"This is!"

There was a gap in Taneshima's dark face, and his big white teeth were particularly obvious on it.

Sure enough, he was someone who knew Byodoin, but he walked the same way as Byodoin!

Although it was only one goal, Tanejima had already seen the way of Kimura Division's goal.

Spiritual power combines the potential of power and the form of skill to create the ball skills!

The fierce wind pressure hits his face, and Taneshima knows very well that the impact of this ball will be terrible.

So he has to be cautious.

"I'm gone!"

Tanejima's wrist was trembling at a strange frequency, and a white cyclone engulfed the strength and spin of the tennis ball in an instant.

Even the connection of spiritual power was ruthlessly cut off by Tanejima's Ki Mie Wuji.

Kimura Division's concentration was raised to the limit, and he finally found the tennis ball that disappeared from Taneshima's hands this time.

At this moment, Kimura Division's powerful feet exploded, and he caught up with him in a few strides, which seemed not a short distance.

Ancient martial arts - Izumo.

Just like the blue dragon going out to sea, the light golden laser beam drifted straight through the air.

The extremely powerful flat shot is full of absolutely violent aesthetics.

Before Tanejima had time to take a few mouthfuls of tennis balls, he came face to face with the fierce wind pressure. Such a compact sense of oppression made the blood in the heart of Taneshima begin to boil.

Tanejima, who hasn't played against anyone for a long time, has finally regained his best competitive state at this moment.

"What an amazing fellow!"

Irie's deep eyes brought the figure of Kimura Division into his mind, and being able to force out [-]% of Taneshima's self-destruction under the limit of his strength explained the problem.

It's been a long time since he saw Tanejima so serious.

With Kimura's strength, it is impossible to trap him in the mere No. [-] court. Even the No. [-] court, Ijiang, doesn't think Kimura can be trapped.

With Irie's astonishing insight, he naturally noticed it, and Tsukasa Kimura still had reservations.

After all, it was not a formal game, Tanejima did not break through the limit of [-]% of his own strength, and Kimura Tsukasa did not show his full strength.

But even so, the level of the game was amazing enough.

The fight for this ball was extremely anxious, even if Kimura Tsukasa tried his best, he still couldn't solve Shuji Taneshima's self-destruction.

Bottom line lob!
Kimura flicked lightly with the top half of the racket, and the amazing arc of the lob went around the court and dipped into Tanejima's bottom line.

Kimura Division watched the back of Tanejima chasing the ball closely, and he also had a little understanding of the strength of this senior.

He knew that Tanejima wasn't doing his best, but so was he.

But Tanejima must have more hidden strength than him.

Kimura Division has also thoroughly experienced the difficulty of Ji Mie Wu.

No wonder Tanejima was called by Oni Jujiro the only man who couldn't win in the entire training camp.

The first defensive general of the Japanese team really deserves its reputation.

Tanejima, who landed in advance, jumped up, and his jumping ability is also quite outstanding.

The racket was swung down heavily as if the trigger was being pulled, and a golden streamer in a cloud of mist shot straight towards Kimura Tsukasa's half.

"Goose volley!"

Super dynamic vision, accurate control of the battle situation to milliseconds, unparalleled psychological quality and powerful explosive power.

Only with these conditions can it be possible to return smashes with smashes again and again.

These qualities are the shining points of Kimura Tsukasa.

"I'm gone!"

Tanejima, who was falling at an accelerated rate, immediately turned around and turned back. His Ki Mie Wu could not be rigid in his swinging posture.

The familiar cyclone once again devoured Kimura Division's kill ball like a vortex, and the tennis ball that disappeared in an instant once again launched an attack on the dead corner exposed by Kimura Division in the high-intensity sports battle.

Most people only know that Irie's insight is far beyond the level of ordinary high school students, but few people find that apart from his unique wrist talent, he also has amazing insight that supports Tanejima to resort to self-destruction time and time again.

The ability to see through blind spots is not anyone's patent.

Tanejima's Ki Miewu hits the ball that Kimura Tsukasa least wants to hit back and is also the most difficult to hit back every time.

Tsukasa Kimura hooked his toes to the ground and leaped forward, the speed of his leap was enough to save the ball.

Shuuji Taneshima exhaled lightly.

This ball can be regarded as the end.

Once again, Taneshima raised his shoulders and swung down heavily.

The smash ball was dropped at a nearly vertical angle, and the corners of Taneshima's mouth rose slightly.

In his opinion, his own goal can basically declare a score.

However, Tsukasa Kimura's reaction speed and courage exceeded Tanejima's imagination, and he rushed directly under the ball.

Immediately after the horizontal knife, a white whirlwind that Tanejima is very familiar with floated on Kimura Tsukasa's racket.

The swirling air current made the ball quiet for an instant, and then disappeared in Kimura Division's hand.


Taneshima's eyes widened, is it possible? !

A crisp sound sounded, and Taneshima bowed his head.

A small mustard yellow ball was lying there quietly in the front left.

"My. Destroyed?!"

Tanejima couldn't believe that someone could steal his own self-miewu by just looking at it.

You must know that it is a trick developed by Zhongjima based on the special talent of his own vision transmitted to the wrist.

It is impossible for ordinary people to imitate the unique talent of Taneshima without the unique talent of Taneshima.

"Perfect imitation? It turns out that this is the reason for the changeable style of play."

Irie on the side now finally understands why there are so many different styles of play in Tsukasa Kimura. It turns out that the special ability of this junior is a perfect imitation? !

After staying in this training camp for a long time, Irie has also met many guys with special abilities.

Special abilities including Tanejima's wrist also fall into this category.

But this is the first time Irie has encountered the ability of perfect imitation.

It's a scary little guy who can even imitate Tanejima's Ki Mienwu.

However, Irie keenly noticed a trace of redness and swelling on Kimura Division's right wrist.

"I see, although I can imitate it, but because I don't have the wrist talent like Shuji, it makes the burden too heavy."

Seeing that Tanejima hadn't moved for a long time, Kimura Division urged, "Senior, can you serve?"

Hearing this, Taneshima spread his hands.

"Stop the fight, don't fight anymore, if you continue to fight, my family property will be stolen by you."

Seeing that Taneshima had put away his racket, Tsukasa Kimura knew that Taneshima really stopped playing.

So he also put away the racket.

Although the match against Tanejima was not completely hands-off, it was also a great experience for Tsukasa Kimura.

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