God of Greenery

Chapter 106: 2 Degrees

On the field, Jiang Xiaolin was still running towards Luoda JC's big penalty area.

More than 5000 home fans in the stands booed and cursed continuously, trying to influence Jiang Xiaolin's performance.

But Jiang Xiaolin was not affected at all.

Jiang Xiaolin is probably the person who has the most confidence in himself in the sport of football because of the system cheat.

What is the Eredivisie.

Jiang Xiaolin has long fantasized about conquering the five major leagues, galloping in the Champions League, and winning the Golden Globe as if he was in a pocket.

Moreover, strictly speaking, this is not a fantasy, but a fact that will definitely happen in the future.

If none of these can be done, the thing possessed by him will not be called the God of Greenery System.

If he doesn't win ten or eight Golden Globe Awards and break a series of world records, can he be called the God of Greenery?
In the system package, there are even such heaven-defying things as healing potions. Even serious injuries can be recovered, and they will not directly ruin their careers like others.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin is destined to conquer the world of football.

Compared with the stage that Jiang Xiaolin will conquer in the future, the scene of the Eredivisie League, a secondary league, is nothing compared to the stage that Jiang Xiaolin will conquer in the future.

After the initial discomfort of the first game in three games, the booing from the away fans has completely dissipated him.

As he ran, he looked up occasionally to observe where the aerial football landed.

When it was more than ten meters away from the penalty area line, the football had already started to drop obviously, and Jiang Xiaolin also adjusted his pace to meet the ball falling in the air.

Sankay and Xinton are still sprinting with all their strength, but they are sprinting in different directions.

Sankai wanted to rush to the front of Jiang Xiaolin, and then turn around to block Jiang Xiaolin's way forward.

Xinton wanted to grab the spot with Jiang Xiaolin, and if he couldn't grab it, he had to entangle Jiang Xiaolin, and he couldn't let him easily dribble into the penalty area.

However, no one knew Jiang Xiaolin's plan.

With such a difficult high-altitude long pass, everyone thought that Jiang Xiaolin would stop, stop, stop the ball, and then decide on the next move.

However, in fact, Jiang Xiaolin didn't intend to stop the ball at all and stop the ball under his feet. Instead, he planned to unload the ball directly in front of him and into the penalty area.

This is more difficult.

In the past, Jiang Xiaolin stopped the ball because his technique was not in place, so he stopped a few meters away.

It was an out-of-control stop. The direction and position were random. Jiang Xiaolin didn't know where the ball would go, and he couldn't follow up and immediately control the ball.

Now Jiang Xiaolin intends to unload the ball a few meters forward, to send the ball into the penalty area on purpose, so as not to affect his running.

Although the stop at 19 points has not yet reached the full value of 20 points, but Jiang Xiaolin doesn't want to stop at his feet and not move at all, as long as the general direction is about the same.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin is [-]% sure that he can unload the ball according to his preset direction and strength.

He has to unload the ball to a position three or four meters in front of him while running, and then rush into the penalty area without stopping, and then shoot directly to score.

Although the speed will be affected a little during this process, it will not stop and wait for Sinton and Sankay behind him to catch up with him, or even run in front of him.

The biggest difficulty is when he unloads the ball while running.

Under the gaze of countless fans at the scene and in front of the TV, Jiang Xiaolin had already run to a position only three or four meters away from the penalty area line.

The ball in the air also fell completely.

However, to everyone's shock, Jiang Xiaolin didn't even stop to unload the ball.

I saw Jiang Xiaolin stretching his legs while running, seeing where the ball landed and lightly unloading the ball on the shoe, but he didn't stop completely.

The ball bounced lightly on the upper of Jiang Xiaolin's right foot, then bounced forward along the sloping instep for more than two meters, fell to the ground and bounced again, and then gently rolled into the penalty area.

The direction and strength were quite perfect, fully achieving the goal Jiang Xiaolin expected.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolin, who unloaded the ball, rushed forward without stopping, and was about to cross the penalty area line with the forward rolling football and enter Luoda JC's penalty area.

When Van Gaal on the sidelines saw this stop, he immediately slapped his hands and shouted excitedly: "Good stop!"

Junker, Alfred and others also cheered up, excitedly looking at Rhoda JC's restricted area.

The eyes of Moisander, Mendes, Dembele and others on the bench all lit up, and they stood up immediately, waiting for Jiang Xiaolin's shot.

Some are happy and some are terrified.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaolin didn't stop, but unloaded the ball to the front while running, and he followed without stopping to rush into the penalty area and was about to shoot, the expressions of Sankai and Xindun behind Jiang Xiaolin suddenly changed .

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaolin slowed down when he unloaded the ball, allowing the two to catch up a little bit.

Taking advantage of Jiang Xiaolin's unloading of the ball, Xinton reached out and grabbed Jiang Xiaolin's shoulder, trying to pull him down outside the penalty area, even if he got a card.

However, even with such a small need for active fouling, Hinton was not satisfied: Jiang Xiaolin quickly threw away his pawing hand, which did not affect Jiang Xiaolin at all.

Sankay, who ran faster, took advantage of the moment Jiang Xiaolin unloaded the ball and slowed down, rushed up, and rushed into the penalty area parallel to Jiang Xiaolin.

Then, when Jiang Xiaolin was about to catch up with the ball, Sankay made a sideways charge, trying to knock Jiang Xiaolin away, staggering with the forward rolling football route, and losing control of the ball and catching up.

But Jiang Xiaolin's body is too strong, and he was already prepared.

Sankay's impact did not affect Jiang Xiaolin's progress at all. He spread his hands, entangled with Sankay and caught up with the football. His right foot hit the football.

He has observed the position of goalkeeper Castro.

Castro's natural defense is the near end.

But Jiang Xiaolin hit the far corner.

The football caught by Jiang Xiaolin's kick ran towards the far goal against the turf. Castro, who was caught off guard, could only fall back to the ground and barely made a pounce, but he didn't touch the shadow of the ball.

The ball ran to the far end of the goal firmly at an extremely fast speed, and got into Roda JC's net close to the foothold.

Seeing the ball hit the net, the commentator immediately roared, saying:

"Go in again, Jiang scored again."

"Another quick counterattack, Jiang shocked the audience with a genius stop performance."

"It was Jiang Xiaolin's non-stop unloading of the ball while running that kept Sankay and Xinton from overtaking and blocking Jiang's way forward."

"Jiang used his strong body to carry Sankay and Hinton to complete the volley goal."

"Jiang Mei scored twice and scored goals in three consecutive games. I think Van Gaal will be very happy."

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