The start of the greenery unlocks the Daluo experience card

Chapter 454 Asian Cup Final!japan national team

The penalty shootout is over.

The Chinese national team successfully advanced to the final of this Asian Cup.

In the final of this Asian Cup, the opponent of the Chinese national team will be the Japanese national team, which is living a good life.

For this opponent, it can be said that every Chinese person hates his teeth itchingly.

Regardless of the legacy of history.

Still in football.

They are all hated to the bone.

There is no need to talk about the problems left over from history.

Every Chinese person knows.

So once a Chinese player competes in a game involving the Japanese, they will be in full swing.

As for football, the Asian Cup held in China had to be held a few years in advance.

The Chinese national team, which was fighting at home, reached the final of the Asian Cup.

In the end, because of the unfair penalty of the referee, the final was lost.

At his own home court, the referee made a penalty that was not conducive to the Chinese national team.

It can even be said that it is a naked black whistle!
Such a result is acceptable to no fan of the China national team!

This is a humiliation!
And this is not the first time that the Huaxia national team has encountered unfair treatment in this kind of international competition.

In the Asian Football Confederation, the Chinese national team has always been in this situation.

It is rare to see that the Huaxia national team can take advantage of it.

Fortunately, after Han Ning appeared, this situation disappeared.

After all, Han Ning's influence is too great now.

Even if the AFC's brain is flooded, it doesn't dare to make any small moves in the open.


The hatred is over!
This game must be won and revenge must be completed!
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Huaxia team! Must win!"

"Huaxia team! Must win!"

"Huaxia team! Must win!"

On the day of the finals, countless Huaxia fans came to the scene to watch the game with excitement.

It is said that the price of tickets has already been raised to tens of thousands of yuan.

This is a very scary thing.

Fans from countless other countries couldn't bear the temptation to sell their tickets.

In the end, it was only under the stop of the organizer that the audience seats in the entire stadium were not filled with Chinese people.

After all, in such an important game, the opponent is still the national team that is living a decent life.

How could it not make Huaxia fans excited? !
Therefore, in the past few days, the planes flying from China to the local area have also continued to be full.

Many Huaxia fans didn't get tickets, so they simply found a place near the stadium to watch the live broadcast.

Or they found a bar, and a group of people relied on their money skills to directly occupy the bar and "force" the bar owner to broadcast the live broadcast of the game.

Of course, the owners of these bars are still very happy.

After all, giving is really much.

Fans who can fly over for a game are indeed not short of this little money.

Coupled with the large number of people, and a little sharing, there is not much money.

On the court, players from both teams are warming up.

Before the warm-up, Uchida Atsuto and Hao Junmin, the two teammates of the club, exchanged a few words of pleasantries.

After all, when the two were in the club, they cooperated with each other quite a bit.

It's normal to say a few words.

Of course, when it comes to competition, it will not be so harmonious.


Finally, the whistle sounded and the game officially started.

The moment after the referee blew the whistle to start the game, the voices of the fans of the Chinese national team in the entire stadium seemed to be raised to another level.

At this moment, Han Ning felt as if his whole body had been baptized.

Such a shocking shout is stronger than his home court in Dortmund!
Moreover, because he is playing in his own national team, he feels a little different.


More full of power!
Standing in the midfield circle, Han Ning stared at the players of the Japanese national team not far in front of him.

Gently knocked the football to Gao Lin beside him.

Then one person rushed directly to the half of the Japanese national team.

Shouting while rushing: "Press forward! Press and beat!"

This cry was extremely powerful.

At least five or six teammates of the China national team around Han Ning could hear his voice.

After being dazed, Gao Lin and the others also came to their senses.

At this time, in the stadium, under the shouts of the fans of the Huaxia national team.

Gao Lin and others also forgot the tactics arranged by Coach Gao before the game.

With enthusiasm, he followed Han Ning without hesitation and rushed towards the Japanese national team's half.

There are some young men in their 20s on the field, and it is normal to get taller.

Coach Gao on the sidelines touched the top of his head with his right hand in a bewildered expression after seeing the players of the Huaxia national team on the field directly pressing towards the Japanese national team's half.

He didn't arrange it like this before the game!
Although it is understandable that these players on the field became emotional and made some impulsive choices on a stage like the Asian Cup final.

After all, these players are not very old, and they are in their youth.

However, players like Han Ning and Hao Junmin who have experienced big scenes should not make such mistakes.


Look at this look on the court.

How come it looks like Han Ning took these players to the head together? !

Coach Gao frowned slightly and thought for a while.

Afterwards, the wrinkles between the eyebrows dissipated, and the expression was no longer tangled.

If someone else takes the lead in doing this kind of thing, he will definitely be very dissatisfied.

However, Han Ning took the lead in doing this kind of thing.

There must be a reason for him!
Just wait and see how it changes!
Um!right!This is definitely not a double standard!
How could a top player who has won the Champions League twice, how could he do something stupid!

She definitely made such a choice after discovering some great opportunity!
Coach Gao is very sincere in trusting Han Ning.

The football came to Hao Junmin's feet after several passes.

Hao Junmin dribbled the ball forward all the way.

Seeing this scene, all the Huaxia fans who were watching the game became excited.

Who wouldn't want to see their home team attacking their opponents? !

However, the players of the Japanese national team also responded quickly.

Immediately, forward players were sent to Hao Junmin's side to intercept.

At this time, Hao Junmin had just crossed the midfield line with the ball.

This kind of reaction speed is faster than those opponents that the Chinese national team has encountered before!
Neither the Australian national team nor the Korean national team can compare with the Japanese national team.

Facing the opponent's interception, Hao Junmin did not act recklessly, but immediately passed the football under his feet to the front right.

At this time, Zheng Zhi was waiting in that direction for a response.

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