With his back to Qianshi, Buer's face was a little dignified.Although he successfully countered Qianshi's smash with the brown bear caught in the net, until now his wrist is still a little numb.

This kind of smash is nothing at the beginning, once he is dragged into the final game of the game, his brown bear is caught, and there may be problems.

Qianshi threw the ball and swung the racket again, and the ball that flew straight across the net seemed to be completely unrotated in Fuji's eyes, just floating lightly in the air and rushing straight towards him.

"The ball didn't turn a corner!"

Gan Zhenzhi pushed his glasses, this time he could see clearly!
"No turn? What does that mean?"

Kikumaru asked suspiciously.

"Generally speaking, no matter what kind of serve is, it will be arced to the opposite court due to the resistance of the air during the flight of the tennis ball, but this ball does not."

Gan Zhenzhi's face was very serious.His words were concise and concise, and Kikumaru, Oishi and others who were tennis players naturally understood it all at once.

In other words, Qianshi's flat serve has reached a critical value in strength and speed.

"That's right! Look at Qianshi's muscles!"

Kikumaru pointed to the exposed muscles under the skirt of the skirt that was blown away when Sengoku sprinted.

"Amazing muscles!"

Kawamura couldn't help admiring, Sengoku's muscles were different from his.Qianshi's muscles are very strong. Although he is not big in size, his texture is very perfect.

"That should be the reason why he can hit this serve!"

Qian Zhenzhi nodded, this kind of muscle can not be exercised by ordinary exercises.

"This game was scored by Fujisuke of Youth Academy, and the score was 1:0."

"Qianshi's serve was broken!"

Minami Kentaro was a little shocked, Aigaku's Fuji Shusuke was so capable?

"Don't worry, Qianshi will definitely be able to turn the situation around!"

Dongfang Masami naturally recognized Sengoku's strength, and he was Yamabuki's singles trump card before Kimuraji and Akutsu appeared.

Although Buer gained a bit of the upper hand in the first round, Qianshi quickly returned the favor and broke serve strongly!
"In this game, Qingchun Sengoku of Yamabuki Junior High School scored, the score was 1:1."

Entering the third inning, the game seemed to have entered a fierce stage all of a sudden. The figures of Fuji and Qianshi kept running on the court, and the sound of hitting the ball resounded like a storm in the court.

"It's so fierce!"

Dongfang Masami was shocked, this match was so fierce!
"A genius from Qingxue! I, Anan, recognize him!"

Nan Kentaro made a joke and eased the tense atmosphere.Just watching the game from the sidelines, they were so nervous that their palms sweated. One can imagine what kind of pressure the two people in the field were facing.

The fierce confrontation lasted for nearly 30 minutes, and the scene was eerily quiet. Everyone was immersed in the confrontation between these two individuals.

"In this game, Qingchun Sengoku of Yamabuki Junior High School scored, the score was 5:4."

"Sengoku's pure match point game at Yamabuki Middle School!"

"Both sides change game!"

The referee's voice was like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, waking everyone up at once.

"Oh oh oh!"

There was a burst of thunderous applause at the scene, which was the best appreciation for the two players on the field.In the past few rounds, the wonderful duel between Qianshi and Fuji made everyone intoxicated.

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful! I didn't expect that the singles match would be so intense!"

Mamoru Inoue's palms are about to be smashed. Judging from his experience in professional tennis reporting for so many years, whether it is Fuji Shusuke of Seigaku or Kiyomi Sengoku of Yamabuki, they are all very good players. It is the brightest star.


Buer's body was already soaked in sweat, and his breath could no longer be kept steady.But Buer's face was full of excitement, he hadn't played so hard for a long time.

"You really are not simple, you can fight me to this extent!"

Although Qianshi was also panting, his endurance was obviously higher than that of Fuji, which also benefited from his boxing training.

"However! You will lose this game!"

Qian Shi raised his head and smiled, he had already discovered that Bu Er's strength and speed had dropped a lot.

"Really? Unfortunately, I'm not going to lose this match just like that!"

Fuji narrowed his eyes slightly, this was the first time he wanted to win a game so much.

"Really? Then try to rewrite your ending!"

The two passed by each other and came to the coach's side.

"Little Qianshi, did you enjoy this fight?"

Ban Tiangan also smiled slightly, and handed Qianshi a towel.

"Yes, companion!"

Sengoku, who took the towel from Kanya Banada, spread it on his face, and Sengoku, who was under the towel, responded dully.

"Then enjoy the game until the end!"

Ban Tianqian also smiled happily. What he likes to see most is that his players can enjoy every game.

After a quick 3-minute break, the two who took a short break raised their rackets and stepped onto the court again.

"This ball will disappear!"

Fuji smiled slightly, then raised his arms and twirled the tennis ball in his hand and fell.

Qinghui, like a crescent moon, lifted from Fuji's feet to the top of his head, and a clear sound of hitting the ball sounded in the field.

"It's the serve that will disappear!"

Qianshi stared at the flying tennis ball tightly, his whole body tensed up and ready to go.


Qianshi's pupils shrank, and the tennis ball really disappeared from his sight.

"Where! Where the hell!"

Rao Qianshi couldn't help being so nervous that his forehead was covered with fine sweat, and he really couldn't find the real track of the tennis ball for a while.

With a crisp sound, Qian Shi suddenly turned around, and a tennis ball was falling from the wall.

"Game, Fuji Shusuke, 15:0."

At this time, Bu Er put his arm down, and he hid this serve until this moment.

"This game was scored by Fujisuke of Youth Academy, and the score was 5:5."

The scores of the two sides were tied again, which meant that the game was extended again.

"It's really amazing to cut the serve! I never thought that a freshman could hit this kind of serve!"

Inoue Mamoru was amazed, Seigaku Fujishusuke's skill made him deeply engrave the figure of this chestnut-haired boy in his heart.

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