The start of the greenery unlocks the Daluo experience card

Chapter 319 Chapter Country!Hanning's press conference

After signing the contract and receiving the signing bonus, Han Ning set off directly to return home.

He has not forgotten that he still has a lot of things waiting for him to deal with during this holiday.

Anyway, the contract has been signed, and if there is anything else, he doesn't need to deal with it.

After retiring the Dortmund house, he left Dortmund without saying hello.

Han Ning has little experience in parting.

Don't want to make too much noise.

I'm afraid that at that time, I can't help but give up and leave Dortmund.

Han Ning already has deep feelings for this place where he has stayed for two years.

Standing outside the airport, looked back, then sighed softly, turned and walked into the airport.

After a long flight, he finally returned to Huaxia.

This time, Han Ning had a very strict way of keeping his whereabouts secret.

He didn't even ask his parents to pick him up.

Li Qin was the only person responsible for picking up the plane.

After making all kinds of preparations along the way, after finishing all kinds of sunglasses, clothes and makeup, I walked out of the pick-up gate quickly.

Seeing a girl with a good figure also wearing sunglasses and a mask, holding a sign with "Han" in her hand, Han Ning's eyes suddenly brightened.

Stepping forward quickly, he grabbed Li Qin and walked out of the airport.

Li Qin panicked when Han Ning grabbed her.

After taking a closer look, he found that the back of the person in front of him was the person he was dreaming of, so he couldn't hold back his exclamation.

He took Han Ning all the way to a commercial vehicle, and then left the airport in a hurry.

In the business car, Han Ning took off all his disguises, and then let out a long breath.

"Huh, it finally came out!"

The scene of being stuck at the airport last time made Han Ning still a little scared.

Seeing Han Ning's reaction, Li Qin couldn't help laughing.

After Han Ning saw Li Qin's smile, a touch of tenderness appeared on his face.

Gently rubbing Li Qin's little head, he didn't say anything.

The two people who originally wanted to say a thousand words, after meeting, realized that a thousand words are not as good as seeing each other and smiling at each other.

Everything is satisfied.

After a long time, Li Qin asked, "How long will you stay this time?!"

Han Ning said softly, "After the World Cup is over."

Li Qin nodded, and then said softly: "I still have to film for a while. After a few days, there will be nothing else to do."

"Then while you're filming, I'll finish all the things I should be busy with, and then the two of us will go out and have fun."

The two chatted in the car with each other.

But he completely forgot that there was another big injustice at the airport, and he was standing outside the airport at this moment, waving a taxi down with a speechless expression.

Struth swears.

In the future, I will never fly back to China with Han Ning again.

You can throw him at the airport every time!
This is outrageous!

Fortunately, he already had experience. This time, Struth took a taxi directly to the hotel by himself.

When Han Ning saw Struth again the next day, he suddenly realized: "Struth, when did you come?!"

When Struth heard this, he immediately became angry and said in a deep voice, "Didn't I f*ck come with you yesterday?!"

Han Ning smiled awkwardly.

Then he scratched his head, changed the subject and said, "Well, go get busy with business first, get busy with business. Isn't Xiu Luo still waiting for us?!"

After speaking, he directly pulled Struth and left.

When talking about business on the road, Struth forgot the previous anger.

Han Ning successfully changed the topic.

"I read the report that Xiu Luo gave me. These football youth training schools of yours are very formal and have invested a lot, but the construction speed is also very fast."

"The only trouble is that there are too few students. And it has always been a state of making ends meet."

"It can even be said that your money is basically spent on this project."

"My suggestion is that you can stop for a while. If this continues, the money you earn will not be enough to burn this project."

Hearing this, Han Ning couldn't help frowning.

Then he said in a deep voice: "Then contact more advertisements or something. The investment must not be less!"

Seeing Han Ning's resolute look, Struth couldn't help sighing.

He knew that what Han Ning decided could not be changed.

All the way to a football youth training base in the suburbs.

Han Ning finally saw Xiu Luo whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Looking at his brother whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Han Ning couldn't help laughing.

Xiu Luo couldn't help laughing, then ran to Han Ning's body, clenched his fist with his right hand, and punched Han Ning's shoulder.

He laughed and scolded: "You boy, where is my signed jersey?!"

After Han Ning heard this, his expression froze.

It’s over.

He had completely forgotten about the autographed jersey.

After seeing Han Ning's expression, Xiu Luo understood that his brother had forgotten about this matter.

"I knew it! You forgot, kid!"

Han Ning smiled, and then asked softly, "It doesn't matter, I have a solution! Do you have a pen here?!"

Xiuluo nodded.

Han Ning then ran back to the car and took out a backpack.

Follow Xiu Luo all the way to the office.

Picking up a pen from the table, he opened the backpack.

Pulled out a dozen jerseys.

Start signing now.

After signing the first one, he directly stuffed the jersey into Xiuluo's arms, waved his hand, and shouted: "Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi's, mine is fine, right?!"

Xiu Luo looked at the signed jersey in his hand and laughed angrily.

"Go, go! Your kid's signed jersey, don't I want as much as I want?!"

"Take this thing to send me away, thanks to you, you can figure it out!"

After Xiu Luo cursed a few times with a smile, he didn't bother about signing the jersey anymore.

After all, Han Ning's signed jersey is also very valuable now.

Especially in China.

That is priceless!
The signed jersey of the first player in China to win the UEFA Champions League!
How many people want to buy one but can't find a way!
Of course, Xiuluo will not sell these signed jerseys.

Putting away his smile, Xiu Luo looked at Han Ning and said in a serious voice, "Brother, the press conference is ready."

"If you take this step, there is no turning back!"

Han Ning's expression became more serious. He nodded heavily and said, "I've been prepared for a long time. This is the best I can do!"

Xiu Luo sighed lightly, and then didn't say anything else.

Several people walked towards the scene of the press conference.

At this time, in the large conference room that temporarily served as the site of the press conference, dozens of media reporters were all looking forward to it.

After receiving the order to come to this press conference, until now, they still don't know why they came here.

What is this press conference about?

Many media reporters started to complain.

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