God of Greenery

Chapter 120

The game in the heavy rain was really difficult to play.

Whether it is Alkmaar or Utrecht, players are prone to errors in ground passes or dribbling.

Especially when passing the ball, the ball that was intended to be passed to a teammate may sink into a puddle halfway and be unable to roll, and be easily intercepted by the opponent.

Of course, this harsh environment is fair to both parties, and everyone makes mistakes constantly.

The mistakes in the midfield are okay, everyone is just grabbing back and forth, and the ball changes hands faster.

But if there is a mistake in the backcourt, it is simply fatal.

And Romero was unlucky and met a pig teammate.

He knew that it was raining heavily and it was easy to miss the pass, but someone passed the ball back to him, which led to bad consequences.

In the 8th minute, Alkmaar's midfield pass was pressed by the Utrecht team, and the ball was passed all the way back to the defender's feet.

Alkmaar's starting central defender Hector Moreno may still be a little less experienced. He is only 20 years old. There were opposing players defending, so he turned and kicked the ball back to goalkeeper Sergio Romero.

If it wasn't for the weather, it would be no problem to transmit back like this.

But the problem is that the weather for this game is not good. Under the pouring rain, even if the stadium has drainage facilities, there are still many puddles in the stadium.

And Moreno's foot stuck to the ground to pass back, and when he was unlucky, he fell into a puddle when he rolled to the penalty area line, and suddenly stood still.

This caught Romero, who was standing on the line of the penalty area ready to receive the ball, off guard.

By the time he reacted and wanted to attack for the ball, it was over.

Robin Nealth, who forced Moreno to pass the ball back, did not stop, but continued to chase the ball into the penalty area, with the intention of continuing to force the goalkeeper.

Unexpectedly, he was lucky enough to encounter Moreno's pass error, easily snatched the ball back, and then made an easy lob without stopping the ball, lobbing the ball over the head of Romero who was attacking, and fell into the Goal behind him.

Utrecht, who played at home, took advantage of Alkmaar defender Moreno's return pass error to take the lead, leading 1-0.

This goal made thousands of Utrecht fans who watched the game in the rain crazy, cheering in the wind and rain.

However, Alkmaar has not lost confidence.

In fact, Alkmaar has the advantage on the field, but because of bad luck, he did not score first.

Jiang Xiaolin's excellent physical fitness, coupled with full-value running off the ball, grabbing points, balance, jumping, heading, etc., made him feel like a fish in water in air combat.

As long as a teammate can pass the ball from the wing, he has a high chance of grabbing the first header to attack the goal.

It's just that, in this game, Utrecht also focused on Jiang Xiaolin like Feyenoord, so Jiang Xiaolin's chances of getting a header are not so frequent.

However, there is always.

For example, in the 5th minute, Jiang Xiaolin actually threatened Utrecht with a header.

It's just that, under the interference of the opponent's defender, the header was slightly straightened, and was blocked by the goalkeeper Grando with his feet.

However, although they did not score, the players of Alkmaar are still very confident.

On the one hand, the heavy rain environment of this game is conducive to Jiang Xiaolin's air superiority to be exerted even greater.

On the other hand, it is natural that Utrecht is not as strong as Feyenoord, and the defensive effect against Jiang Xiaolin is not so good.

The last point is that after experiencing the Feyenoord game, Jiang Xiaolin also has some new experience in facing defense.

Although this cannot be compared with the effect of the system to improve skills, it is not so obvious, but there is always some progress.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin's performance in this game was much better than the previous one.

In the 14th minute, Alkmaar got a free kick near the midfield. Poconioli hoisted the ball into the penalty area with a big foot. The collision of two Utrecht players grabbed the first point and shook his head.

It's a pity that there are too many people around, too much interference, and I don't have the strength to top it up, so I was thrown out by the goalkeeper.

Despite this, Jiang Xiaolin has completed two headers in the first 15 minutes, which is much better than not having a single shot in the first 15 minutes of the previous game.

However, no matter how many shots, no goals are useless.

What's more, Alkmaar is still behind.

No matter whether Jiang Xiaolin or the other teammates, everyone was struggling, running, and trying to pass from the bottom.

In this kind of heavy rain, the tactics of the two teams are actually similar.

But Utrecht's center air combat ability is not as good as Jiang Xiaolin's.

If it weren't for the dribble in the 8th minute, everyone should still be 0-0 now.

However, since the ball has been conceded, just try to get it back.

Jiang Xiaolin couldn't believe that he still couldn't score a single goal in this game.

That's too sorry for the * of the system.

Running without the ball is at full value, and with the addition of the full-value grabbing skill, Jiang Xiaolin's judgment of where the ball will land in the air is indeed much sharper.

After continuous fighting efforts, Jiang Xiaolin finally got a good chance in the 23rd minute.

It was also an error in Utrecht's pass in midfield, allowing David Mendes to snatch the ball and pass it to Maarten Martens.

Jiang Xiaolin, Hamdoy, Shars and others instantly changed direction and rushed towards the opponent's penalty area.

Martens did not delay in the middle, and passed decisively to Charles on the wing.

However, there was Utrecht's full-back defending on the wing, so Schals made a two-for-one cooperation with Hamdoy, successfully passed the full-back, and then made a pass from the bottom.

Relying on his full-scale off-the-ball running and spot-grabbing attributes, Jiang Xiaolin rushed into the penalty area and saw the air ball passed from the side. He jumped to the top and headed the ball to the far end of the goal.

After Jiang Xiaolin pushed the ball out, the defender who marked him rushed to his side, it was too late.

Regardless of the judgment of the landing point or the speed of running, the defender was far behind Jiang Xiaolin, so that Jiang Xiaolin grabbed the first point and completed the header without paying attention.

Moreover, the quality of this header is still very high.

The ball passed from the side was already very fast, but when Jiang Xiaolin made a powerful dive to the top, the ball was even faster.

Even though the goalkeeper Grando made a save, he still failed to save the conceded goal.

Alkmaar scored the equalizer with Jiang Xiaolin's header, and the score was 1-1.

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