The start of the greenery unlocks the Daluo experience card

Chapter 124 Is This Damn Injured?you liar

Han Ning walked onto the court, felt the familiar grass under his feet, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

However, the Dortmund fans didn't know whether to cheer for Han Ning at this time.

If Han Ning returns from injury, it will definitely be a good thing for them.

But the biggest problem now is that no one can guarantee that Han Ning is really fully recovered!

The referee blew the whistle to start the second half.

Dortmund kicked off and Han Ning passed the football to the midfield.

Gotze received the ball in midfield and quickly dribbled it forward.

The players of Borussia Mönchengladbach did not take Han Ning seriously. In their eyes, Han Ning was just a player who played with an injury and was not threatening.

Gotze broke through the halfway line with the ball, and Borussia Mönchengladbach's striker Friend immediately rushed in front of Gotze, trying to intercept.

Seeing this, Gotze didn't bother with Friend at all, and directly passed the football to Shaheen who was on the right side, and then ran wildly to the left side.

After Shaheen got the ball, he pushed forward quickly, and when the football was pushed forward by about ten meters, the players of Borussia Mönchengladbach came up to intercept.

The Borussia players, who are used to using dense defense to deal with Dortmund, can't compete with Dortmund in their control of the midfield.

After Han Ning saw that most of Borussia's players retreated into the penalty area to defend, he made a plan in his heart, gestured towards Shaheen and Gotze, and then ran towards the penalty area of ​​Borussia Mönchengladbach go.

For Han Ning's actions, Borussia's players seemed to turn a blind eye and didn't take it seriously at all.

For a player whose right leg has just been injured, no matter whether he has recovered or not, it is basically impossible for him to complete the attack in the penalty area facing the defense of many people.

After Shaheen saw Han Ning's gesture, a smile leaked from the corner of his mouth, and then he kicked up and moved the football to the left in a wide range.

Gotze has already sprinted on the left side to the position that is about to approach the penalty area.

Before Borussia's players defended him closely, they stretched out their feet to stop the football, and then continued to advance two meters.

One of Borussia's full-backs scrambles to block the way Gotze might have cut inside.

At present, Han Ning is the only Dortmund player in Borussia Mönchengladbach's penalty area.

But there are five or six Borussia players in charge of defense!
Unless Gotze cuts in with the ball and takes a long shot, he will not have other opportunities.

Even if he was allowed to complete the cross from the bottom, no one in the penalty area could respond to the attack.

So Borussia's full-backs simply gave up the route of the bottom pass, and fully defended the route that Goetze might complete the inside cut.

It's just that Gotze never thought about cutting in!

Glancing at Borussia's full-back from the corner of his eye, he lightly tapped the football with his left foot, pushed the football to the bottom line, and then quickly started and rushed over.

After throwing off the full-back of Borussia Mönchengladbach, Gotze directly kicked the cross.

The football flew into the air and flew straight towards Borussia Mönchengladbach's penalty area.

At this time, whether it is Borussia's head coach or the players, they feel contemptuous in their hearts.

Just Han Ning, who just injured his right leg and calf, do you expect him to be able to complete a header in Borussia's penalty area? !
Isn't this a dream? !
Whenever Gotze passes a low pass, they may be nervous.

But what Gotze passed was a high-altitude ball!
The two central defenders of Borussia Mönchengladbach clung to Han Ning tightly, using their bodies to block the position to defend.

Feeling the defensive pressure brought to him by the two central defenders, Han Ning couldn't help sneering in his heart.

You really don't take me seriously? !
With so little strength, do you really think I can't jump? !
Bend your legs slightly, then jump up hard.

On the system page, the high-altitude bombing skill flickered.

[High-altitude bombing: In the header competition, the probability of winning the ball is increased by 20.00%. 】

Han Ning's jumping ability is not weak. At this time, coupled with the power of high-altitude bombing skills, Han Ning's jumping ability has been greatly enhanced.

The two central defenders of Borussia Mönchengladbach did not take off with all their strength because of their contempt for Han Ning.

Therefore, a famous scene appeared on the court!

In front of Borussia Mönchengladbach's goal, when Han Ning jumped to the highest point, he was a full head higher than the two central defenders of Borussia Mönchengladbach!
Facing the flying football, he shook his head vigorously.



The goalkeeper of Borussia Mönchengladbach had no time to react to this powerful header from close at hand.

Han Ning's lion swayed his tail and pushed the football into the goal of Borussia Mönchengladbach!
The ball is in!
The Dortmund fans at the scene suddenly became crazy and began to shout endlessly!

"Han! Han! Han! Han! Han!"

The entire stadium was filled with shouts of Han Ning's name.

As long as Han Ning is on the stage, Dortmund will definitely be able to equalize the score or even overtake the score!

This is the confidence Han Ning has brought to all Dortmund fans since he came to Dortmund!

In the Huaxia broadcast room, the faces of Su Qun and Zhang Lu also completely lost the previous bad expression.

"Beautiful! Beautiful! This header is so beautiful! Facing the defense of two taller defenders, Han Ning jumped a head higher! This header is really beautiful It's gone! It's an aerial bomber!" Su Qun shouted with excitement, his eyes flushed.

Zhang Lu clenched his fists, slapped the table in front of him and shouted loudly: "One pick seven! One pick seven! Borussia Mönchengladbach's six defensive players plus a goalkeeper, seven of them didn't stop Han Ning alone!" Offensive!!! This tm is a god-like player! Peace of mind is invincible!!!”

Mitchell, the head coach of Borussia Mönchengladbach, was standing on the sidelines at this time, covering his head with his hands, his eyes widened, and he was speechless with an expression of disbelief on his face.

This Nima!
This bounce, you tell me that he injured his right calf before? !

Even if Han Ning really fully recovered within a month, it would still take some time to recover his body functions, right? !

Can a slight bone fracture fully recover within a month, and then bounce back to this level? !

Are you a liar? !
Mitchell can only believe that if Han Ning is not a monster, his physical recovery ability is abnormal to the extreme.

Or if Dortmund lied to everyone, Han Ning was not injured at all!
But for a Borussia Mönchengladbach, as for pretending to be injured for a month? !

For this, Mitchell is still self-aware.

Borussia Mönchengladbach led by him is really not worthy!

That is to say, Han Ning is really a pervert with extremely strong recovery ability!
With such a perverted player, who can win? !
Now, no one thinks that Han Ning played with an injury.

Who can jump so high when playing with an injury? !

Even if they were not injured, many players would not be able to jump so high!

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