God of Greenery

Chapter 15 Signature

On the sidelines, the Pulmes fans applauded Jiang Xiaolin's five goals in a single game while discussing in amazement.

"Oh my god, five goals in a single game is too overbearing!"

"It's the first time I've seen a single player score five goals in a game."

"This efficiency is simply a super striker!"

"Scored nine in three games, averaging three per game. It's equivalent to a hat-trick in every game. It's terrifying."

"Not only that, you can see that Jiang's goals are also increasing. One in the last game, three in the last game, and five in this game. Do you think he will score seven in the next game?"

"Unlikely, right?"

"Why not?"


Ordinary audiences were just surprised and sighed by Jiang Xiaolin's performance, and then talked a lot, but Philip's eyes were shining like a wolf who found its prey.

Jiang Xiaolin's performance in the previous four goals had already made Philip determined to take him away.

For the fifth goal, Jiang Xiaolin's sprint speed showed Philip the urge to kidnap Jiang Xiaolin.

Such a player should never stay in Puermes and play in the D-level amateur league again. This is simply a blasphemy against football.

Jiang Xiaolin should go to the top league and show his talents to the world on live TV instead of playing amateur games in this broken stadium where only a few dozen spectators can see.

Moreover, among the dozens of spectators, many of them were relatives and friends of the players who played.

This is the dust of the pearl!
For the goal just now, Jiang Xiaolin ran at his fastest speed because his teammate passed the ball too far and needed to fight for the ball with the opponent's goalkeeper.

The physical fitness brought by the genetic atavism made Jiang Xiaolin's speed like lightning. He even hit the ball before the goalkeeper who was attacking while the football was flying forward.

Philip clearly witnessed the scene of Jiang Xiaolin turning around, starting offside, and sprinting at full speed.

With such a speed, Philip feels that he can compete with those famous speed forwards in the top league.

Strong body, fast speed, high off-ball running ability, superb shooting skills, and an amateur part-time player who does not spend any transfer fees.

It would be a crime not to sign such a player quickly.


On the sidelines, Jiang Xiaolin, who celebrated his goal, was replaced by the substitute striker in his 40s. After celebrating with the coach and teammates on the bench, he sat down on the concrete steps used as a bench to rest on the sidelines.

After Jiang Xiaolin left the field, it seemed that both sides lost their enthusiasm for the game.

Pulmes is leading 6-0, and the chances of winning are in hand, so there is no need for the players to waste their energy and stimulate their opponents.

And Flissin fell behind 0-6, with no hope of equalizing, and no fighting spirit.

More than ten minutes later, the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game without giving any stoppage time.

The game ended with Jiang Xiaolin scoring five goals in a single game, and Puermes bloodbathed Flissin 6-0.

The moment the game ended, the pleasant electronic sound of the system sounded in Jiang Xiaolin's mind again.


However, just as Jiang Xiaolin was about to open the package to open the level gift package to see what skills the skill wheel could unlock, several ten-year-old fans ran to the bench to find Jiang after hearing the whistle of the end of the game. Kobayashi is about to sign.

Jiang Xiaolin's five goals in a single game not only surprised, sighed, and heatedly discussed the audience, but these little fans even admired and fell in love with him and became his fans.

These little fans ran to Jiang Xiaolin, chirping and admiring Jiang Xiaolin:
"Jiang, you are amazing!"

"I admire you so much, you will be my idol from now on!"

"Five goals in a single game, I can't even think about it."

"Is it because you know Huaguo Kung Fu that you are so powerful?"

"I will also play football in the future and score five goals in a game."

"Can you sign me, I will be your fan!"

"And me, can you sign me on the jersey?"


This was a scene that had never happened before, which made Jiang Xiaolin feel a little fresh and mixed feelings.

Think back to the time when I was in the county town, the smugness when I went abroad, the bewilderment when I was cheated out of money, the frustration after being hit by a young Ajax U11 player, and the anxiety of not scoring a goal for 2 months. Now that he has scored 3 goals in 9 games, there are still fans coming to ask for autographs.

With the magnificent experience in just half a year, it is no wonder that Jiang Xiaolin has mixed feelings.

Of course, he can only speak Dutch now, but he can't write it. In the end, he could only sign his name in Chinese characters for a few young fans.

But the few young fans were still very happy, and happily left with a notebook or jersey signed by Jiang Xiaolin.

Subsequently, part-time players began to line up to receive bonuses.

When it was Jiang Xiaolin's last turn, Van De Nuo handed Jiang Xiaolin the prize money for this game and said: "Jiang, your performance in the last three games is very good. I plan to go back and report to the boss, and I will recruit you into the club full-time. Player signing list. At that time, you will be able to get a fixed monthly salary, and you will no longer have to go to a restaurant to be a waiter, and you can devote yourself to games and training. At the same time, after signing a full-time contract, your appearance fees and goal awards will be paid. Improvement, this is the treatment only for the core players of the team."

After speaking, Van De Nuo looked at Jiang Xiaolin, waiting for Jiang Xiaolin's thanks.

He thought Jiang Xiaolin would be grateful and excited to express his gratitude.

If it wasn't for the fact that he received the task of conquering the Eredivisie scouts before the start of the game, and knew that there were scouts from the Eredivisie club in the stands to inspect him, Jiang Xiaolin might really be moved when he heard Van der Nuo's invitation.

After all, it was Jiang Xiaolin's dream for a long time to support himself completely by playing football.

But now, Jiang Xiaolin has a system plug-in with unlimited prospects. He also knows that there are Eredivisie scouts in the stands for this game, and he staged a good show of five goals in a single game. Tan, I have been invited to try out by the Eredivisie club.

How much is the difference between the Eredivisie and the D amateur league?How far is the income gap between Dutch players and amateur players?

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the world is different.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Xiaolin could be said to have no turmoil in his heart for the invitation sent by Van De Nuo, let alone grateful.

This is just because I can score goals now.

If you can't score, just like the previous two months, van der Nuo directly threatened to expel himself.

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