God of Greenery

Chapter 135 Cashier

Baker is a resolute person, otherwise he would not be able to sign a world superstar like Ballack.

After making a decision, Baker immediately acted.

In today's Alkmaar VS Graf Sharp match, Baker appeared in the stands of the AFAS Stadium with his assistants.

When Jiang Xiaolin scored the first goal, Baker had already decided to sign Jiang Xiaolin.

When Jiang Xiaolin scored twice, Baker was already a little too excited to control himself.

When Jiang Xiaolin assisted Dembele to score Alkmaar's third goal, Baker stood up and applauded like other fans.

Of course, other fans applauded for Dembele and the goal, and Baker applauded for Jiang Xiaolin who assisted.

After the game, Baker and his assistants, like Mitchell, had smiles on their faces. It was a kind of happy smile that picked up a big deal.


After the game, Jiang Xiaolin returned to the medical center, and Horatio used the advanced equipment of the medical center to conduct a more detailed and comprehensive examination of Jiang Xiaolin's injured right foot.

In the end, it was confirmed that Jiang Xiaolin was really just a skin trauma, and he would be fine after two days of rest, and everyone was really relieved.

The next day, Dutch media reported that Jiang Xiaolin led Alkmaar to a 3-0 victory over Graf Sharp with two goals and one assist.

This time, the media really put Jiang Xiaolin at the core of the team, most of them used the word "leader".

This basically recognized Jiang Xiaolin's core position in the Alkmaar team.

As for China, there were overwhelming reports like an earthquake.

Because of Jiang Xiaolin's 9 goals, he has already broken the single-season record of the highest goals scored by a Hua country overseas player in a top foreign league created by Yang Chen in Frankfurt.

Everyone used the front page headlines and the most shocking headlines to report Jiang Xiaolin's new record.

"Jiang Xiaolin scored twice and scored the 9th goal in the Eredivisie, creating the highest scoring record for Chinese players in a single season in Europe! "

"Jiang Xiaolin's 6 goals in 9 games in the Eredivisie set a new record for Chinese players studying abroad in a single season! "

"The wave behind the Yangtze River pushes the wave ahead, and there are talents from generation to generation. Yang Chen's Bundesliga record of 8 goals in a single season was broken by Jiang Xiaolin's 9 goals! "

TV, newspapers, websites, all major media rushed to report.

On post bars, forums, blogs, and QQ groups, fans and netizens were overwhelmed with excitement, discussing everywhere about the miracle Jiang Xiaolin created in Europe.

"Damn it, Jiang Xiaolin is really awesome. He scored 6 goals in only 9 games, breaking Yang Chen's record. Back then, it took 8 games for Yang Chen to score 23 goals. The game, but we all feel that it is already awesome."

"The key is that Jiang Xiaolin is only 16 years old. This age is really a fortress! The future is great!"

"At this level, is it enough to play in the five major leagues?"

"Absolutely enough! It's just that the time may be too short and the experience is too little. The teams in the five major leagues are not afraid to introduce him."

"I don't care about European affairs. I only care about our own. If the Olympic team doesn't recruit Jiang Xiaolin to play in the Olympics, I'll smash the door of the Football Committee."

"That's right, the National Olympic team doesn't recruit such awesome players, it's simply blind!"

"When the time comes, I really don't want to recruit Jiang Xiaolin. Call me when you knock on the door."

"Add me one!"


While the outside world was discussing Jiang Xiaolin's game last night, Jiang Xiaolin was already preparing to complete his first endorsement event.

On Sunday, March 2008, 3, at 23:9 a.m., in the commercial center of Axis District, about 1 km away from Chinatown in the south of Amsterdam, the entrance of the first branch of Yiwei Supermarket Amsterdam with a business area of ​​about 1000 square meters was crowded.

Many overseas Chinese and local fans flocked under a stage, and there were more than a dozen reporters and photographers with long guns and short guns, waiting for the start of the event.

The background of the stage is a photo of Jiang Xiaolin holding a football standing at the entrance of Yiwei Supermarket, with the words "Opening Ceremony of the First Branch of Yiwei Supermarket in Amsterdam and Signing Ceremony of Football Star Jiang Xiaolin Endorsing Yiwei Supermarket".

The signing was completed a few days ago, and the purpose of holding this ceremony is just to create a sense of presence in the media.

In particular, Jiang Xiaolin scored twice last night and had an assist. The enthusiasm is high, and the signing ceremony can be regarded as striking while the iron is hot.

Didn't you see reporters and photographers from more than a dozen media came down the stage?

In normal times, a branch of a small supermarket opens, so many journalists cannot be invited with money.

It's all about Jiang Xiaolin's face.

There were also those onlookers, in addition to the overseas Chinese and overseas students from Chinatown, there were also many local Dutch people, and many of them knew Jiang Xiaolin in the photo.

Obviously, Jiang Xiaolin has been recognized by many Dutch people for his continuous outstanding performance in recent games and constant news reports.

Although Amsterdam is not the headquarters of Alkmaar, it does not affect Jiang Xiaolin's outstanding performance to attract some Amsterdam citizens to love him.

In particular, most of his teammates and fans of Puermes, the D-level amateur team he played in, came to the scene to support Jiang Xiaolin.

In addition to some citizens who did not know Jiang Xiaolin but watched the excitement, there were hundreds of people standing in the square at the entrance, and the momentum was quite large.

At 9 o'clock sharp, Yiwei Supermarket started with a professional host invited by the TV station, introduced the basic situation of Yiwei Supermarket, and then introduced Jiang Xiaolin's achievements since he entered the Eredivisie League, which was enthusiastically received by hundreds of audience Applause.

Then, under the flashlight of more than a dozen Dutch media reporters, Jiang Xiaolin and Mitchell completed a symbolic signing ceremony. Jiang Xiaolin also thanked the fans for their support, and then announced that he will be the cashier of Yiwei Supermarket , Welcome everyone to enter and shop.

This naturally ignited the shopping enthusiasm of all the audience. Everyone rushed into the supermarket to buy a lot, and called friends and friends to ask people to buy things, watch celebrities, and enjoy the treatment of celebrities as cashiers to check them out.

There are three checkout counters at the exit of the supermarket. After changing into supermarket clothes, Jiang Xiaolin stood behind one of the checkout counters. After being explained and operated by a regular cashier, he learned how to register.

Then, a Huaguo international student who ran the fastest bought a pack of tissues not far from the door, and ran over to ask Jiang Xiaolin to pay the bill.

When Jiang Xiaolin was paying the bill, the foreign student from Huaguo took out a notebook and a pen, and said excitedly, "Jiang Xiaolin, you are amazing! Please sign it for me!"

Jiang Xiaolin naturally agreed and signed for him.

Then, the international student said "Come on", and then reluctantly went out and left.

In fact, he came here specifically to ask Jiang Xiaolin for his autograph, and shopping was not the main purpose.

But many citizens still bought a lot of things, anyway, they can buy them wherever they buy, and the Yiwei Supermarket opened on the first day, and there are discounts!
However, most people lined up at Jiang Xiaolin's place to check out after buying something.

And many people also prepared jerseys, notebooks and other things, asking Jiang Xiaolin to sign and take a group photo.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin's checkout speed is very slow and very tiring.

After an hour's break at noon, Jiang Xiaolin worked until 7:[-] in the evening, and then he apologized repeatedly to some citizens who were still queuing up, and then left.

Originally, he only stood until 5 o'clock, but Jiang Xiaolin only stood for two more hours because of the fans' constant persuasion.

But he can't stand forever, he has to eat and rest too!

And standing up all day, talking, signing, and interacting with the fans, Jiang Xiaolin's physical fitness is a bit unbearable.

However, this first endorsement campaign is finally complete.

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