Leichelt was still very disdainful after hearing Han Ning's words.

He deliberately found a friend who worked in UEFA's testing department yesterday, and spent [-] euros to change Han Ning's test results.

Now UEFA's official website has announced the tampered test results.

It can be said that everything is a certainty.

However, has Han Ning ever taken stimulants?

Now, in the eyes of everyone, he is a bad athlete who has taken doping.

Based on this, Han Ning's sports career is basically over.

Leichelt didn't think that Han Ning had any way to turn things around, he just thought that he was incompetent and furious, and said some useless harsh words.

As soon as Han Ning and Klopp took their seats, the reporters present couldn't bear it anymore.

"Han, UEFA has announced your doping test results. Do you have anything to say about this result?!"

"Mr. Klopp, did you know about Han's doping?!"

"Mr. Klopp, did Han doping at your request?!"

"May I ask how the Dortmund club plans to deal with Han Ning's doping?!"

Han Ning couldn't help being a little dumbfounded seeing the scene in front of him.

This is the first time that a Chinese player can make such a sensation in these foreign media.

It's just that such a sensation is only because of an unwarranted scandal.

Klopp cleared his throat and said: "Friends from the media, please be quiet. We will explain this matter in detail next."

The reporters at the scene gradually quieted down, but their eyes were still shining, looking forward to what might happen next.

Is Han Ning apologizing in public and announcing his retirement? !

Or Han Ning refused to apologize, Dortmund club announced the expulsion of Han Ning? !

After Klopp saw that the reporters were all quiet, he patted Han Ning on the shoulder lightly, indicating that he would leave the rest of the matter to him.

After all, Han Ning is the person involved in the matter, and it is most appropriate for him to explain the situation.

Han Ning first looked around, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly, laughed softly and said, "First of all, I would like to thank all friends from the media for coming to this press conference."

The expressions on the faces of the reporters present were a little weird.

You have been doped, how can you still laugh? !
However, what Han Ning said next shocked everyone present!
"I believe everyone has seen the results of my doping test report on UEFA's official website. It says that I have taken doping, right?!" Han Ning said softly.

When Lechelt heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahaha! Since UEFA's official website has already announced the answer, why don't you apologize to us quickly and announce your retirement from football?!"

Han Ning glanced at Leichelt coldly, and then continued: "However, I still have a test report here, and the final result is completely opposite to UEFA's result."

After speaking, Han Ning took out a stack of test reports from the folder in his hand and put them on the table.

At the top of this pile of test reports, the words "International Football Federation" are clearly written.

The reporters present were in an uproar.

No one expected that Han Ning would take out a World Football Association test report within a few hours after UEFA released the test report results!
"Impossible! How is this possible! UEFA's tests were only released a day later! How could the World Football Federation's report be tested so quickly! You must be fake!" Lechelt blushed roared loudly.

He never expected that Han Ning would be able to get the test report from the World Football Federation.

Although he has friends in UEFA, he doesn't know anyone in World Football Association!
If the test report in Han Ning's hands really came from the World Football Federation, then the money he spent before was wasted!
Han Ning said with a sneer: "It seems that Mr. Leichelt doesn't believe it. It just so happens that the staff of the World Football Federation haven't left yet. Please come over and help me verify the authenticity of this test report."

When the World Football Federation staff came to deliver the test report before, Klopp specially invited him to attend the press conference in order to verify the authenticity of the test report in front of all the reporters.

At this time, a middle-aged white man came in from the backstage, holding the same test report as the one on the table.

The white man walked to the stage, opened the test report and showed it to the reporters and said softly: "The World Football Association can confirm that Han Ning has not taken doping. Our test was carried out immediately after the press conference after the game yesterday. Yes. FIFA hereby declares that the results of this test report are fair and correct.”

"And, for the results of UEFA's test report, World Football Federation will verify again. If there is any illegal operation, it will be severely punished!"

As soon as the white man's voice fell, Leichelt's face turned pale instantly.


It is really the test report made by the World Football Association!
He never expected that Han Ning would keep such a trick!
FIFA is nominally the upper-level organization of UEFA.Although the two parties often have conflicts.But it is undeniable that the World Football Association's test report is indeed more powerful than the UEFA test report!
This is almost equivalent to telling everyone that there is something wrong with UEFA's test report!

And FIFA will also review UEFA.

If he is found out, then all his dealings with his friends will be exposed.

At that time, not only will he lose his job, but he will even be imprisoned!

Looking at Leichelt's ugly expression, Han Ning couldn't help laughing and said: "Mr. Leichelt, could it be that he doesn't approve of the World Football Federation's test results?!"

When Leichelt heard Han Ning's words, he was furious.

But the World Football Federation staff were still on the scene, staring at him, so they had to grit their teeth and say, "No, I agree."

"Since Mr. Leichelt approves of this result, shall we settle the score?!" Han Ning stared at Leichelt coldly and said.

The reporters present looked at Lechelt and almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Each of these reporters is a genius.

Previously, Leichelt was the first to stand up and question Han Ning's doping.As a result, he was now slapped in the face by the World Football Federation.

And UEFA's report is obviously problematic!

As for where the problem lies, it is estimated that Leichelt cannot escape.

Now, Han Ning is going to settle accounts after autumn!
"I wonder if Mr. Leichelt still remembers the bet we made?!" Han Ning continued.

"Are you going to have a taste of this prison meal, or pay me [-] million euros?!"

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