The start of the greenery unlocks the Daluo experience card

Chapter 321 Summary of Enrollment Results, Great Success

Time passed by minute by minute.

The news that Han Ning wants to open a football youth training chain school has spread widely in China.

With Han Ning's current status in China, he is no less than Yao, who led his team to the quarterfinals of the Olympic Games.

Even, the status is much higher than that of Dayao!
After all, Dayao never won a championship in the NBA.

But Han Ning has already won the UEFA Champions League.

In terms of championship honor alone, Han Ning has crushed Dayao.

In addition, the current network development has been very rapid.

So even many people who don't pay attention to football at all on weekdays know that Huaxia football has produced a remarkable figure.

Five or six hours after the press conference, the news had even spread overseas.

Abramovich, who valued Han Ning very much, immediately called Han Ning.

The meaning of the words is also very simple.

Full support.


Abramovich may not be Hanning's number one fan.

But he must be one of the richest fans among Han Ning's fans!

Especially when Han Ning had just transferred to Chelsea and the relationship between the two was in the honeymoon period, Abramovich naturally wanted to fully support Han Ning.

After a brief discussion between the two, they made a decision.

Every year in the future, Chelsea will send a certain number of scouts to China to screen players.

Of course, the criteria for selecting players will not change in any way because of Han Ning's presence.

For Chelsea, this is nothing more than a little time with a few scouts, plus a few round-trip air tickets.

Abramovich can also sell Han Ning a face.

But for Han Ning's youth training school, the meaning is completely different!
With the addition of Dortmund, there are now two teams from the five major leagues willing to send scouts to select talents every year.

What this means for a football school is absolutely extraordinary!

The attraction for those young players is also extremely huge!
As long as you perform well, you will have the opportunity to study abroad!

Like Han Ning, go to the five major leagues!
After Han Ning discussed with Abramovich, Chelsea's legal department immediately prepared the contract and sent a fax.

The two parties signed and sealed the contract in a very short period of time.

Han Ning also used the media to announce the news immediately.

However, many domestic football players are still not optimistic about Han Ning's move.

Especially the owners of many teams.

In their eyes, engaging in youth training in China is the most thankless thing.

Even, they didn't think that Han Ning could recruit many students.

At least half of the football schools that spent a lot of money to build before will be abandoned.

For a while, Han Ning almost became a joke in the Chinese football circle.

One day, two days, three days.
Finally, after a week, the enrollment is over!

Han Ning and Xiu Luo sat in the office, anxiously waiting for the statistical results of each football school.


The first mail arrives.

Han Ning anxiously opened the email and checked it.

"Qingdao Youth Football School branch, a total of 2341 applicants! 1520 people have been recruited!"

After seeing this number, both Han Ning and Xiu Luo's eyes widened.

After looking at each other, both of them saw a hint of disbelief in each other's eyes.

Is it because there are too few people? !

Do not!
It's too much!

Before this, Han Ning, Xiu Luo and Director Xu Genbao had discussed it.

I think that the enrollment this time, although it has the prestige of Han Ning who just won the Champions League, can have a certain blessing on the enrollment.

But after all, the current youth training environment in China is too bad!
The prospect of enrollment is still not particularly promising.

More than a dozen branch schools can find a total of about 2000 people, which is considered a success!
In this way, each branch school can have about a hundred young players, even if it has successfully taken the first step!

After all, youth training is never something that can be accomplished overnight.

However, everyone underestimated Han Ning's current domestic influence!

Are there few people in China who like football? !
Quite a lot!

Among the more than one billion people, there are always 3000 to [-] million!

It's just that no one has ever proved before that Chinese people can really make a name for themselves by playing football!

Moreover, if you fail, there is no way out!

This has caused many people to dare not let their children step into this ranks!

But now, Han Ning appeared!

He proved that Chinese people can play football and achieve results!

And the youth training planned by Han Ning, even if the young players fail to play a future, it can ensure that they can work hard to get into a sports university.

Leave them a retreat!
Coupled with the prestige created by his just won the Champions League, many parents were moved.

As for the young players, there is no need to say more!
Han Ning's presence there is an endless attraction for them.

Therefore, the first branch school that sent over the statistical information gave Han Ning and Xiu Luo a big surprise!

More than 2000 people!1520 people left!
As for why 800 people did not enroll.

The reason is also very simple!
The limit of young players that a branch school can recruit is more than 500!
I can't take it anymore!

This greatly exceeded Han Ning's expectations!


The second mail arrives.

"The branch of Dalian Youth Training Football School has a total of 2533 applicants! 1530 people have been recruited!"

The Dalian branch school has even more applicants than the Qingdao branch school!


The third mail arrives.

"Xi'an Youth Training Football School branch has a total of 1862 applicants, and 1500 people have been recruited!"

When they saw the third email, Han Ning and Xiu Luo finally couldn't help the excitement in their hearts.

Hug hard, hug each other and cry.

Xiu Luo trembled, his voice hoarse and whispered: "Ningzi! We succeeded! We succeeded!"

Han Ning clenched his fist with his right hand, lightly thumped Xiuluo's back, and said in a deep voice, "Successful!"

"But the road ahead will be more difficult! We must persevere!"

Two hours later, the statistical results of more than a dozen branch schools were all summarized.

In addition to the full enrollment results of the first few branch schools, there are still a few branch schools whose results are not good.

There are even two branch schools with only 500 applicants.

But this has greatly exceeded Han Ning's expectations.

After counting all the results, Xiu Luo immediately contacted the media and announced the results.

"Han Ning Football School Enrollment is a Great Success!A total of 19327 applicants!A total of 15212 people were recruited! "

When this news was announced, it instantly shocked the entire Chinese football industry!

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