
Although it is said that the lottery was held by Makino Fuji, because there are no good tennis facilities in Hyogo Prefecture, the venue of this national competition is set in Osaka, Kansai.

Osaka Four Seasons Tennis Park.

Early in the morning, tennis fans from all over the country and college players from all over the country gathered here, no matter whether they were selected for the national competition or those who were not selected for the national competition.

"Who do you think will be the national champion this time? Will it be Makino Fuji?"

"It's hard to say! The main players of Makino Fuji have already entered school. Although the rest are quite strong, it is said that a large number of very powerful newcomers have appeared in this year's Kanto."

"Newcomer? Can the newcomer compare with Muzhivine?"

Walking on the path in the park, Mamoru Inoue could hear voices discussing the national competition everywhere.

"As expected of a national competition, the atmosphere is so warm! This fiery atmosphere is really intoxicating."

Inoue was smiling, and the atmosphere around him was too comfortable for a professional tennis reporter like him.

"Maki vine."

Mentioning Makino Vine, a handsome blond-haired boy appeared in Mamoru Inoue's heart, with unparalleled arrogance.

Byodoin Temple Phoenix.

Under the leadership of Byodoin Phoenix, Muzhiteng has won the national competition for two consecutive years, and the reputation of the Big Three of Muzhifu has since resounded throughout the country.It is a pity that Okayama Oku Junior High School won the national competition in the first year, otherwise Byodoin would have achieved an unprecedented three consecutive championships.

However, the situation is different this year. The promotion of main third graders such as Byodoin has weakened Makinoto's strength. Not only Makinoto, but most of the strong schools across the country faced this problem last year.This year's national competition is no longer a situation of one superpower and many strong players, and it is very likely that it will evolve into a situation of a group of heroes competing for the throne.

nine in the morning.

"The national competition is about to start now, please enter the contestants!"

All participating teams slowly entered the arena under the leadership of the lady holding the placard, and the opening ceremony of the national competition officially began in this park.

"Oh oh oh!"

After all the contestants entered the arena in an orderly manner, there was a burst of cheers like a tsunami, and the national competition that everyone had been looking forward to for a year began.

Perhaps knowing that everyone present could not wait any longer, the leaders' speeches at the opening ceremony were extremely brief.

"I will announce that the national competition has officially started!"

Coming out of the main stadium, everyone in Yamabuki seemed very excited.

"National competition, here we come!"

Seeing that there was no one around, Nan Kentaro couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart and let out a loud cry.

"What are you happy about, we didn't play in the first round."

Yakuzu sneered.


Hearing this, Nan Kentaro froze immediately, as if that was the case!

"Hehe, even if there is no game, we can observe the situation of other teams. For example, our opponent in the next game."

Kimura Tsukasa smiled slightly.

Then he brought everyone from Yamabuki to the venue for the match between Makino Fuji Academy and Green Mountain Middle School, and Yamabuki's arrival naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"Minister, it's Yamabuki."

Makino Fuji's first-year rookie Satoru Kadowaki came to their minister Fuba Tetsuto and pointed in the direction of Yamabuki.

"Hmph! Don't pay attention to them."

Bupo Tieren just took a glance and then retracted his gaze. He knew that almost everyone was spying on their throne of Muzhivine this year, but he would not let these people succeed.

The seniors of Byodoin Institute valued him so much, and appointed him to be Mu Zhiteng's successor.Unbreakable Iron Man will never let Mu Zhiteng's foundation be ruined in his hands.

"The first round of this national competition is about to begin. Hyogo represents Makino Fuji Gakuen against Saitama and represents Midoriyama Middle School singles No. [-]. Players from both sides are invited to play."

Soon, the start of the game sounded from the horn.

"Huh? Why did the singles match start first?"

Nan Kentaro asked suspiciously.

"Idiot, did you listen when the rules were announced before? New regulations have been introduced this year. This time the national competition will adopt a singles and doubles alternate mode. It is said that it is to improve the viewing experience of the game."

Dongfang Masami said speechlessly.

What the hell is this guy Nan doing?


Nan Kentaro was at a loss for words for a moment, and he seemed to have wandered away at that time.He's been like this growing up, and just hearing the clichés makes him sleepy.

"Watch the game and watch the game."

Minami Kentaro quickly changed the subject, and the others shook their heads helplessly, returning their attention to the field.

After all, Muzhivine is Muzhivine. Even if the main third-year players go to school, the rest of their background is enough for them to compete in the whole country.

4: 1.

According to regulations, no matter whether the winner or loser has been decided, five games must be played in the first round. In these five games, Green Mountain Middle School only won one game before being taken away by Makino Teng.

"It's really strong!"

"It's really worthy of being the Mu Zhiteng who won the national competition twice in a row. His strength is really extraordinary."

Listening to the surrounding crowd's admiration for Makino Fuji, everyone in Yamabuki Middle School didn't think too much.

Although Muzhiteng's strength is good, it feels to them that it is far less powerful than Li Haidalai, and Muzhiteng can't beat them.

After watching the Makino Fuji game, everyone in Yamabuki has such a clear belief in their hearts.

There is no Yamabuki match today, and their match against Makino Fuji will not start until tomorrow.A group of people took the return bus back to Tokyo, and I am afraid that tonight will be a sleepless night.

The next day.

Ban Tiangan also tidied up the collars of these children and nodded in satisfaction.

"set off!"

Today is the first round of the Yamabuki National Tournament.

The bus slowly parked in the parking lot, surrounded by buses with various school logos, obviously they were not the first to arrive.

Ban Tiangan also took everyone to the reporting office to report. After handing in the entry list for today's game, a staff member came to lead them to the stadium where they played today.

After a while, the people from Makino Vine arrived late.

"Hmph! What a big shelf!"

Ajiujin curled his lips in disdain. In Ajiujin's eyes, this group of people obviously didn't take them seriously.

But that's natural, Yamabuki failed in the first round of the national competition last year, and Makinoto was last year's national champion.Makino Vine's pride will naturally make them suspect that they are superior to others, but this pride will be shattered soon.

"Please advise!"

"Please advise!"

Under the signal of the referee, the players of the two teams saluted each other across the net in front of the net, and at this moment the surrounding audience also gathered.

Kanto Dark Horse Yamabuki Middle School played against last year's national champion Makino Fuji Gakuen. Such a match will naturally attract many people's attention.

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