The start of the greenery unlocks the Daluo experience card

Chapter 128 The atmosphere is subtle, Li Qin who loves to eat crayfish

Early the next morning, Han Ning got up and went to the gym in the hotel. After completing the daily routine training, Han Ning went back to the room, packed up and walked out of the hotel.

Ever since Han Ning pretended to leave at the airport with Li Qin's help last time, he understood why those celebrities had to put on all kinds of disguises when they went out.

Don't pretend, once you are recognized, it will be a lot of trouble.

When he came downstairs to the hotel where Li Qin was staying, Han Ning took out his mobile phone and sent a text message.

"I'm downstairs in your hotel."

"Ah~ I'll go down right away~"

Li Qin got up early in the morning, studied for a long time what clothes to wear today, and waited in the room after putting on makeup.

After receiving Han Ning's text message, he went to the mirror to check his makeup again, looked at the blushing on his cheeks, took a deep breath and walked out of the room.

Although the two only met once, they didn't say much in total.

But faintly, the two seem to have some affection for each other.

Perhaps Li Qin was influenced by her father and knew a lot about Han Ning.

After knowing that he went to Germany alone and achieved such good results in Germany, Li Qin admired Han Ning even more.

And Han Ning has a good impression of Li Qin.

Originally in the previous life, Han Ning liked this actress very much.

Now being able to get acquainted with Li Qin who has not yet fully become an actor made Han Ning feel a little impermanent in the world.

Besides, Han Ning, who is already in her 30s in her heart, actually yearns for a love.

After a few minutes, Li Qin came to the hotel lobby, looked around, and found Han Ning who seemed to have a good disguise.

He came to Han Ning's side with light steps, patted Han Ning's shoulder lightly and laughed softly: "Hello big star~"

Han Ning was a little surprised, and asked softly: "It's so easy to recognize me?! It seems that my camouflage skills are not good enough."

Li Qin laughed even happier when he heard this, and said softly: "Big star, don't you look at it. In the entire hotel lobby, there is no one wearing sunglasses like you and covering his head with a hat~ "

It was only when Han Ning heard this that he suddenly realized.

Indeed, no normal person would wear sunglasses and a hat in a hotel lobby.

Seeing the smile on Li Qin's face and the agility in his eyes, Han Ning's heart beat faster.

This was the first time he observed Li Qin so closely.

The facial features are exquisite and comely, and there is a playful and pleasant agility in the eyes when he smiles.

It really moved Han Ning's heart.

Li Qin blushed a little when Han Ning saw it like this, and felt a little shy.How could Li Qin, who has just turned 18, not feel shy being stared at by a boy he has a crush on.

He lowered his head slightly and whispered, "Can you stop looking at me like that~"

Han Ning suddenly came to his senses, scratched his head with his hands, and said with some embarrassment: "That. Sorry, let's go eat first."

Li Qin seemed to have not come out of the shyness just now, followed behind Han Ning, lowered his head slightly, and walked out of the hotel without saying a word.

Han Ning did not take Li Qin to any high-end restaurant, but directly took her to find a small shop hidden in an alley.

In his previous life, Han Ning was also a foodie, and he knew a lot of small treasure shops very well.

After returning to the capital, Han Ning deliberately looked for those small shops that he knew in his previous life.

To his delight, he really found one.

After finally going back to China, a little indulgence is also possible to satisfy the gluttony.

For example, Ronaldo also has indulgent meals.

James also has his exclusive TACO Tuesday.

Walking into the small private room of the small shop, the boss handed over a menu.

This small shop seems to have received many celebrities, so when the boss saw Han Ning, he was not surprised. He just took a photo with him and led the two of them into the private room.

Han Ning handed the menu to Li Qin, and said softly, "Look at what you like to eat."

Li Qin pushed the menu back, and said with some embarrassment: "You can order~"

Seeing this, Han Ning smiled.

The girl is so young.But this youthfulness always makes the boy tempted.

"Boss, here are three catties of crayfish. You can watch the other dishes."

When Li Qin heard the word crayfish, his eyes lit up unconsciously.

Seeing this scene, Han Ning couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly.

He knew in his previous life that Li Qin was a snack, and it was true.

"You also like to eat crayfish~ I thought you big stars would go to some high-end western restaurant or private club for dinner." Li Qin asked with a smile.

Before coming, Li Qin had some guesses in his heart.As a big star, will Han Ning take her to some high-end restaurant for dinner?In order not to show timidity, Li Qin even bought a new dress on purpose.

For this reason, she still has a lot of pressure in her heart.

In the educational philosophy she received since she was a child, her parents often told her that if someone invites her to dinner, she must invite her back.

If Han Ning really took her to a particularly high-end restaurant for dinner, given her current financial situation, she might not be able to invite Han Ning to have another meal.

Now that Han Ning brought her to eat crayfish, she felt relieved.

Han Ning nodded slightly, and said, "Of course I like it. I was worried that you would not like it."

Hearing this, Li Qin narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said softly: "How come~ I like this kind of small shop. I also know some delicious small shops. I will invite you to eat next time~ "

"Okay, then I'll wait for your call. I'll be on call~" Han Ning replied with a smile.

Just a few words eased the awkward atmosphere between the two of them a lot.Li Qin began to ask Han Ning many questions about football that her father had asked her when she was at home.

In the past, Li Qin couldn't understand the answers her father told her.

But for some reason, under Han Ning's explanation, she quickly understood a lot of football knowledge that she didn't understand before.

Not long after, a large pot of crayfish was brought up.

Li Qin seemed to have forgotten that Han Ning was sitting opposite her, and directly attacked the pot of crayfish in front of her.

Seeing her cute appearance, Han Ning couldn't help but smile, then he also picked up a crayfish, shelled it and ate it.

However, Han Ning's self-control is still very strong, and he stopped after eating only three or five.

It is said that having a mouth addiction is having a mouth addiction.

If you eat too much, you don't know how much training you need to make up for it.

After realizing that Li Qin was still dealing with the crayfish wholeheartedly, Han Ning smiled slightly, and then began to help her peel the crayfish.

All the peeled crayfish meat was put into her bowl.

Li Qin didn't seem to notice anything unusual, and kept eating on his own.

She didn't react until three catties of crayfish were killed.

Looking at the small pile of "wreckage" in front of him, Li Qin couldn't help but blushed even more. He hurriedly wiped his mouth and fingers, lowered his head slightly, and was so nervous that he didn't dare to look up at Han Ning.

Han Ning stared at the corner of Li Qin's mouth, couldn't help but chuckled, picked up a tissue, stretched out his right hand, and wiped off the red oil on the corner of her mouth.

Li Qin sat on the seat blankly, motionless.

This was the first time she had such an ambiguous behavior with a boy.

The atmosphere between the two seemed to become a little delicate.

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