

Although there were still people chasing behind, because Jiang Xiaolin passed the ball so comfortably, Wang Yongbai did not slow down at all, and the chasing Serbian player could not immediately close the distance with Wang Yongbai.

Even if Wang Yongbai's dribbling speed is slightly reduced, it is difficult to get close to the interference for a while.

When the Serbian player chasing at full speed approached Wang Yongbai, Wang Yongbai had already brought the ball into the penalty area.

Facing the attacking goalkeeper Stojkovic, Wang Yongbai, who is capable of playing as a midfielder in the Huaguo team and has relatively good footwork, made a calm lob shot and picked the ball over the goalkeeper's head.

Stojkovic, who was half squatting, could only subconsciously wave his hand upwards, but he didn't touch anything. Then he turned his head and watched in despair as the ball crossed a parabola in the air and flew directly into the goal behind him. inside.

Wang Yongbai scored the second goal for the Hua Guo team, helping the Hua Guo team lead Serbia 2-0.

The assist came from Jiang Xiaolin.

Therefore, when Wang Yongbai hit the ball, he immediately turned around and rushed towards Jiang Xiaolin, hugging him fiercely and celebrating.

Other players rushed up excitedly and surrounded the two to celebrate.

In the situation where Serbia has been under pressure, everyone did not expect that the Hua Guo team could lead Serbia 2-0.

This made many viewers and fans feel surprised, shocked, and pleasantly surprised.

In particular, Wang Yongbai's goal made everyone realize that apart from Jiang Xiaolin, the rest of the Huaguo team can also score goals.

Although the ball was assisted by Jiang Xiaolin, Wang Yongbai's calm lob shot against the goalkeeper also showed good technical skills.

With Jiang Xiaolin as a super striker and teammates like Wang Yongbai performing well, the Hua Guo Olympic team might really be able to achieve good results in the Olympics.

Everyone is looking forward to the Olympics even more.

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