The start of the greenery unlocks the Daluo experience card

Chapter 380 Injury wave, Champions League knockout chapter 2 together

After winning the Dortmund team, the impact of multi-line combat was reflected.

This season, although the Chelsea team was out early in the League Cup.

But there is still the pressure of the FA Cup, the Champions League and the Premier League.

In addition, there is no winter break in the Premier League, and there are more league games.

So there is still a lot of pressure on the schedule.

Especially a multi-line team like Chelsea.

Scenes of double matches or even three matches a week are very common.

And now, Chelsea are in the FA Cup, the Champions League and the Premier League.

The Premier League tops the list, and its points are much higher than Manchester City, which ranks No.2.

The FA Cup has also passed the fourth round.

In the UEFA Champions League, Han Ning's former club Dortmund had just been defeated 1-0.

The record is very good-looking.

But problems also followed.

The stamina of Chelsea's players had problems.

And some players suffered injuries due to long-term high-intensity games.

First, Bell strained his thigh muscle and needed to rest for two weeks.

Immediately afterwards, Drogba sprained his ankle and needed to rest for three to four weeks.

In terms of midfield, Chelsea also experienced a wave of injuries.

First, Ivanovic suffered a muscle strain and needed to rest for a week.

Then the midfielder Ramirez suffered the most serious injury, with a mild ligament strain, and the insurance estimated that he would need to recuperate for 2 to 3 weeks.

It is estimated that it will take 4 to 6 weeks to recover!

Such a wave of injuries has caused Chelsea to suffer personnel losses from the frontcourt to the midfield.

Fortunately, the injuries of Chelsea's players are not too serious.

Most of them are injuries caused by muscle strain.

If all goes well, they can return to their respective teams to compete before the end of the season.

However, the next Chelsea game was greatly affected.

Chelsea lost 18-0 to Manchester United in the 2th round of the Premier League.

Immediately afterwards, in the 29th round of the Premier League, Chelsea was tied 2-2 by Blackpool.

Subsequently, in the 30th round of the Premier League, Chelsea was defeated by Manchester City 2-0.

These three consecutive games, with two losses and one tie, directly allowed Manchester City, No. 2 in the league, to quickly approach Chelsea in the Premier League standings.

The points gap between the two teams is only 2 points!
Especially these three games also included a direct dialogue between Chelsea and Manchester City!
This 6-point league game allowed Manchester City to win, which is a bit traumatic for Chelsea.

The only good news is that after these three games, several injured players in the Chelsea team are gradually recovering.

There is another game time, and you can play the game.


Chelsea's next game is the Champions League knockout round!

The second leg against Borussia Dortmund!

In this game, none of the main Chelsea players who were injured could play the game!
Before that, Chelsea only won the first leg with a score of 1-0.

Such a score is not safe!
Therefore, in this game, the Chelsea team must not lose!
Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire Chelsea team became much more serious.

the reason is simple.

Dortmund, as the Champions League champion team last season, is not weak even if Han Ning and Bell leave.

No one can guarantee that the Chelsea team will be able to win or keep a tie in the away game!

What's more, the current lineup of Chelsea's main players is not complete!

Even Mourinho, who has always been extremely confident, has a trace of sadness on his face.

Finally, time passed day by day.

Chelsea still ushered in the second round with Dortmund.

The whole team arrived in Dortmund on a chartered flight one day ahead of schedule.

As soon as he got off the plane, Han Ning looked at the familiar airport and felt quite emotional.

Bell on the side came to Han Ning and said softly: "Han, do you think we will be scolded tomorrow?!"

Bell's injury is the lightest in the team, and he is now able to train with the team.

It's just that the injury has just recovered and his state is still unstable, so Mourinho just put him on the team's substitute list.

Han Ning looked away, shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know."

In fact, Han Ning's feelings at this time are the most complicated.

His affection for Dortmund and the fans here is very deep.

The last game was played at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea's home stadium.

So when seeing Dortmund's former teammates and coaches, Han Ning was very happy.

It is the joy of reuniting friends after a long absence.

After the game, he also asked Mourinho for leave, and took Bell to have a meal with his former Dortmund teammates.

But this time, returning to Dortmund, it feels very different to him.

I miss it very much.

Also very scared and worried.

He was afraid of being booed at Dortmund.

The worry is that Dortmund fans have forgotten him.

So Han Ning's mood at this time is extraordinarily complicated.

All the way out of Dortmund's airport.

I got on the team's luxury bus and went all the way to the hotel that the team had rented in advance.

Along the way, I hardly saw any Dortmund fans.

This made the Chelsea players a little surprised.

In the past, when they went to away games, most of the extreme fans of the opposing team would come to the airport or near the hotel to abuse them.

This is a relatively common thing in football.

But today, they didn't see a Dortmund fan.

The journey from the airport to the hotel was very peaceful.

Even after arriving at the hotel, there were no extreme fans running downstairs to make any noise.

This makes Chelsea fans a little puzzled.

But I didn't think about it.

After all, the game is the next day.

Their most important task now is to rest and ensure that they are in the best condition to meet the game the next day.

This night was basically the most comfortable night for Chelsea players to sleep when they played an away game.

You know, the extreme fans of some teams even went to the hotel rented by the opponent team to light the fire.

Time passed by little by little.

The Chelsea players finally gathered their teams and headed to Dortmund's home court.

Han Ning, who was about to enter the stadium, felt even more complicated.

I will soon face the fans who once supported me so much.

But I came here as an enemy.

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