
"What a great brat!"

The surrounding high school students swallowed the saliva that accumulated unconsciously from the shock.

The first ball match between Kimura Tsukasa and Oni Jujiro didn't have too many bells and whistles, but only sparks from the collision of speed and strength.

Both Kimuraji and Oni Jujiro, who had entered the game state, became a little silent, and soon there was only the roar of tennis balls breaking through the air on the court.

The sound waves that seemed to be exploding came and went one after another, and the constant shock at the left and right ends made everyone's hearts hang in the balance.

"This game is scored by Tsukasa Kimura, the score is 1:0."

"Both sides change game!"

"Jujiro Oni scored in this game, the score is 1:1."

"This game is scored by Tsukasa Kimura, the score is 2:1."

"Both sides change game!"

As the two sides continue to improve their strength, the score is also slowly rising alternately.

Although Kimura Division currently occupies a certain score advantage, it is just an illusion.

Only by winning the opponent's serve can it be regarded as the real initiative in this game.

After the two sides switched courts, it was Oni Jujiro's turn to serve.

Oni Jujiro looked at the proud boy in front of him, and he couldn't help but think of the expectations of the children in the orphanage.

Become the number one tennis player in Japan!

Oni Jujiro asked himself, it seemed that he had become a little slack after losing to Byodoin after going down the mountain.

We must know that only constant challenges can make ourselves stronger.

At this moment, under the influence of the burning fighting spirit in Tsukasa Kimura's heart, the blood in Oni Jujiro's heart burned again.

Although he has no reason to stop a young man from climbing to a higher stage, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't want to win this game.

Perhaps the future belongs to the young man in front of him, but right now, he is still a little too tender.

Oni Jujiro's eyes suddenly became fierce,

The aura on his body also became thicker and thicker.

"Boy, be careful next time! Be careful not to die!"

Oni Jujiro looked at Kimura Tsukasa and said in a low voice.

"Let the horse come here, senior!"

Kimura Division straddled his feet and slammed on the ground. Kimura Division had a keen sense of energy.

He had already noticed that Oni Jujiro seemed to be getting serious.


Oni Jujiro tossed the tennis ball in his hand, and a black shadow immediately enveloped the tennis ball.

"Quick shot!"

Everyone on the sidelines exclaimed, and Oni Jujiro's movements suddenly became faster.

Whoosh whoosh!
The strong wind passed by, and the net suddenly capsized toward Kimura Division's side.

The fierce wind pressure hit, and Kimura Si's eyes froze.

The racket in Tsukasa Kimura's hand creaked and wailed continuously. Even the racket made of composite materials couldn't support the terrifying force.

Oni Jujiro's footsteps were particularly heavy, and his burly body suddenly stepped on the ground.

With a heavy sound, Oni Jujiro's body soared into the air, and his hands held the racket horizontally on the side of the waist and abdomen.

"Black Jack Knife!"

With Oni Jujiro's loud roar, the blood in his body kept surging.

It was as if a sleeping beast began to wake up.

A smear of black light pierced the sky, Oni Jujiro's vertical center of gravity jumping style is already another completely different product.

The ball aimed at the enemy's center of gravity violently bombarded seemed to have a tremendous force.

Tsukasa Kimura felt a sense of awe in his heart. From this moment on, the game really entered the main chapter.

"Four Gods Performing Martial Arts-Xuanwu!"

Facing Oni Jujiro's Juli Kimura, he had to bet on his trump card defensive stunt.

Turtles and snakes locked the river, and the vast blue waves swallowed all the black light on the tennis ball.

Kimura Division's wrist flicked lightly, and the ball was pushed back into Oni Jujiro's field by Kimura Division's ingenuity.

"Such a brilliant unloading technique, what do you think? Xiu Er."

Irie's eyes were deep and clear, and he reflected Kimura Division's move in his mind.

Although it was only one goal, Irie clearly saw Kimura Tsukasa's understanding of martial arts.

He really didn't expect Kimura Division to hide such a skill.

This kind of unloading technique is probably only comparable to Shuji Tanejima's Ki Mie Wu.

"Well, it's indeed a very clever skill! I didn't expect a super-aggressive player like Kimura Tsukasa to take defense into consideration."

Shuuji Taneshima was also quite emotional, it seemed that their attention to this junior was still lacking.

I have to figure out this guy later.

Taneshima smiled with a crooked mouth, making Irie look puzzled.

"Is this guy trying to trick someone again?!"

Irie shook his head helplessly.

"Jujiro Oni scored in this game, the score is 2:2."

"This game is scored by Tsukasa Kimura, the score is 3:2."

"Both sides change game!"

"Jujiro Oni scored in this game, the score is 3:3."

To everyone's surprise, even though Oni Jujiro continued to improve his hitting power, he still couldn't win Kimura's serve.

Kimura Division firmly bit the score, the game looked very anxious.

Oni Jujiro glanced at Kimura Si, the strength of this kid was beyond his expectation.

He could feel that even now the brat still had some strength left.

If he doesn't break through the limit of [-]% strength, he may really lose this game.

"Little devil, let us have a real fight!"

Oni Jujiro's dull voice sounded, followed by an extremely suppressed aura pressing towards Kimura Shigai.

"I can't ask for it!"

Kimura Division's pupils instantly glowed with a pale golden light, and the muscles all over his body became more tense.

Every part of the body started to work, and even the concentration was raised to the limit.


"Come on, kid!"

There seemed to be a layer of black clouds emerging behind Oni Jujiro, and the whole person looked terrifying.

"Take it, senior!"


After the words fell, Kimura immediately threw the ball.

Then bend your knees and bow your body, and kick your legs to lead the racket.

The action is smooth and smooth, in one go.

Ancient Martial Arts - Serpentine!

There was a roar, and the tennis ball, which seemed to be flying straight in the air, moved uneasily after passing the net.

Immediately after the tennis ball hit the ground, it bounced up suddenly, and the ball slid out of a zigzag trace in the air under the action of violent rotation.


Oni Jujiro snorted coldly, his eyes glaring fiercely.

This erratic ball path is almost obvious to him at a glance.

He has seen through the essence of this ball.

"Go back to me!"

Oni Jujiro shouted violently, and the billowing air wave squeezed the air aside.

The flat hitting style of the ball explains what is the aesthetics of violence.

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