The new school year is gradually getting on the right track, and the freshmen in the tennis club have also adapted to life in the tennis club.

The heavy daily training can no longer stop their enthusiasm, and they will no longer be unable to keep up with the progress of the old students as they did at the beginning.

The progress felt all the time makes these freshmen full of fighting spirit.

They train very hard, and the whole tennis club is full of vigor.

It can be said that everything is moving in a good direction, but
There is still no one in this freshman class who has the potential and qualifications to take over the positions vacated by Hirota and Haoye Academy.

"What a headache!"

Kimura Si looked at the sky speechlessly, could it be that he wants to stand taller than the dwarfs?
But this is really impossible.


After lunch, Kimura put his tennis bag on his back.

Tsukasa Kimura is used to practicing every day, and if he doesn't practice for a day, he will feel uncomfortable all over his body.

Although he can also go to school to practice in the tennis club on weekends, but that is too troublesome.

Kimura usually trains at a tennis school near his home.

Anyway, he doesn't have any requirements for training facilities and equipment now.

Coming to the tennis school with ease, as last year's national champion, the owner naturally knew Kimura Tsukasa.

For him, it was an excellent publicity stunt for Kimura Division to be able to practice with him, so he generously exempted Kimura Division's fee.

Although there is not much money in the first place.

Half squat jump 150 times, squat 150 times, half squat shoulder exercise 150 times, wrist machine 100 rounds, foot machine 400 rounds, sit-ups, push-ups 15 sets each.
A series of training programs in the eyes of ordinary people is simply self-harm, but this is the daily training volume of Tsukasa Kimura in the U-17 training camp.

After today's training, Kimura Division is already covered in sweat, but he doesn't care.

Then there are swing and hitting practice waiting for him.

No one's success is casual, and Secretary Kimura's strength also comes from his hard training day after day.

Of course, the rewards of the system are also part of it (manually funny).

Time passed slowly, and the sun gradually set.

Kimura Division put away his racket ready to go home.

"Huh? Who are these people!"

When Tsukasa Kimura walked through a stadium, he accidentally found several familiar faces.

St. Rudolph's month viewing!

There is also Fujio Yuta, younger brother of Fujisuke Seigaku.

"Are you playing a match?"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Kimura Division's mind.

Indeed, their Yamabuki Middle School Tennis Club did not have any good seedlings this year, but this does not mean that there are no other places.

If he remembers correctly, there are actually many good seedlings in the Tokyo area that can be absorbed into the tennis club of Yamabuki Middle School.

For example, Fuji Yuta in front of me, and Kamio Akira and Ibu Shinji from Fudomine Middle School.

If he guessed right, Akira Kamio and Shinji Ibu are suffering in Fudomine Middle School right now.

They will not welcome a new spring until Tachibana Yoshihei transfers to Fudo Peak Middle School next year.

But Kimura Division can show mercy and save them from the sea of ​​suffering.

Anyway, they are all schools in Tokyo, so it’s the same wherever you study!
But for now let's see how good Fuji Yuta is.

On the field, the confrontation between Fuji Yuta and Guanchu is coming to an end.

Although Fuji Yuta's strength is not bad in the eyes of Kimura, he is obviously not an experienced opponent of Guanchu.

For a tennis player like Guan Chuchu who plays data-driven tennis, the immature Fuji Yuta has seen through even his underpants.

Guan Yue raised his hand and twitched, and the precise volley bounced out of the bottom line from the bottom corner.

"You are really strong! Besides my brother, this is the first time I have lost so thoroughly!"

Fuji Yuta really admired the person in front of him.

It is not easy to have such strength at a similar age as myself.

And when he played against the opponent just now, he had a feeling of being seen through, and he was completely led by the nose by the opponent.

"Yuta, in fact, your half volley is also very good! If your half volley can be faster and harder, I can't stand it anymore."

With a smile all over his face, Guan Yue shook hands with the boy in front of him.

Guan Yue was really happy, he didn't expect that he just found a tennis school at random today and planned to take someone to practice for a while, but he met a good seed.

He had to try to see if he could win the opponent to Saint Rudolph.

Guan Yue, who aims to enter the national competition, has recently been trying to attract players from various places at all costs.

He recruited a doubles player, Kisarazu Jun, from the hegemony Liujiao Middle School in Chiba County, and poached Yanagizawa Shinya from a little-known elementary school.

Coupled with St. Rudolph's original singles ace Yoshiro Akazawa, Guanchu is full of hope for this newly formed team.

But he still needs to continue to strengthen the team, and Fuji Yuta in front of him is a good choice.

As for how to coax the other party to come to St. Rudolph to watch the first month, there is already a plan.

His data book contains the information of most of the masters in Tokyo, including the information of the genius Fuji Shusuke of the Youth Academy.

The information is very detailed, so detailed that he has information including Yuta's information.

To be honest, seeing Fuji Yuta here today even Guanchu himself was surprised.

But he soon realized his opportunity had come.

At first glance, Fuji Yuta wanted to prove himself, to prove that he was not just the younger brother of the genius Fuji Shusuke.

Such a hot-blooded boy is best lied to.

"Yuta, you are very talented. Staying in Qingxue will only waste your talent in vain."

Guan Yue's words seemed to have a magic power of bewitching people's hearts, and the flame in Yuta's heart was aroused.

Yes, staying in Qingxue will only waste his youth in vain.

Because of Yuta, it is impossible for him to play in the same team as his brother.

He didn't want to keep hearing that he was the younger brother of Qingxue Fujisuke.

He didn't want to live in his brother's shadow all the time.

It seems that leaving Qingxue may be a very good choice.

Before he could speak, a voice came from above their heads.

"That's right, Yuta, staying at Seigaku will only waste your talent! How about coming to our Yamabuki Middle School?"

Fuji Yuta, Guan Yue and the others looked up and saw a figure walking down the stairs slowly.

"Simon Kimura!!!"

Guan Yue's face darkened, as if a spoiler was about to appear.

"Simon Kimura?!"

Hearing this, Fuji Yuta, Yanagisawa and the others stared at the figure coming down the stairs in astonishment.

Is this Tsukasa Kimura, the head of the Yamabuki Junior High Tennis Club?
Last year's national champion!

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