The start of the greenery unlocks the Daluo experience card

Chapter 206 The Appreciation from the Opponent is More Proud

Su Qun sat in the live broadcast room, facing the camera, smiling all over his face, and said softly: "First, let me introduce a few of today's guests."

"Sitting on my left are our old friends, the famous football commentator Zhang Lu. And the famous football commentator Zhan Jun."

"Mr. Zhan Jun is currently working for ESPN and is responsible for the commentary of the Premier League in Taiwan and Taiwan. This time, he is also a special guest."

Zhan Jun waved his hand at the camera, helped the frame and said in his unique and recognizable voice: "Hello, audience friends, I am Zhan Jun, the football commentator."

"Sitting on my right are two friends who may be unfamiliar to you, Zhao Kai and Song Lei. Say hello to everyone."

Wearing a slim black suit, Zhao Kai smiled at the camera and said, "Hi everyone, I'm Zhao Kai, a newcomer to China Television. You may see me often on TV in the future."

Song Lei on the other side seemed a little cramped, and said with a twisted expression: "Hi everyone, I'm Song Lei, a youth training coach."


Song Lei and Han Ning also have some fate.

He is the youth training coach who practiced on Chongming Island together with Xiu Luo.The relationship with Xiuluo is very good.

In the beginning, Huaxia TV also considered whether to invite Xiu Luo.

But after considering the big turmoil before and Xiu Luo's role in it, Huaxia Television still gave up this idea.

This talk show is actually similar to the "Barkley Talk Show" in the NBA.

As the host, Su Qun took control of the audience and asked first: "Recently, there will be a league match between Dortmund and Bayern Munich. Fans from all over the world are paying close attention to this match."

"At the same time, everyone has their own opinions on the outcome of the competition. I don't know what the teachers think?!"

As a member of China TV, Zhang Lu was the first to answer: "In my opinion, Bayern Munich has a better chance of winning. The players Bayern Munich introduced this year are all world-class players!"

"And what does Dortmund have?! Except for Han Ning, who is a world-class star, the others are actually good players. But they are not world-class."

Zhan Jun on the side obviously knew more about how to do this kind of program, and retorted: "I don't think so."

"I have conducted in-depth research on the Dortmund team. This is a youth army! And it is no less than Manchester United's class of 92!"

"You are like Han Ning, you are equivalent to Beckham in class 92. You have both fame and strength."

"And Bale is a bit like Giggs, also has the speed of the wind."

"Gotze and Shaheen are like the Neville brothers. Although they are in different positions, their strengths are very close."

"The last is Kanter, who is equivalent to Bart in Class 92. He is a very important barrier in the midfield."

I have to say that the example given by Zhan Jun is very interesting.

First of all, Manchester United's Class of 92 is a very famous youth army, and it is also one of the few youth troops that has achieved success.

Second, and most critically.

The Champions League trophy won by Manchester United's class of 92 was stepped on the shoulders of Bayern Munich!
That 3-minute black game was a lifelong pain for Bayern Munich fans!
Bayern Munich:
On the other side, newcomer Zhao Kai also expressed his views.

"But Bayern Munich's players are now at their peak! Especially the two wings composed of Robben and Ribery, this season is very lethal in the Bundesliga. It can be said that in world football, the strongest two A combination of wide players."

Finally, Song Lei, who was sitting in the farthest corner, looked at the people who were discussing so fiercely, smiled with a simple and honest expression, and held back for a long time before uttering a single word.


Except for Song Lei, who was silent by the side, the rest of the chatter became more and more excited.

Everyone tried to list all kinds of data and things at the technical and tactical level for analysis to illustrate the advantages that Dortmund may win or the advantages that Bayern Munich may win.

While watching the show, Huaxia fans also set off an upsurge of discussion on the Internet.

"I think Zhan Jun is right! Dortmund's youth team is still very strong!"

"I won against Bayern Munich last year, and I can still win this year! Brother Ning NB!"

"Bayern Munich's lineup this year is really not to be underestimated! Just Robben, Gomez and Ribery's front trident, who can compare?! Real Madrid and Barcelona can be better!"

"Hanning Gabel is not enough?! In addition to Gotze and Shaheen, they are also very strong!"

"Bayern Munich's midfield is not weak either! Schweinsteiger plus Altintop are stronger than Götze and Shaheen!"

"Well, no one thinks that Song Lei who keeps nodding beside him and saying yes is cute?!"

At the end of the show, Su Qun suddenly interrupted everyone's discussion, and said softly: "Everyone has different opinions on winning or losing this game."

"We have also set up a voting activity. Interested fans and friends can call or send text messages to the following number to vote for free, 964816091."

"In addition, at the end of the program, the program team received interview videos with players from the Bundesliga and Bayern Munich. Let's take a look together."

A video was opened, and it was Bayern Munich player Piggy Schweinsteiger.

At this time, he was being interviewed by a Chinese reporter.

"Han Ning is a very good player. I have played against Chinese players before. But he is different. To be honest, he is a level higher than Chinese players. He is a world-class top striker! "

"For the next game, I want to say that our Bayern Munich is much stronger than last year. This year's league champion will definitely be Bayern Munich!"

"Han Ning, I will take revenge!"

As soon as Schweinsteiger finished speaking, the video went black.

But then, it lit up again.

Han Ning appeared in the center of the screen, and was also being interviewed by Chinese reporters.

"I just want to say to Schweinsteiger that the championship will only be Dortmund. Let him come here!"

After the whole show ended, it quickly aroused more heated discussions on Huaxia Network.

Especially the dialogue between Han Ning and Schweinsteiger at the end made countless fans excited.

The most important thing is the passage Schweinsteiger praised Han Ning in the interview.

It directly makes people from countless countries feel endless pride.

When did a Chinese football player get such high praise abroad!

Especially this appreciation, still comes from the opponent!

ps: 964816091

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