The Prince of Tennis: Destroying Akutsu at the start

Chapter 194 No 2 Zhousuke VS Kawaji Takahiro

"Ice Emperor Academy scored in this game, the score is 3:3."

The voice from a distance immediately let everyone in Yamabuki understand that the competition ahead was at an intense moment.

They quickly quickened their pace.

Seeing the arrival of Kimura Division and others, the spectators who had surrounded the stadium quickly made way for them.

This is entirely out of awe of the strong.

"Shanbuki! Shanbuki is here!"

"Have they beaten St. Rudolph yet? Quick!"

"Is this the strength of a national champion!"

The arrival of Yamabuki immediately attracted the attention of everyone around.

And the presence of everyone from the Yamabuki Middle School Tennis Club in this place means that the result of the match on another battlefield has already been decided.

There is no doubt that the winner is Yamabuki Middle School.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of Atobe and Tezuka.

The two leaders of Qingxue and Bingdi glanced at this side indiscriminately, and their eyes paused after seeing the figure of Kimura Si.

Tsukasa Kimura is the opponent they most want to beat.

"It looks like Yamabuki has won, Atobe!"

Renzu said lightly.

"Isn't that inevitable?"

Atobe chuckled, could it be possible that this guy thought that Yamabuki would lose to San Rudolph?

"makes sense."

Shinozu's eyes fixed on the bad boy in Yamabuki's team.

Akutsu Jin!

This time he must beat the opponent.

On the field, Fujisuke took a deep look at the player opposite.

It's Takahiro Kawaji, right?
What a monster.

Just now, his four return shots were learned one by one by the opponent.

That's right, I just learned it.

Fuji was sure that the opponent saw his four return shots for the first time, but the opponent learned them with just one glance.

This is the first time he has encountered such an opponent.

Fuji raised the tennis ball in his hand to his chest, and then spun it lightly.

Since the opponent wants to learn, then he will let the big man on the opposite side learn enough.

The slowly falling tennis ball was caught by a flash of silver light.

The upward-lifting racket in Bu's second hand quickly drew a golden curve.

"Cut the serve?"

Atobu frowned, if the genius of Qingxue thought that such a trick could not be replicated, he would be too naive.

"He can only play this little trick."

Also known as the Ice Emperor's genius, Yushi Ninzu had a natural dislike for Fujisuke.

What's more, he has absolute confidence in Huadi.

This is a real monster.

Looking at Birch who was like a log on the opposite side, Buer said lightly: "This ball will disappear!"

"Cut! What is this guy kidding?"

Xiang Riyue sneered.

Will the ball disappear?

how can that be!


Atobe put his left hand on his nose, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

This rotation is.
Huadi stood there dumbly, not the slightest fluctuation could be seen in his eyes.

Calm like a pool of stagnant water.

The ball quickly smashed into the receiving area in front of Huadi, and when it bounced off, it suddenly shook violently.

Whoosh whoosh suddenly disappeared in front of Huadi.


There was a sudden change in Huadi's eyes, and his thick arms grabbed the racket and swung forward.


The swing misses.

The ball fell not far from the birch field, making a crisp sound.

"Game, Youth Academy Fujisuke, 15:0."


"Really disappeared?!"

"how can that be!"

The audience's eyes widened, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

Even the Ice Empress was in an uproar.

"Are you kidding? It actually disappeared?"

Xiang Riyue almost bit his own tongue, but his face was slapped.

"Fuer Zhouzhu! Is this the genius of Qingxue, Fujiu Zhouzhu!"

Yushi Ninzu couldn't help but be amazed by Fuji Shusuke's creativity.

Aogaku's Fujisuke really deserves his reputation for being able to use the cutting serve to such an extent.

"Humph! So it is."

Atobe put down his left hand and snorted coldly.

He has seen through the opponent's tricks.

"Atobe, did you see anything?"

Seeing this, Xiang Riyue immediately asked.

Ordinary cutting serves cannot make the tennis ball disappear like Fuji Shusuke. There must be some mystery in it.

"That's because the opponent puts additional spin on the chip."

Tracee said lightly.

"It's the spin kickoff at the beginning!"

Shinozu immediately thought of Fuji's initial action.

"I see."

Knowing the answer, Xiang Hiyake nodded silently. Even if he knew what to do, he still couldn't hit a cut serve like Fuji Shusuke.

This is the gap between strength and talent.

Xiang Hiyake's talent lies in his stunt shots, and the spin is not his strong point.

the other side.

Tsukasa Kimura glanced at the three newcomers who were a little amazed. Naturally, these old people had seen Shusuke's disappearing serve.

"Fuji Shusuke of Aigaku is indeed a genius, but I believe that you will also become Yamabuki's genius and surpass him."

Kimura said with a smile.

Pretty words don't cost money, and they can also inspire young people in your team.

Why not do it.

Yuta, Kamio and Shinji were obviously inspired after hearing what Kimura Division said.

"We will definitely work hard!"

The three said in unison.

"Well! I trust you."

Kimura Tsukasa nodded with a smile.

On the field.

Fuji once again raised the tennis ball in front of him.

Swirl your fingers lightly.

The slowly falling tennis ball was taken away by a flash of light and disappeared in front of Fuji in an instant.

"Here it goes again! It's that cut serve again!"

Xiang Riyue exclaimed.

The tennis ball was smashed down again and bounced back quickly.

Whoosh whoosh!
It was jittering up and down, left and right, back and forth in the air.

Huadi's calm eyes widened slightly, and then subconsciously waved her arms forward.

The swing fell short again.

"Game, Youth Academy Fujisuke, 30:0."

"This game was scored by Fujisuke of Youth Academy, and the score was 4:3."

"Both sides change game!"

This round was easily won with only four serves.

Huadi's simple little head obviously couldn't see through where the disappearing serve point of Fuji's move was.


"Is this Qingxue's Bu Er Zhou Zhu! Sure enough, there is a way!"

The audience around them were also generous in their praise.

After all, the best tennis has always been so gorgeous.

In this regard, he is somewhat similar to Atobe of Ice Emperor, pursuing gorgeous and extremely skilled tennis.

Back on the sidelines, Huadi was still dull, and Sakaki Taro didn't intend to give him any guidance.

Because he knew very well that a player like Huadi didn't need too much intervention.

If you put too much of your own thoughts on him, it will make Huadi unable to display his true strength.

As for the other side.

Long Qijin handed Fuji a towel and a special drink.

The game has gone on for seven rounds, and the players' physical strength has been exhausted a lot.

"The other party is like a mirror, right?"

Long Qijin sighed.

She had heard that this player named Takahiro Kawaji seemed to have come all the way from England with Minister Atobe of Hyotei, and this was the first time she had met such a player.

No matter what kind of move it is, you can learn it just by looking at it. If you say this kind of ability, how many people will die with envy.

"Don't worry, Coach Ryuzaki. I won't lose!"

Buer opened his blue eyes, and his maroon hair was blown by a gust of summer wind.

Before defeating the beacon in his heart, Bu Er will not allow himself to lose to anyone again.

Including himself.

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