"My lord, should we go to support..."

"Are you stupid? What can we do that 50 people in Anyuanhou can't do?"

"But what happened to Champion Hou?"

"Let's be perfunctory first, if there is a suitable opportunity..."

Speaking of this, Liu Qi paused for a moment, and then a fierce light appeared in his eyes, "If there is a suitable opportunity, kill Xiao Yan for me! This matter is confidential, find a team of trustworthy brothers to do it!"

"The subordinates know, my lord!"

"Hmph! It's just a scumbag, yet he dares to scold Yu this commander wantonly! Then, let him go to see the King of Hades!"

A huge fleet slowly docked.

"Fourth brother, do you want to leave some people to watch the ship!"

"No need! You haven't even seen a single plank on Taihu Lake. What are you afraid of?"

"Fourth brother! Daning people are cunning..."

"Fifth brother! Our island warriors are not greedy for life and afraid of death! Don't embarrass the Sato family, okay?"

Sato Goro wanted to say something else, but in the end he didn't say it.

No trace of the Daning people was found on Taihu Lake, which is too suspicious.

In addition, the Sato family failed to assassinate Xiao Yan last time, leading to the annihilation of the entire army. This shows that Xiao Yan, who is now the prefect of Suzhou, is very cunning. Once he falls into his trap, the consequences will be disastrous.And these ships are the last way out.

But the fourth brother refused, so he could only keep some staff secretly.

Sato Shiro hurried ashore with his people, not paying attention to Sato Goro who deliberately left behind.

"You 500 people, be sure to guard these ships. We are deeply trapped in the hinterland of the Daning Dynasty. If something happens, these ships will be our last retreat!"

"Master Sato, don't worry, I swear with the spirit of a samurai, if the ship is alive, the ship will be destroyed!"

Nancheng, the camp of Anyuanhou's 20 troops.

"Who is making such a loud noise? It's so loud that Ben Shuai's ears hurt!"

"Report to Commander-in-Chief, it's not good..."

"Fuck you fucking fart!"

"This subordinate has seen Master Xiaohou!"

"Hahaha! It must be Xiang'er who won the battle and came back to repay the credit! Isn't this a good thing?"

Zhao Anguo kicked that subordinate away, cursing.

"Father... run! The Eastern Japanese pirates are coming..."

A figure rushed in from the marshal's tent.

The man was wearing armor, but the helmet was missing.

Her hair was disheveled, her face was blue and red, and her forehead was swollen with a big lump, with mud sticking to it.

Zhao Anguo yelled: "Who are you? How dare you break into my tent?"

Zhao Xiang's face was still in shock, he took a few steps forward, grabbed Zhao Anguo and was about to run, "Father! I'm Zhao Xiang! Let's run quickly! Otherwise, it will be too late!"

Zhao Anguo looked it over carefully, and asked in shock: "Are you really Xiang'er? Why do you look like this? You didn't win the battle? Why did you run away with an army of 20?"

Zhao Xiang couldn't help but run away, dragging Zhao Anguo.

Outside the big tent, the camp has become a mess. Tens of thousands of defeated troops were driven away by the Eastern Japanese pirates and dispersed the camp.

Zhao Anguo looked at this scene, and his heart was bleeding, "This Marquis Commander's army of 50 went out to fight, how did it turn into this situation... I hate it so much... Puff..."

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person fainted immediately.

city ​​wall.

Xiao Yan witnessed all this happening, but he couldn't prevent the defeat of the Ning army.

The strategy of the Eastern Japanese pirates was not clever, they just drove the Ning army into battle.

It's a pity that the Ning army's battle formation hasn't been set up yet—no, even if it is set up, it probably won't be able to withstand a single blow!

The Eastern Japanese pirates are getting closer.

Daning's army was in a mess, and the voices of crying father and mother kept coming and going.

At this time, I hated why my parents didn't give me four legs, so maybe I could run faster.

"It is estimated that there are less than 10 defeated soldiers, where are the other 20?"

Su Yu couldn't figure out the reasons at all.

Xiao Yan sneered a few times, "Either he was killed, or he fled to other places!"

"Master, I think there are only more than 1 pirates in the East. How could they lose with 30 people?"

Su Yu was still too young, and he overestimated the combat effectiveness of Daning's army.

Xiao Yan looked at the arrogant Eastern Japanese pirates outside the city, and the Daning officers and soldiers who were greedy for life and afraid of death, mourning their misfortune and angering them for not fighting!

"The 50 army was destroyed like this. Damn it, even if you were given 50 pigs, you wouldn't be defeated like this! Especially the 20 army under the city didn't even have a single confrontation, and they were overwhelmed by their own people for no reason! "

"Marquis Anyuan, Zhao Anguo, may have lived in peace for too long! He has lost all his ability to lead an army and fight a war! He didn't even arrange a sentry to warn him!"

The news of the disastrous defeat of the army outside the city quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys of Suzhou Mansion.

"What? The Ning army was defeated?"

"Have the Eastern Japanese pirates reached the gate of the city?"

"You won't lie to me, right? Marquis Anyuan's 50 army, how could it be possible to say defeat? I don't believe it!"

"What? A million-strong army of Eastern Japanese pirates approaching the city? Damn..."

"Run! It might be too late!"

"The carriage of the head of the chamber of commerce... where is it going?"

"That's the grain merchant's convoy..."

"The carriage of the Prince's Mansion in Suzhou..."

"Fuck, what are they going to do?"

"Are you stupid? Go back and pack up your belongings, and run for your life with these rich and powerful! I'm leaving first!"

"What the hell are you packing up, I'm going out of the city to escape!"

Chaos began in the city.

Zhang Xiaojia's yamen arresters were quite numerous, but there were 10 people in the city, and they couldn't suppress them at all.

There are panicked and bewildered people everywhere. Under the nuisance of rumors, they no longer know what choice to make.

Only like the big dignitaries in Suzhou Prefecture, they escaped out of the city.

This is the simplest, but often the most effective way.

The chaos in the city, Xiao Yan soon got a report.

The situation at this time was very bad.

Outside the city, the 50 army had just been defeated, fleeing everywhere, and there was no living figure in sight.

All I could see were corpses on the ground, and heads that had been chopped off one by one, strung together with ropes, and hung high on wooden poles.

The head rope swayed with the wind, and the blood scattered with the wind, the bloody terror that cannot be described.

The Eastern Japanese pirates did not besiege the city, but gathered outside the gate of Nancheng.

The city of Suzhou has a radius of tens of miles, and it is by no means that more than 1 people can be surrounded by iron barrels.

The Eastern Japanese pirates still understood this simple and clear truth.

Even so, the coercion caused to Suzhou City is still obvious.

But in the city, the hearts of the people suddenly changed, and they fled to the gates of the four cities with their families!

It is no exaggeration to describe it as internal and external troubles!

Xiao Yan frowned, and quickly made a decision, the pirates outside the city could not escape, the most important thing was to get rid of the hidden dangers inside the city first!

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