God of Greenery

Chapter 100

After the referee blew the whistle to end the game, Jiang Xiaolin also received the system's experience reward for this game.

In this game, Jiang Xiaolin got a basic reward of 1 for one goal + 2000 for winning = 4000 experience points.

The performance of the game was rated as "good" and received a rating factor of 2. In the end, Jiang Xiaolin's experience in this game was 6000*2=1.2.

Coupled with the training experience of the previous few days, Jiang Xiaolin's level experience has risen to 12/2.24 for level 3, and the next upgrade is not far away.


Although the sky was still drizzling, it was very cold.

But the hearts of the thousands of Alkmaar fans throughout the AFAS stadium are warm.

After the team suffered a six-game losing streak, one draw and six losses in the second half of the season, only these die-hard fans can insist on coming to the home court to watch games in such weather and give the team the greatest support.

Now, their persistence has paid off.

After more than 90 minutes of evenly matched stalemate, Alkmaar finally broke the deadlock with a header from substitute striker Jiang Xiaolin in corner kick tactics, opened the opponent's door, and beat Twente 1-0. A long-lost victory for Alkmaar.

Therefore, after the game, the fans did not leave the field immediately, but continued to sing the team song to celebrate in the field.

Seeing this, the players of Alkmaar did not leave the field immediately. Under the leadership of captain Jalyens, they went to the stand with the most loyal fans, interacted with the fans, and bowed to them.

The fans shouted the names of the players one by one. Even Jiang Xiaolin, a pure rookie on the bench, most fans shouted his name.

Because he scored the ball.

Of course, the most excited are those Chinese fans.

Seeing their compatriots score goals in the Eredivisie and get cheers and applause from the fans, they naturally feel very happy and very proud.

They even shouted the slogan "Jiang Xiaolin-Niu*", but the Dutch couldn't understand it.

In any case, a timely victory made the Alkmaar club breathe a sigh of relief from the top management to the coaches, to the players, to the fans: finally started to win!

After interacting with the fans collectively for a while, everyone approached the stands and signed autographs for some fans.

As the only goal scorer in the game, Jiang Xiaolin was not well-known, but he was the most popular. He signed more than a dozen names before being let off by the fans and getting away from the edge of the stands.

But actually Jiang Xiaolin was very happy.

The reason why he didn't sign more is because other teammates have already left to go back to the locker room. It's not easy for Jiang Xiaolin to stay on the field alone.

Besides, the weather was not good, and it was still drizzling, so I hurried back to the locker room to take a shower and change clothes to avoid catching a cold.

Back in the locker room, after taking a shower and changing clothes, Van Gaal called Jiang Xiaolin's name and asked Jiang Xiaolin to attend the post-match press conference with him.

As the only goal scorer in this game, Jiang Xiaolin deserves this honor.

Of course, the media reporters are most interested in him.

Sure enough, when the reporters in the release hall saw Jiang Xiaolin who appeared at the side door with Van Gaal, they immediately turned on a dazzling flash, which shocked Jiang Xiaolin.

At the press conference, Van Gaal publicly praised Jiang Xiaolin's performance, saying that he was Alkmaar's biggest discovery in the second half of the season and a valuable asset for Alkmaar.

The achievement of scoring goals in two consecutive games off the bench also deserves the praise of Van Gaal.

Especially at Jiang Xiaolin's age, it seemed that his future was boundless.

Even in the Netherlands, where there are many talents, there are very few players who can enter the Eredivisie league stage and score two goals at this age.

The reporters were naturally very interested in this, and asked Jiang Xiaolin questions one after another, asking him how he felt about scoring goals in two consecutive games, how he felt about playing at home for the first time, and so on.

And Jiang Xiaolin's proficiency in Dutch naturally gave the reporters a great impression as always, which made them quite optimistic about Jiang Xiaolin in the subsequent reports.

The next day, the Dutch media reported the news that Jiang Xiaolin came off the bench to win the game in stoppage time, and they were optimistic about his scoring performance in two consecutive games.

As the TV commentator said, another star in football may be rising in the Eredivisie.

Of course, just two games and two goals are not convincing enough. Jiang Xiaolin needs to continue to work hard.

But in the reports of the Chinese media, it is completely different from the Dutch media.

After all, they are their own compatriots, and the Huaguo media spare no effort to praise the overseas players when they perform well.

Jiang Xiaolin came off the bench to take a penalty kick in the last round and was described by the media as turning the tide and helping the team retreat from the away game.

In this game, Jiang Xiaolin scored the only goal in the game to kill the opponent and help Alkmaar win the first victory after the winter break. So the domestic media is still not praising it?
Especially "Sports Weekly", which claims to be Jiang Xiaolin's cooperative media, and Peng Zhijie, a reporter who has a good relationship with Jiang Xiaolin, spares no effort in its praise.

In the descriptions of Chinese media such as "Sports Weekly", although Jiang Xiaolin came off the bench in the 75th minute of the game, but before Jiang Xiaolin came on the field, the game was lackluster, as can be seen from the 0-0 score out.

Only after Jiang Xiaolin came on the field, Van Gaal changed his tactics and began to bomb Twente from the air with Jiang Xiaolin as the core of the attack, which led to the collapse of the opponent. At the last moment, Jiang Xiaolin seized the opportunity to make a final decision.

In the description of the domestic media, Jiang Xiaolin is simply the master of the game.

Without Jiang Xiaolin, there is a high probability that Alkmaar will be a draw, continuing the sad fate of no wins after the winter break.

In two consecutive games, the substitutes only played 20 minutes and scored 2 goals. Jiang Xiaolin's scoring efficiency was touted by the media as a new generation of Huaguo striker and penalty zone killer.

This can be regarded as a characteristic of the domestic football media.

As long as there is a foreign player who performs better, he will be hailed as the master of the game and the savior of the team.

It is even more unique for Jiang Xiaolin to score in two consecutive games when he first joined the Eredivisie, and it cannot be overstated.

But if Jiang Xiaolin's performance is not good, some media will belittle and condemn Huaguo players based on their inferiority.

Just like the national football team, if you play a good game, you will be blown into the possibility of entering the World Cup, and if you lose a game, you may be devalued to nothing.

The Huaguo media is extremely proficient in this set of red top and white.

While Jiang Xiaolin has "Sports Weekly" to cooperate with and speak for himself, he also needs to continue to perform well.

Otherwise, it is equally likely to become the target of domestic media criticism.


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