The start of the greenery unlocks the Daluo experience card

Chapter 330 Problem!Inadaptation of the tactical system

Rooney naturally felt Han Ning's gaze.

He stared back without fear.

To be honest, Rooney didn't find it enjoyable in the last match between the two.

Mostly, he failed to win.

So I have been simmering in my heart all the time, wanting to win back.

When Ferguson wanted to bring Han Ning to Manchester United, Rooney still felt a little uncomfortable.

Originally, he thought that after Ronaldo left, he could also lead Manchester United to the top of Europe.

But his mentor has always wanted to buy Han Ning.

For Rooney, this is a bit unconvinced.

Various factors were mixed together, which caused Rooney's fighting spirit to be extremely strong when facing Han Ning.


A kick passed the ball back into midfield, and Rooney sprinted straight into Chelsea's half.

At this moment, Chelsea's players seemed to have received an order, and everyone retreated towards their penalty area.

This unhesitating way of retreating is Han Ning's deepest feeling in the team these days.

Under Mourinho's command, Chelsea's team is like a well-ordered army.

It can be strictly prohibited.

If you are on another team, you will defend like this when you come up.

He has long been scolded to death by fans or the media.

However, this is Mourinho's team.

Fans and the media have long been used to it.

It's really not a boast to make the defense to the extreme.

Manchester United immediately launched an onslaught.

The Community Shield Cup is said to be a final, but in fact, most of the wealthy teams regard such a final as a training match.

Unless there is some deep hatred between the two teams.

Otherwise, it is used to test how the team's tactical system is running in, or whether the new players who join the team can cooperate better with their teammates.

He didn't take such a champion too seriously.

This is mainly because the gold content of this championship is not too high.

A cup match, just a final match, what gold content can there be.

What's more, in the past few years, the Premier League still had the curse of the Community Shield.

As long as you win the Community Shield Cup, you will probably not be able to win the league championship this year.

This is also one of the reasons why the rich teams look down on this championship.

So as soon as the Manchester United team came up, they launched a fierce attack without any temptation.

Carrick dribbles the ball forward quickly.

When advancing to the vicinity of the midfield line, he made a long pass directly and passed the football to Nani's feet.

After receiving a pass from Carrick, Nani immediately began to break forward with the ball.

Now Chelsea have begun to retreat defensively.

For Manchester United, the best way to attack is to pass from the bottom or hit a long shot.

And Nani's long-range shooting ability is a bit hip.

The playing style is relatively unique.

So when the football is at his feet, there is only one choice.

Bottom breakthrough.

Nani didn't have any timidity when he brought the ball to Bell.

It's not that he hasn't played against Bell before.

Although Bale played well at the winger position last year.

But when he was still raising the position of full-back, the two faced each other quite often.

Nani is quite familiar with Bell's defensive ability.

In the winger position, this defensive ability is very good.

But it's not enough to put it on the full-back.

The right foot stepped over the football, and then the center of gravity of the body leaned to the right.

Made a posture to break through directly from the right with speed.

After shaking Bell's body center of gravity, he immediately hooked the football to the left with his left foot.

Immediately afterwards, Nani broke out at an extremely fast speed and rushed past Bell.

After successfully passing Bell, Nani did not choose to continue to move forward with the ball.

Due to Chelsea's retreating defense, there was not much space for Nani to find a breakthrough.

After he passed Bell, it was very close to the baseline.

And in front of him, there is a Chelsea full-back player.

Therefore, the best way to attack is to pass directly.

And Nani did the same.


The football flew into Chelsea's penalty area and headed straight for the front of the goal.

Rooney rushed over immediately and went straight to the front.

Against the defense of Chelsea's central defender Terry, he jumped angrily.

Facing the flying football, he shook his head violently.


The football changed direction in an instant and flew towards Chelsea's goal.

I have to say that Lu Xiaopang is very capable as a forward player.

Whether it is pitching or shooting, it is considered outstanding.

Chelsea goalkeeper Peter Cech jumps with his helmet on.


I don't know if it was Rooney's bad luck. Although the football was not thrown by Petr Cech, it hit the post and bounced back into the penalty area.

Then he was kicked out of the sideline by Terry.

Manchester United's attack did not succeed this time.

But Mourinho on the sidelines was very angry.

Manchester United's first attack at the beginning gave them such a good opportunity.

This is absolutely intolerable to Mourinho.

He yelled directly from the sidelines, beckoning Chelsea players to defend.

Standing on the field, Han Ning couldn't help frowning.

From the attack of Manchester United just now, he can see the current team's problems.

He and Bell don't seem to be in harmony with Chelsea's tactical system.

Previously in Dortmund, the two have become accustomed to Klopp's tactical system.

Defend with a wide range of high-intensity pressing in the midfield to fight for the ball.

Chelsea, on the other hand, used the compressed space to make the opponent have no more space to organize offense and defend.

This inconsistency in the tactical system led to a gap between Bell and the Chelsea full-back just now.

If the two have a tacit understanding, after Bale is passed, the full-back player should step forward to press for the first time, so that Nani can't kick the cross.

Immediately afterwards, Bell also retreated deliberately, further compressing the space, and not giving Nani a chance to continue to break through.

But fortunately, these problems will be solved after a period of time and after the two get used to Chelsea's tactical style.

The question is, what to do with this game!
Ferguson is no fool.

Knowing that you have shortcomings here, can you not take advantage of them? !

The only way is to score first!
Then take the lead and defend with all your strength.

This is also Mourinho's favorite thing to do!

Manchester United's throw-in.

Park Ji-sung stood outside the sideline, raised the football with both hands, and then threw it directly to Carrick in front of him.

Seeing this, Han Ning rushed directly to Carrick's body to defend.

Before Carrick turned around, he felt a powerful force behind him.

After weighing it himself and finding it difficult to complete the turn, Carrick directly passed the football under his feet to the feet of Park Ji-sung who had just run into the field.

Seeing this, Han Ning hurried over again.

When Park Ji-sung saw Han Ning, he couldn't help swallowing.

He still hasn't forgotten what happened to him the last time he faced Han Ning.

Obviously, he already has some psychological shadows on Han Ning!

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