"I still don't think we're going to lose."

There was a flash of light under Tezuka's thick glasses.

The momentum of him and Atobe began to collide in this small space.

The rest of the people present also felt the confrontation between the two people's aura, and many of them were shocked.

They peeked out the strength of Atobe and Tezuka from it, both of them are so strong!

"Why is it so lively here?"

Suddenly, a slightly feminine voice broke the deadlock between Tezuka and Atobe.

Kimuraji glanced back, and it turned out to be Guan Yue, a guy with no eyesight.

Didn't he see that this is a tripartite meeting?

Guan Yue dared to bring a group of St. Rudolph's people to them to interfere.

"Hmph! Tezuka, I'll be waiting for you in the singles match tomorrow! If you Qinggaku can make it to the singles match!"

Atobe snorted coldly and left with Bingdi's people.

The Ice Emperor's team is mighty, a long dragon can't see the end at a glance.

"Then Kimura, let's take our leave first."

Tezuka signaled to Secretary Kimura and left with everyone from Aigaku.

Tomorrow they will face off against the Ice Emperor, which is a tough one.

So they have to go back to hold a temporary combat meeting first.

Soon all the people from Qingxue and Bingdi left, and the place became quite empty.

Kimura Division glanced at Guan Yue, then turned and left, without even the slightest intention of greeting.

"Guanyue. You seem to be ignored!"

Yanagisawa looked around for a moment, and then blurted out.


But Guan Yue's "murderous" gaze made him realize that he seemed to have said something wrong.

Didn't he add fuel to the fire in Guan Yue's heart?

After all, he knows exactly what kind of person Guan Yue is.

That's a very proud man.

Now that he is being ignored by Shan Biao one after another, Qingxue and Bingdi's people, Liu Ze doesn't even need to think about it to know that Guan Yue's heart must be full of anger right now.

"Simon Kimura! Let's wait and see!"

Guan Yue said bitterly.

Although he was ignored by Atobe, Tezuka and Kimura Division one after another, it was obvious that he superimposed all his hatred on Kimura Division because of his preconceptions.

Why did the two have conflicts?

"Who was that guy just now?"

On the way back, Nan Kentaro suddenly remembered the guy who had the guts to interrupt Tezuka and Atobe's confrontation just now.

Could it be some hidden boss?

"He's the one who made trouble for us before."

Tsukasa Kimura looked out of the car window at the constantly receding scenic road.

"What do you mean?"

Minami Kentaro didn't understand what Kimura Division meant.

Looking for trouble?
Are they having any trouble?

"Didn't we encounter some schools that targeted us before? Their information was given by Guan Yue, just that person."

Kimura Secretary turned his head and said lightly.

"Does this guy have a grudge against us?"

Dongfang Masami is a little strange, why do you have nothing to do with them.

It is understandable to collect their data and target them, but sending the data to other schools is obviously disgusting.

"That's it."

Kimura shrugged indifferently.

"It seems that tomorrow's game will be interesting?"

Qian Shi said with a smile.

"Well, maybe, but don't be too nervous. They can't be our opponents."

Although Guan Yue does have some ability, but his data tennis is only half-baked.

It would be a bit whimsical to want to win against Yamabuki with the people of St. Rudolph.

The next day.

Tokyo Central Tennis Garden.

The semi-finals of the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition have officially started.

Yamabuki Junior High School VS Saint Rudolph Academy, Youth Academy VS Hyotei Academy.

These two games were played almost at the same time, but most people were more inclined to the game between Youth Academy and Ice Emperor Academy.

Without him, the audience just want to see a wonderful showdown.

The popularity of St. Rudolph Academy is too low. Such an unknown school won the national championship last year, which made many people lose interest in this game.

This game has no suspense for many people.

Ever since, Nan Kentaro and others were surprised to find that the number of people surrounding their game today seemed to be much smaller.

The sound from the stadium next door was much more lively than theirs.

"We meet again, Kimura-san!"

Today's Guan Yue is particularly excited, he can finally kill the enemy.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

"I hope you can still laugh later."

Kimura Tsukasa said casually.

Saint Rudolph?

That simply cannot be the current enemy of Yamabuki.

"It seems that Kimura-san is very confident!"

There was a stern look in Guan Yue's eyes, and he could clearly feel Kimura Si's contempt for him.

"Your arrogance will be your grave! Tsukasa Kimura!"

Guan Yue said sarcastically in his heart.

"The semi-finals of the Tokyo Metropolitan Tournament will begin soon, between Yamabuki Junior High School and St. Rudolph Academy No. [-] doubles match."

"From Yamabuki Junior High School Ibu Fukaji, Kamio Akira against Saint Rudolph Academy Kisarazu Ryo, Kisarazu Jun."

"Just play normally, the two of them won't be your opponents."

Tsukasa Kimura patted Fukasa and Kamio on the shoulders.


Shinji and Kamio nodded heavily.

They have felt great expectations from Secretary Kimura, and they will spare no effort for this.

Repay Kimura Secretary for their importance.

On the other hand, Guan Yue also had some headaches.

Fukaji and Kamio are blind spots for him, downright blind spots.

Guanchu had so little information about Shinji and Kamio that he didn't even know where Kimuraji found these two first-year students.

Although the people from Akiyama No. [-] High School had caused some trouble for Yamabuki before, it had little effect on Shinji and Kamio.

Because Guanchu couldn't give Akiyama No. [-] Middle School any information about Shinji and Kamio.

"You try to delay them first, let me find out their weaknesses first."

Guan Yue can only let the Kisarazu brothers play by ear.

He is quite confident in these two twin brothers who he poached from Liujiao Middle School.

Kisarazu Ryo and Kisarazu Jun's strength is not weak, coupled with the advantages of twin brothers in doubles.

Guan Yue guessed that the two of them would not be unable to win the two first grades.

"Don't worry, leave it to us."

Kisarazu Jun nodded.

In his opinion, it is not easy for his two brothers to deal with two first graders.

Under the signal of the referee, both sides set foot on the court together.

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