God of Greenery

Chapter 159 The Second Goal

The teammates were not motivated, and Jiang Xiaolin had nothing to do.

He would like to break through the SBV elite's defense line by himself, but he only knows how to use deep-fried meatballs. From the last game to this one, the opponent has basically realized that Jiang Kobayashi only knows this trick.

In addition, Jiang Xiaolin's fried meatball attribute is only 16 points, not very high, not very sudden and perfect, it is difficult to break through when the opponent is mentally prepared.

No matter how he did it, Jiang Xiaolin might do five deep-fried meatball movements, but he could only break through once.

This is also the reason why Jiang Xiaolin's physical fitness is very strong, otherwise, he might not be able to pass once.

This is naturally abnormal for a 16-point attribute, but there is nothing to do, who made Jiang Xiaolin only know this trick?

If you know how to use more tricks and use them in exchange, the opponent doesn't know how you will break through him, so you can't prevent it in advance, and the success rate will be much higher.

He failed to make a breakthrough, and his teammates were not very motivated. Most of them stayed behind to defend and did not have a high desire to counterattack. Jiang Xiaolin could not get support, and he could not get a chance to counterattack for a long time.

On the contrary, under the pressure of relegation, the SBV elite attacked recklessly, and got some good shooting opportunities.

However, the forwards of the elite team are not strong. Even if they had a few good shots, they failed to hit the ball.

It was either flying or missing, or the angle of strength was not enough, which was easily confiscated by Romero.

Until the end of the first half, the elite team failed to equalize the score.

During the half-time break, probably aware of the mentality of the players on the field, Van Gaal replaced Hamdoy with No. 16 third forward Wien Bloom, and replaced Stanley with No. 20 right forward Elm. Tyne Shals.

Both Wien Bloom and Elm are bench players who often enter the roster but hardly get a chance to come off the bench. They will not have a low fighting spirit.

For them, every appearance is an opportunity for them to perform.

Only by showing better performance in the limited playing time can it be possible to get more playing time.

Therefore, after Wien Bloom and Elm came on the field, their fighting spirit was very high, and they were very active in running back and forth, passing and cutting.

With the addition of the left midfielder Simon Poulsen, who is also a rare starter, Jiang Xiaolin finally has more support forces around him, and the pressure on the SBV elite is even greater.

However, these teammates didn't cooperate with Jiang Xiaolin often after all, and being highly motivated didn't help much. It was difficult to cooperate with Jiang Xiaolin.

Even if Jiang Xiaolin's team cooperates fully, it will be difficult to make up for the ideological gap between Elm and others.

Therefore, when Jiang Xiaolin failed to score the second goal, SBV Elite made a beautiful attack in the 57th minute and passed the ball into Alkmaar's penalty area.

Elite striker Yuncudila sprinted into the penalty area and slammed the ball into AZ Alkmaar's goal before Hector Moreno made a clearance.

It was so close that not even Romero could do anything about it.

The elite players who equalized the score celebrated wildly, and the more than 4000 home fans in the stands were also ecstatic, cheering and screaming for the goal with all their might.

They seem to see the possibility of reversing the victory and taking all three points.

If this game gets three points and other relegation opponents fail to win, the elite team still has the possibility of winning the final round and relegation.

Therefore, it is no wonder that the elite team is ecstatic from the players to the fans, as if they have come to life.

But the situation of the next game did not make their dreams come true.

Alkmaar's backcourt players have no fighting spirit when the team is leading, but now that the score has been equalized, it may be reversed, which is unacceptable to them.

Alkmaar has not lost in the last few games!

You can't break the undefeated golden body on the last-to-last SBV elite team.

Therefore, Alkmaar's defense will remain as stable as ever, but the offense will be much sharper.

Because the two full-backs and midfielders began to take turns to insert assists to provide support to the frontcourt.

In the 73rd minute, the second goal that the Huaguo reporters had been waiting for finally appeared.

However, it was not Jiang Xiaolin who took the lead this time.

This attack was due to the right midfielder Elm's counter-robber on the wing. After the counter-robber was successful, he passed the ball to Maarten Martens in the center.

After Martens broke through a midfielder of the elite team, he saw that Jiang Xiaolin was being firmly marked by two guards of the elite team, so he passed the ball to another forward, Wien Bloom, who was unmarked.

After Martens passed the ball, the elite team panicked and ran over to a defender trying to defend Wien Bloom.

But Wienblum naturally couldn't wait for the opponent to get close before shooting.

Before the defender could block the angle, Wienblum fired a long-range shot from outside the penalty area.

After Wien Bloom took a shot, everyone's attention was involuntarily attracted by the flying ball, including the defender who was still defending Jiang Xiaolin.

Everyone wanted to see for the first time whether Wien Bloom's shot would score a goal.

The players and fans of Alkmaar are nervous and hope that the goal will be scored, and the players and fans of the SBV elite team hope that the goal will not be scored.

It's natural for people to be attracted to shots, most people can't escape

However, Jiang Xiaolin was the only one who quietly bypassed the defender who had blocked his position and prevented him from rushing into the penalty area, and ran into the penalty area.

Jiang Xiaolin's full value of grabbing points and running without the ball made him feel that Wien Bloom might not score this goal.

Moreover, the position where he runs is also the most likely position where the ball bounces back from his body's intuition.

This is the power of full value grabbing points and running without the ball.

Sure enough, under the watchful eyes of countless people at the scene and in front of the TV, although Wien Bloom's long shot from outside the penalty area bypassed the goalkeeper's save, it hit the post and bounced back into the small penalty area.

Just when the fans of the SBV elite breathed a sigh of relief and felt that they had escaped, a player wearing an Alkmaar jersey appeared in the small penalty area, raised his foot lightly and shot the ball, and hit the ball Into the Elite empty goal after the goalie was down.

Only then did everyone see that it was Alkmaar's No. 29 player: Jiang Xiaolin!
Jiang Xiaolin scored his second goal of the game with a supplementary shot, scored twice, and helped Alkmaar take the lead again. The score became 1-2, and the visiting team Alkmaar took the lead.

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