The Prince of Tennis: Destroying Akutsu at the start

Chapter 65: A Feast That Never Disperses in the World

Kimura Si, who reached the finish line first, propped his hands on his knees and bent over, panting heavily, even this time he was exhausted enough.

The size of this tire is not small, and it brings great obstacles along the way.Not just the weight of the tires, but also the resistance of the sand, gravel on the road, etc.

"Damn it, Kimura, you run so fast!"

I don't know how long after Kimura arrived, Minami Kentaro, Kuroba Harukaze, and Ki Hihiko finally arrived at the finish line.

The bottom one in their group is naturally Nan Kentaro.

"Why can you run so fast? Why? Why don't you look tired?"

Shu Xiyan's breath was particularly frightening at the moment, the air gushing out from his nostrils was as loud as the whistle of a train.Although Shu Xiyan's face was covered with sweat and reddish, his eyes were still full of thirst for knowledge.He really wanted to know why Kimura Division could run so fast.


Minami Kentaro looked at Kihiko with a dazed expression.

Why can this guy ask so many whys like a machine gun?
Could it be that this guy was born in a hundred thousand?
Under Banda Mikiya's urging, the four of them dragged the tires to the shade of a tree aside, and used the tires as stools to sit cross-legged on top to rest, while their eyes were on Akutsu and Sengoku who were constantly approaching in the distance. , Saeki and Shuto Satoshi.

I am really tired when I run by myself, but it is really refreshing to watch others run.

This is what Kimura and others think now.

Soon Yakutsu took the lead to reach the finish line, and behind him, the three of Qianshi still had a short distance to arrive.


Ajiujin curled his lips in disdain, and then he dragged the tire and sat down under the shade of a tree, just like Kimura and others.

At the end of the first round, after giving everyone a little rest time, Ban Tianqian urged the four people in the first group to stand up and run back to the starting point from here.

This is a reincarnation.

The sun is slowly setting, and the sea water is slowly ebbing.

After putting the tires back on the car, everyone also ushered in a rare peace.Sucking on the special drink prepared by Kanya Banda for them, enjoying the salty sea breeze, I felt uncomfortable.

Ding ding ding, at this time, Ban Tianqian, who was driving a pickup truck back again, also attracted everyone's attention.Especially everyone in Liujiao Middle School, they knew what this familiar voice was.

"Great, we can fish for shells again!"

Shu Xiyan was the first to jump up, breathing heavily like a train whistle, rushing out two white horses.

"Fishing shells?"

Everyone in Yamabuki naturally didn't understand it, because it was a traditional art skill of their Liujiao Middle School.

"That's right, we can always find many shells on the beach every time the tide goes out, and those are the delicacies bestowed on us by the sea."

Saeki stepped forward and smiled.

"like this!"

Zuobo walked to a beach in front of him and dug into the pile of sand with his hands. While shaking the gravel in his hands, he revealed a shell that was not too big or too small.

"Wow! Looks like a lot of fun!"

Minami Kentaro, who has never picked up shells at the seaside, was impressed. This project seems to be very good.

"Next, I will divide the two of you into groups. The group with the least number of shells picked up in the end will be responsible for baking these shells for everyone to eat. Do you understand?"

Bantian Mikiya asked everyone to take their buckets and shovels and said with a smile.

"I understand!"

This novel experience filled the people in Yamabuki with excitement. As for the people in Liujiao Middle School, they always liked the activity of picking shells on the beach the most.

Then Kimura and Kuroba formed a group, and the group began to search for shells hidden under the sand on the beach after low tide.

"You've got to do this first, then this. Got it?"

Kuroba demonstrated to Kimura what kind of sand may hide shellfish under it, and how to shovel off the sand on it, and Kimura quickly learned it.

A group of people fishing for shellfish on the beach requires a high degree of concentration. After all, these shells are hidden under the sand, and if you don’t pay attention, you will miss them.

The sun gradually went down, and the group began to return.

In the final reckoning, I did not expect that the group of Kimura Division and Kuroba picked up the least number of shells, and the combination of Kihihiko and Akutsu had the most.

What everyone couldn't understand was that the number of shells that Akutsu picked up was actually the one that Yamabuki had the most.

"Cut! Boring!"

After feeling everyone's eyes, Ajiujin turned his face a little uncomfortably, but the raised corners of his mouth clearly showed that he was in a good mood now.

In any case, he had beaten Kimura Tsukasa once in some respects, hadn't he?

Willing to gamble and admit defeat, Kimura Division had no choice but to start serving everyone together with Kuroba.

Moved the charcoal stove out from the social office of Liujiao Middle School, lit the charcoal fire and began to serve everyone present.The craftsmanship of Kimura and Heiyu was surprisingly good, and everyone was satisfied with this dinner.

The next day.

In the early morning, it was still an obstacle run, but this time the load was increased to 4 kg.

Kimura Division still followed Liujiao's father to meditate not far away. Although Kimura Division still failed to enter the state of meditation this time, his heart would not be as impetuous as yesterday.

The training in the afternoon still involved Secretary Kimura. This afternoon's training was to swing a wooden racket in the sea.

Time passed day by day, and everyone spent more than a week at the seaside in Chiba County.

In this more than a week, everyone's skin has already turned dark, and the muscles on their bodies have also begun to become strong and strong.

Oh, except for one person.

I don't know why Akutsu obviously received training with everyone, but his fair skin turned darker only a little symbolically.

Everyone has clearly felt their own physical progress. Although they have never touched their rackets these days, Ban Tiangan also believes that the moment these children hold the racket again, they will be very fast. To grasp a new power.

In addition, Kimura Division has been able to ignore the noisy and chaotic outside world and enter the state of meditation. Although he has not yet reached the state of balance between weak and strong spiritual power, he believes that he will step into that state one day.

Asura Shinto has already waved to him in front.


Everyone from Yamabuki Middle School waved to everyone from Liujiao Middle School from the window of the bus.

"Goodbye! You must win the national competition! We will go and cheer for you!"

Saiki, Kuroba and others waved their arms.

Although it is a bit sad, there is no feast that lasts forever in the world.

The national competition is coming soon.

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