After winning the national championship, everyone at Yamabuki Middle School finally ushered in a short break.

They can finally enjoy this wonderful summer vacation.

this day.

Carrying his tennis bag, Kimura boarded the tram to Chiba again.

He finally had time to visit his father again.

After arriving at the station, Kimura walked towards the temple where his father was at with ease.

It's a pity that when Secretary Kimura came to the temple, he found that his father was not at home.

Nobody was in the big temple.

"Strange? Where would daddy be if he wasn't here?"

The fluttering Kimuraji scratched his head a little nervously, but soon he thought that his father might be in the secret base next to Liujiao Middle School.

Immediately, Kimura Division planned to go there to try his luck, but when he walked out of the gate of the temple, he accidentally found a person he was impressed with.

She has short blond hair tied with a green headband, and her handsome face is full of domineering and confident expressions.

A very oppressive guy.

Byodoin Phoenix!
"Hey! Brat! Do you know where the senior Magudo who lives here has gone?"

Byodoin frowned, another brat?
He asked casually, after all, he didn't see his father when he looked in through the gate.

"Do you mean Dad? I came to look for him too. I don't know where he went."

Kimura Tsukasa looked straight at Byodoin Road without hesitation.

"Cut! Really, he's still running around when he's old."

Byodoin complained, but soon he was attracted by the kid in front of him.

How dare a kid who looks like a junior high school student look at him?

You must know that Byodoin has taken control of the Japanese U-17 training camp and has become the NO.17 in the Japanese U-1 training camp.

His power has become more and more intense during the time he has been in charge of the Japanese U-17 training camp.

Even ordinary high school students in the Japanese U-17 training camp dare not look at him. How dare a kid have such guts?

"Senior Byodoin, can I ask you to fight with me?"

Kimura Division couldn't wait to send out a challenge to the man in front of him.

If other people in the Japanese U-17 training camp heard what Tsukasa Kimura said, their jaws would probably drop. How dare a junior high school student challenge their boss?

Really overwhelmed.

But this is the courage of Secretary Kimura. He knows that he cannot be the opponent of Byodoin, but he still wants to feel the gap between himself and Byodoin.

Only when there is a gap can there be motivation. No one is more suitable than Byodoin to be the guidepost of Mr. Kimura.

"you know me?"

Byodoin frowned, which was a bit surprising. Could it be that he left the middle of the country and still had his legend circulated in the middle of the country?

"That's natural! I'm your fan, Senior Byodoin!"

Kimura Tsukasa looked at Byodo-in Temple with burning eyes.


I don't know why Byodoin suddenly felt a chill in the neck after Kimura Tsukasa said this sentence, it seems that there is some deep meaning hidden in this sentence.

"Play a game with you?"

Byodoin cast a disdainful glance at Tsukasa Kimura, not even a few high school students in the Japanese U-17 training camp could fall into his eyes, let alone a junior high school kid.

Byodoin, who was about to reject immediately, suddenly changed his mind after seeing Kimura Tsukasa's fighting eyes.

Anyway, idleness is idleness, and it doesn't hurt to have fun while waiting for that old man Maguhu.

Not to mention his little fans.

The House of Equality thought so.

So, both of them walked towards a stadium not far from the temple, familiar with the way.

That's where Papa built it, and it's where both of them used to be.

Tsukasa Kimura and Byodoin put down their tennis bags and took out a racket from it.

"Little devil, I will give you the chance to serve. Just let me see your ability, don't let me down!"

The Byodoin Institute said casually.

Naturally, he didn't need to be too serious about playing against a junior high school kid. If he had to compete with this kid for the right to serve, it would be a bit too cheap.

Naturally, Kimura Tsukasa would not give way, and now his blood began to boil.

The shadow of a famous tree, you must know that what he is facing now is one of the most powerful high school students.

Kimura patted the tennis ball lightly on the ground. Before the game officially started, he had already felt the oppressive feeling from Byodoin.

This is the instinct of Byodoin overlord.


After adjusting his mentality, Tsukasa Kimura threw the ball, and then opened his posture to get ready to go.


Byodoin looked at the brat opposite him in surprise, what kind of posture did the brat put on?
"Ancient Martial Arts - Izumo!"

Facing Byodoin Temple Kimura Division naturally did not dare to hold back the slightest hand, a blow with all his strength kicked off the prelude to this duel.

"Not bad, brat!"

Byodoin stepped forward with a smile on his face, and his forehand lash easily slammed Kimura's serve back to Kimura's court.

The full stop Byodoin just now was not talking politely. Although it was only the first match, Byodoin has already seen that Kimura Tsukasa's strength is extraordinary.

At least he was much better than many high school students in the training camp.

Serve to the net, even in the face of Byodoin Kimura Tsukasa, he still has to use his own initiative to control the rhythm of the game.

"Four Gods Performing Martial Arts - White Tiger!"

At the moment when the tennis ball just bounced off, Kimura slapped it with both hands, and suddenly there was a loud noise in the court.

The pale golden light shone into Byodoin's eyes, which made Byodoin slightly restrain the contempt in its heart.

What a super half-volley, the power of this ball should not be underestimated.


Byodoin let out a low cry, looked at the right time, and swung the racket in his hand to lash out. The pale golden light was firmly caught by the racket in his hand.

The golden light dissipated, and a mustard-yellow tennis ball kept rubbing against the strings on the racket surface of Byodoin Temple.

After the arm paused, Byodoin suddenly exerted strength, and the rewinding tennis ball set off bursts of explosive noise.

Kimura Division stared slightly, and the figure standing in the front field did not dodge or avoid.

The tennis ball in his hand quickly cut across the surface of the tennis ball, and after a harsh sound, the tennis ball slipped from the net and fell into the Byodoin court.

After landing, the tennis ball flew out of the court along the ground without the slightest sign of bouncing.

"This trick is called Phoenix flashback! It's a trick of a guy who admires flamboyance."

Kimura took the shot and stood up. He took advantage of the serve to shorten the falling time of the tennis ball by taking advantage of the ball.

Moreover, the Byodoin Institute is not serious at all, and I am afraid that even [-]% of its strength has not been brought into play.

He knew very well that if there was another Phoenix flashback, it would not be effective against Byodoin.

"Little devil, what's your name?"

Byodoin's face was somewhat ugly after being taken down by a junior high school kid, and he remembered that he didn't seem to know the name of the kid in front of him.

"My name is Kimura Tsukasa, and I'm the head of the tennis club of Yamabuki Junior High School in Tokyo. I'm a first-year junior high school student. By the way, this year's national champion is our Yamabuki Junior High School!"

Kimura Division raised his head proudly, with a hint of complacency in his eyes.

Who is not a proud boy anymore.

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