The start of the greenery unlocks the Daluo experience card

Chapter 312 Score another goal and directly seal the victory


The referee blew his whistle and the game continued.

Dortmund kick off!
Lewandowski passed the ball to Han Ning beside him.

Afterwards, Han Ning began to move forward slowly from the middle with the ball.

Since it is necessary to rely on physical strength to make a fuss, playing a defensive counterattack is the best choice.

There is no need to attack at this time.

That's not the best way to play for Dortmund.

After all, they are the ones leading now, not Bayern Munich!

After discovering that Han Ning and other Dortmund players seemed to have no intention of attacking, the Bayern Munich players surrounded them one after another and launched a press in the midfield.

Han Ning, who is holding the ball, is naturally the first to be marked by the Bayern Munich players.

Olić and Van Bommel surrounded Han Ning.

Facing two people double-teaming and pressing at the same time, Han Ning didn't panic at all.

The football is constantly bumping back and forth between the feet.

At the same time, Han Ning also retreated step by step.

No matter how Olić and Van Bommel stretched their feet to press, they failed to snatch the football from Han Ning's feet.

This is enough to see how strong Han Ning's ability to protect the ball is now.

However, no matter how strong the ability to protect the ball is, it is not always possible to protect the football under your feet.

After retreating a few meters, he was snatched by Schweinsteiger who ran not far away.

At the first moment of being intercepted, Han Ning rushed forward and entangled Schweinsteiger.

At the same time, he gestured to his teammates around him.

Gotze and the others quickly backed away.

Taking advantage of the time when Han Ning was entangled with Schweinsteiger, he completed the defense.

But Schweinsteiger failed to pass the football in time because of Hanning's timely press, and missed the best opportunity to counterattack.

Bayern Munich had to try to attack from a positional battle.

When Van Bommel received a pass from Schweinsteiger, he slowly dribbled the ball forward.

When advancing to a distance of seven or eight meters from Dortmund's penalty area line, he directly passed the football to the right side.

Robben is working around there.

In the positional battle, Robben either passed from the left wing or hit the goal from a small angle.

Or try to hit a curveball shot on the right wing.

The threats are pretty big.

After receiving a pass from Van Bommel, Robben quickly dribbled the ball laterally.

After running two steps, he used his explosive power to get away from Kanter, who was defending him, and shot directly.


The football instantly soared into the air.

Robben's kick flew towards the upper left corner of Dortmund's goal.

Weidenfeller took off with great effort, but still failed to touch the football.

However, luck is on Dortmund's side.

With a bang, the football hit Dortmund's goal crossbar.

Did not score!
Instead, it rebounded into Dortmund's penalty area.

Hummels reacted quickly, and immediately came to the point where the football landed and took control of the ball.

Then immediately complete the turn and pass the football.

The Dortmund players instantly seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and began to pounce towards Bayern Munich's half.

Kanter ran two steps forward with the ball, and then passed the football to Shaheen with a pass.

Shaheen didn't stop the ball, and then passed the ball to the left side of the court with a pass.

Bell stretched out his feet and flew the football forward for a distance of three or four meters.

Afterwards, he broke out with his fastest speed and galloped towards the bottom line.

Dortmund's counterattack was extremely fierce!

When the Bayern Munich players surrounded the left wing, Bell did not choose to do it blindly.

Instead, he swung his left leg and slammed it on the football.


The football flew into the air and came across the half court to the right side of the field.

He successfully came to Han Ning's feet.

Such a wide range of ball transfers made Bayern Munich's players resentful.

I was already bored!
You still pass the ball so far!
However, it will not work if you don't chase!

In desperation, the Bayern Munich players rushed towards the right side.

However, the game has come to an end.

Bayern Munich's players have long been exhausted.

Coupled with the large-scale transfer of the ball that Dortmund has carried out these few times, the Bayern Munich players feel that their legs are heavy.

Han Ning was also very tired.

But still gritted his teeth and continued to sprint forward.

Just one more goal to seal the victory!

Holding such belief, Han Ning tried his best to run forward.

Bayern Munich's full-back player Bad Stuber stepped forward to intercept.

Without hesitation, Han Ning knocked the football forward.

Then he used his own speed to forcefully surpass the past.

Later, when he came near the line of Bayern Munich's big penalty area, Bayern Munich's central defender Van Buyten stepped forward to intercept.

Still without hesitation, Han Ning knocked the football forward again.

Then the speed of his feet increased, taking advantage of the time when Van Buyten turned around, he rushed past him.

It's not that Han Ning doesn't want to use other methods to break through the offense.

Purely because of excessive physical exertion.

The easiest way is the least error-prone.

In such a situation of extreme fatigue, if you force a breakthrough in the movement, it is easy to deform the movement and lead to mistakes!

After passing Van Buyten and catching up with the football again, Han Ning had already rushed to the bottom line.

Stopped the football with his right foot, then turned quickly and stopped, panting, looking at the Bayern Munich goal.

At this time, it is impossible to cut inside to attack in the middle.

It is also very difficult to hit the goal from a small angle.

Han Ning was in a difficult situation for a while, and didn't know how to attack.

At this moment, a voice came, which made Han Ning's eyes brighten up.

"Han! Here!" Gotze shouted.

Then Han Ning didn't even look at it, and just passed the football with one kick.

Relying on the tacit understanding between the two, in an instant, Han Ning knew where Gotze would appear.

as predicted!

Near the penalty spot in Bayern Munich's penalty area, Gotze's figure appeared.

And Han Ning's pass followed suit.

Gotze swung his right leg and slammed towards the football.


The football flew to the left of Bayern Munich's goal at a very fast speed.

Bout tried his best to take off and try to save.


The sound of "swish" proved that the football has flown into the goal of Bayern Munich.

Dortmund scored again!
The score between the two sides came to 4 to 2!

And the game has less than 3 minutes left!

It can be said that Dortmund has secured the victory!

In the live broadcast room, Zhan Jun and Su Dong jumped up excitedly!

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