"Huh? What are these people from Daning on the opposite side doing?"

"Aren't they going to launch a late-night attack? Why does everyone light a torch?"

"Is there any need to think about it? We have already discovered their traces, so let's just break the can!"

"Bage! Only 3000 people dare to fight against my 1 island country warriors! It's life and death!"

"They must have been frightened and stupid! They lit torches and ran for their lives! The 50 Ning army was defeated by my brave island warriors. How dare they fight us?"

"Hmm! Makes sense! Let's see how they escape!"

"Samurai, prepare your samurai swords and prepare to kill these big Ning pigs before they escape!"

"Hai! Kill all the Daning pigs!"

The samurai sword emitting a cold light, under the illumination of the green fireworks, looks gloomy and very scary.

"Huh? Why didn't they run away? Aren't they afraid of death?"

"What are they holding?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a firewood stick."

"Isn't the torch enough to light their way of escape? Will that stick be kindled again?"

"Hey, it seems to be true. Look... No, why did they throw firewood sticks towards us?"

"Bageyalu, do you think we will be smashed to death by this stick? The Daning people's idea is really crazy!"

"Sure enough, they are all idiots! Daning idiots! How dare you use a stick to humiliate the island warriors!"

The Eastern Japanese pirates talked a lot, but unfortunately, no one knew what they were talking about.

"Master Sato, I grabbed a stick and it's still smoking!"

"Da Ning stupid pig is really rubbish, there are so many wooden sticks, none of them can light! Hahahaha! I grabbed one with one hand!"

On the city wall, the box of fireworks that Xiao Yan lit was still going off, and Li Tieniu and his three thousand torches were also burning.

The scene outside the city can be seen clearly under the illumination of these rays of light.

Su Yu frowned deeply, with a puzzled look on his face, "Master, don't these Eastern Japanese pirates know how to dodge? That's fine, there are still many people struggling to catch the firecrackers! I can't help but fight!" A shudder!"

Having said that, he really trembled a bit.

Nima, that's a firecracker!
Such a long and thick firecracker is quite powerful, right?
There was no trace of emotion in Xiao Yan's tone, "Dirty devils, destroy my Huaxia—Da Ning's heart is not dead—— Devils! Get ready for the bloody wind!"

"Only this ruthless bloody purgatory can eliminate the bloody hatred in my heart!"

Such a long period of training, regardless of the cost of throwing firecrackers training, is to master the time from ignition to firecrackers.

When to throw, how far to throw, the strength of the wind, the dynamics of the wind direction, what effect to achieve, etc., all have regulations.

It was the first time for the Eastern Japanese pirates to face firecrackers, and they didn't know its function.

Therefore, the first round of firecrackers was thrown as soon as it was lit.

At this moment, the first loud noise came out.


Flesh and blood fly!
Another bang!

A finger—a bloody, mangled finger—slammed into Goro Sato's face.

Sato Goro subconsciously reached out to catch the fingers falling from his face, "Hand...finger..."

The roar of the firecrackers had put him in a momentary trance, and the fingers in front of his eyes gave him a sliver of sobriety, but the deeper fear was still there.

I was so frightened that I forgot the great pain caused by being hit by a finger on the face.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"...

A burst of dense firecrackers sounded.

The person whose fingers were blown off because he was holding a firecracker at the beginning has woken up from the extreme shock. The severe pain from his hand spread to the nerves of his brain, and then he screamed like a pig.

"Hand...my hand..."

"It hurts...it hurts to death..."

"What the hell are these sticks?"

Sato Goro was the first to wake up, and he shouted loudly: "This is not an ordinary wooden stick, this is a cursed evil weapon, throw it away quickly..."

The sound of "bang ta" came one after another.

Wails came and went.

Sato Goro's voice disappeared in the torrent of explosions and wailing sounds, without the slightest ripple.

The first round of firecrackers all exploded.

The formation of the Eastern Japanese pirates was completely messed up, and many pirates were still in a state of blank mind.

Four fingers of Sato Shiro's left hand were blown off. Mori Ieyasu was lucky, he escaped by not catching firecrackers.

Of the 1 Japanese pirates, at least 1000 had their fingers blown off.

This result is still quite good.

"Master Sato, how is your hand? Is it okay?"

"Bage! Damn Daning pigs, I want to kill them all!"

"Yes! Kill them all!"

Mori Ieyasu pulled out his samurai sword and stared fiercely at the three thousand Daning warriors.

However, Xiao Yan lit three fireworks in succession.

Li Tieniu received the signal and yelled: "Quickly throw the remaining nine firecrackers. Remember, throw slowly after igniting, and make sure that it will explode when you throw it! Start—throw!"




Three thousand firecrackers were thrown out.

The sky is densely packed with smoking firecrackers.

This time, the Eastern Japanese pirates behaved well.

"Don't grab that damn thing with your hands!"

"Quickly get out of the way..."

As soon as the firecrackers landed in the ranks of the Eastern Japanese pirates, they exploded immediately.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"


There were violent explosions one after another.

The pirates here were still running around, and the third round of firecrackers was thrown over densely.

"Wow...my eyes..."

"Ear... I can't hear my ears..."

"Is it over? Why are there so many ghost things?"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"


Fourth round...

"Ah... I want to go home..."

"Damn Daning people, come up with this ghost..."

"It's terrible, it's terrible..."

Xiao Yan lit the fireworks again.

The firecrackers on Li Tieniu's side were ignited and thrown again intensively.

There was a burst of roaring firecrackers, and the gang of Eastern Japan devils who went straight to the explosion lost two of their three souls.

Those who were unlucky were scared to death directly.

There are also those whose eyes were blown blind, and those whose ears were blown deaf...

The place was a mess.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was blood and flesh flying everywhere.

The howling of ghosts and wolves resounded through the sky.

"My lord, I won't fight anymore, you can take us back to the island country!"

"It's terrible! Let's run away!"

Many Eastern Japanese pirates have completely lost their fighting spirit and are only thinking about how to escape from this terrifying purgatory.

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