At night, after saying goodnight to Han's father and mother, Han Ning returned to his room.

Looking at the star posters everywhere in the room, the corners of Han Ning's mouth raised slightly.

It was at this time that Han Ning could finally calm down and think about what happened that day when he was alone.

First, it was reborn in 2008, and then it got the system.Then he accomplished what he once dreamed of and got the opportunity to play football abroad in Germany.

All this seems so dreamy, but also so real.

[The system is settled. 】

[Number of goals in this game: 5]

[Reward 5 free points. 】

[Acquired skill: The pendulum is extraordinary. 】

[The pendulum is extraordinary: When facing the goalkeeper alone, the probability of successfully passing the goalkeeper is increased to 90.00%.Restrictions on the use of skills: Ball skills above 80. 】

[Winning reward: 1 chance to draw for the star experience card. 】

Han Ning couldn't help but grow his mouth when he saw the system page that suddenly appeared in front of him.

He didn't expect that after scoring and winning, the system would actually reward him.

And the rewards are so rich!

If you score a goal, you can get a little free point, which can be added to any value of Han Ning except height and age.

And also got Ronaldo's pendulum skills.Although the prerequisites for this skill are a bit harsh, Han Ning's current skill is only 51 points, and there is still a gap of 80 points from 29 points.

But no one can deny that this skill is powerful!

There is a 90.00% chance of five successfully passing the goalkeeper single-handedly, which is almost equivalent to a single-handed must-go!
The most important thing is that after winning the game, a chance to draw a star experience card will be rewarded.

Originally, Han Ning was still faintly worried.After he used up the peak Ronaldo experience card, although he moved Klopp, he got the opportunity to play abroad.

But if he can no longer perform as before after arriving in Dortmund in a short period of time, will Klopp be disappointed in himself and give up on himself? !
Han Ning didn't want his overseas career to just go abroad for a while and then come back disheartened.

Now he doesn't worry about it.

As long as he can make good use of the star experience card and score as many goals as possible on the court, then his strength can continue to improve!

Han Ning couldn't help but clenched his fist and swung it vigorously.His face was a bit ferocious, as if reflecting the excitement in his heart at this time.

Looking at the options on his personal data, Han Ning fell into deep thought.

Now he needs to strengthen too much.

If you want to gain a foothold in Dortmund's first team, at least you need a comprehensive ability value of 75 points or more.This is the ability to become a substitute.

To become a starting player, at least a comprehensive ability value of [-] points must be achieved.

And Han Ning's current comprehensive ability is only 65!

The gap between them is a bit too big.

Han Ning looked at his own data and couldn't help being dazed.

Except that the ball quotient and speed reached 81 points and 77 points respectively.

Other data are basically around fifty or sixty.

These 5 points of free points are like a drop in the bucket, they won't do much.

"Since this is the case, then I'll just go to the extreme! First pick an outstanding ability and improve it to the extreme!" Han Ning murmured sullenly.

It is impossible to fully improve one's own strength in a short period of time.

But as long as Han Ning can show a particularly outstanding ability, he can also gain a foothold on the court!

Like the free kick master Mikhailovich, he gained a great reputation in football with a free kick.

Or like Inzaghi, who lives on the offside line, has become a world-class striker by relying on his gifted sense of smell in front of the goal and his positioning and positioning in the penalty area.

Therefore, Han Ning can also choose to improve one of his abilities to the extreme, so as to ensure that he can gain a firm foothold in Dortmund.

With his head down, Han Ning hesitated for a while between his two highest options, and then made a decision. .

81 IQ and 77 speed.

If it is added to the speed, then the speed of 82 points can only be regarded as an upper-middle level in football, and it cannot stand out from the crowd.

But if it is added to the golf quotient, it will be different. A golf quotient of 86 points can definitely crush most players!

The ball quotient of 86 points can fully support Han Ning to become an opportunistic striker on the court, active on the offside line like Inzaghi.

And it can also maximize its strengths and make up for its weaknesses.Hide Han Ning's other current shortcomings.

After all, as an opportunistic striker, as long as he gets a chance, it is a one-handed goal!
All it takes is a bit of speed and shooting skill to rewrite the score!

Han Ning decisively added all five free points to the golf quotient, and then lay on the bed, slowly falling asleep with a smile on his face.

When it came time for Klopp and others to leave, Han's father and mother sent Han Ning to the plane with tears in his eyes.

Because it was a temporary ticket, Han Ning's seat was far from the Dortmund players' seats.

And the Dortmund club's current poor financial situation does not allow them to charter flights to and from China.

"Han, come with me. Let me introduce you to your future teammates." After getting off the plane, Klopp found Han Ning and said with a smile.

Han Ning, who had just bid farewell to his parents, was still a little depressed.

Klopp may have seen it, and offered to take him to meet his future teammates.

Han Ning's eyes lit up when he heard what Klopp said, and he raised his head and nodded.

Klopp took Hanning onto the obviously most luxurious bus among the several buses sent by the club.

"Guys. I want to introduce you to a new player. Han from China." Klopp clapped his hands and shouted as soon as he got on the bus.

The originally noisy bus suddenly fell silent at this moment.

Han Ning looked at the strange and familiar faces in front of him one after another, feeling a little excited in his heart.

These players that he could only see on TV in his previous life have become his teammates now!
"He is the player the coach poached from China?!"

"Look at this, the coach is really poached from the youth training team?!"

"That's not the point. I heard that the boss spent 100 million euros for this player."

"Huaxia's players are so expensive?! Could it be for some commercial value?!"

After Klopp heard the discussion of his players, his face became gloomy.

He could feel that his players were skeptical about trading Han Ning over.

Han Ning was a little embarrassed standing aside.It is indeed a very bad experience to be questioned by one's teammates about one's own strength.

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