The Prince of Tennis: Destroying Akutsu at the start

Chapter 70 Mirror Mirror Pupils (Happy New Year Everyone)

"What an amazing boy!"

It's not easy for the young man in front of him to stop and stand without breaking the iron man.However, the more powerful his skills are, the more his eyes will make the opponent feel the despair of being defeated by his own tricks, especially the tricks that contain spiritual meaning.

He always remembered what the Byodoin Institute taught him. After all, physical strength is only the foundation, and only by adding the mystery of spiritual will can he become stronger.

Therefore, while constantly tempering his own foundation, he never broke the iron man and never relaxed the development of his own eyes.

"My eyes are mirror images! Everything will be reflected on you!"

Bupo Iron Man clenched his racket tightly, and the fighting spirit burst out from his body.

This ball did not break the iron man, which fully demonstrated his strong basic strength. The curve of the thrust with the wrist force is not only fast but also the angle is very tricky.

Tsukasa Kimura strode out, lowered his center of gravity and at the same time ruthlessly drew the ball back to the field where he could not break the iron man.

Bupo Tieren's pupils revealed a pale golden radiance, and at this moment he accelerated to the ball's landing point.

"Four Gods Performing Martial Arts - White Tiger!"

The golden light filled the court, and the tennis balls rolled back and forth were as frightening as a white tiger descending the mountain.

"Game, don't break the iron man, 15:15."

"What! Is that Kimura's new trick?!"

Qian Shi was shocked, how did the other party do it?
"It seems that the opponent has the same super imitation ability as Kimura, and is a master of imitation."

Dongfang said with a serious face.

"Any one's own tricks will become the opponent's weapon. This feeling will undoubtedly cause a serious blow to the mental level of the players."

Ban Tiangan also looked at Kimura Division with a smile on the sidelines. If the other party paid such attention, he would suffer a big loss. Kimura Division's mental fortitude is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people, especially not long ago. Received the spiritual guidance of that one.

"This feeling is really amazing!"

Kimura Division twisted and looked at the marks left on the ground and then smiled.

Until now, Kimura Division has not quite figured out the real mystery of not breaking the mirrored pupil of the Iron Man. The only thing that can be clear is the combination of vision and mental power, which is a bit similar to his perfect imitation.However, it would be too naive to use his unique technique to deal with him. Four Gods Performing Martial Arts——Baihu is in the final analysis a super half-volley that combines Aikido techniques into a half-volley. The point in time is to knock it back.

"My eyes are mirror images, and all your moves will eventually bounce back to yourself! Are you ready for defeat, boy!"

The Bupo Iron Man said in a deep voice, the four dreadlocks on the back of his head danced lightly in the wind.

His speech was not a second-year speech, it was an attempt to completely crush Kimura Division with a verbal offensive.No matter what the sport is, there is always a trash talk session.

"If you can do it, try it!"

Kimura Si chuckled nonchalantly, he didn't think he would lose.


Seeing that his verbal offensive seemed to have no effect and did not break the Iron Man, he stopped talking, turned around and returned to the bottom line on the right, and then threw the ball away again.

There was a clear sound of hitting the ball, and a golden arc with an afterimage quickly entered Kimura Division's half court.

"Invasion is like fire!"

The raging fire ignited blazingly, and the reeling tennis ball was wrapped in flames and filled with fiery breath.


This sudden heavy blow caught Bupo Iron Man by surprise, and before he even had time to adjust his posture, the tennis ball hit his racket directly, and instantly he lost control of the racket as soon as he let go of his palm.

"Game, 30:15."

"This kid!"

Bupo Iron Man picked up his racket, and he was inevitably a little angry when he was shot down by a first-year racket in front of so many people.

The powerful topspin shot full of anger swept the air along the way, and the wild air wave rushed to the four directions when it bounced.

"Look at my move, Xu Rulin!"

Kimuraji didn't hurry up, the tennis ball that roared and bounced sank into Xu Rulin's deep forest, and there was no trace of waves immediately.

"Short ball?!"

Everyone in Muzhiteng exclaimed, facing the strong blow of their minister, Yamabuki, this first grader still has the strength to make a short shot?
Even though the unbreakable iron man had tried his best to chase the ball, he failed to catch up after all.

"Game, Secretary Kimura, 40:15."

"What a difficult brat! There is such a trick!"

Bupo Tieren's face was gloomy, obviously he was afraid of the cutting ball that Kimura Division just made.He could clearly feel that all the spin on his ball was wiped out at that moment.

After taking a deep breath and adjusting his own state, Bupo Iron Man served again, and the tennis ball smashed down like a cannonball contained the strength of his whole body.

Tsukasa Kimura stepped to the landing point of the tennis ball, and his backhand lashed the ball like lightning.

"Good come!"

There was a faint golden light in Bupo Tieren's eyes, and the ball hit his chest.

"Four Gods Performing Martial Arts - White Tiger!"

The figure of Kimura Tsukasa was reflected in Bupo Tieren's pupils, and the surge of mental power reflected the four gods performing martial arts and white tiger styles engraved in his mind before.

"Again! Kimura's trick!"

Everyone in Yamabuki who saw this scene suddenly looked solemn, and they didn't know whether Kimura Tsukasa could fight back when faced with his own trick.


Kimura Si snorted coldly, and stepped forward with quick steps.

In the face of a half volley, it is natural to use a half volley to deal with it.

"You have to be careful, this is the real Four Gods Performing Martial Arts - White Tiger!"

Kimura Si shouted loudly, and a dazzling golden light shone from his hand.

Under the strong strength of Kimura Division, a golden streamer flew across the sky, and then under the pressure of violent rotation, it turned a huge arc in the air and smashed down heavily.

"What a joke!"

Bupo Iron Man glared at the racket with both hands, the bouncing tennis ball hit the racket in his hand, and instantly an unrivaled force was transmitted along the racket to his wrist.

The tennis ball smacked heavily on the bottom line with the racket in Unbreakable Iron Man's hand. There was a loud noise, and at the same time, thick smoke billowed from the scene, and the dust and gravel all over the ground were shaken into the sky.

"What a terrifying power!"

Everyone at the scene was stunned. Is this still the destructive power that tennis can cause?
"This game was scored by Tsukasa Kimura of Yamabuki Middle School, the score is 2:1."

"Both sides switch sides!"

The referee on the high chair wiped the sweat from his forehead nervously, and even the voice of reporting the score trembled a little.

That ball just now was really scary.

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