Daning Dynasty god-level sign-in system

Chapter 407 Freedom of Wealth

Several people bypassed these grain piles and continued to search inside.

Xiao Yan looked around the cave from left to right.

Creation of heaven and earth is really strange sometimes.

The mountains on Dajin Island are not very tall, and the highest point is only more than 300 meters above sea level from the flat ground.

I didn't expect the naturally formed caves in the mountain belly to be so shocking.

People often say that mountain roads have nine bends and eighteen bends.

There are not many caves in the belly of Dajin Island.

Not to mention the many forked intersections, there are several super-large caves connected together in the deepest part, which are not much worse than the outermost cave used as a warehouse.

No wonder the Lake Bandits hide their treasure here.

It's really hard to know.

Xiao Yan used a dagger to dig a small hole in a pile of grain, and the fragrance of rice came to his nostrils.

The rice that leaked out from the hole fell sparsely on the ground.

By the light of the torch, it can be seen that the rice is not moldy.

A large cave is full of food, probably hundreds of thousands of stones.

For a long period of time in the future, there will be no need to use points to buy food.

Xiao Yan was very excited.

"Master, there is a cave here, full of armor and weapons!"

This is Su Yu's voice.

Xiao Yan hurried over, and sure enough, the cave was full of armor with spears and swords, and there were thousands of two-company slaves.

"Hahaha! It's really like this!"

Xiao Yan checked it with a smile, and there was no sign of rust on the weapons and armor. I have to say that this cave is really dry, and it can't be better for storing supplies.

The others were also overjoyed and started talking about it.

"How much gold do you think is outside? I guess at least one—no, 2 taels!"

"What? 2 taels? That's a big pile! How could it be 2 taels? I think there are at least 5 taels!"

"Both of you are wrong, that is a small mountain, okay, at least 10 taels!"

"There must be 10 taels of gold, and it's only a lot more. You won't know the exact number until you count it!"

Daifeng's family is in business, so they still have a say in gold and silver.

Xiao Yan didn't disturb the lively discussion of the few people, and after a long time, he simply went home to sleep.

The others were too excited and said they wanted to stay and count the exact number, so Xiao Yan let them go.

The next morning, Xiao Yan got up early, practiced boxing for a while as usual, and ran around the city wall a few times.

When I came back, my underwear was soaked with sweat.

Chan'er waited for her to wash up and put on clean clothes.

"Chan'er, do you have any news from them?"

"Master, the person who came back to deliver the letter said that they have not been seen coming out for a whole night!"

Xiao Yan shook his head, how many people in this world can be like this young master who can see money like dung?
"Let's have dinner!"

There are so many gold, silver and jewels, just count them slowly!

This young master is not that carefree.

in the afternoon.

Su Yu came back with big dark circles under his eyes.

Xiao Yan asked: "Huh? Why are you so sad? Are you still not happy after hugging gold and silver all night?"

Su Yu cried and said with a sad face, "Happy is happy, the key is that I don't know how many there are!"

Xiao Yan burst out laughing, this result was predictable, the specific number of those treasures was not given for three or five days, and the specific number would definitely not be cleared.

You little money buffs, it's strange to want to count them overnight.

"Go and eat quickly, and then catch up on sleep, I will send a few more reliable people to count."

On the third day of December, the number of treasures was counted.

The total amount of gold was 37 taels, which greatly exceeded Dai Feng's estimated value.

Silver reached 420 million taels.

The remaining jewelry totaled 2605 million taels.

The grain was 110 million shi, which also exceeded Xiao Yan's previous estimate.

In terms of weapons, there are [-] spears, [-] waist knives, [-] double crossbow arrows, [-] sets of armor, and no arrows.

The total amount of gold, silver and jewelry reached an astonishing 55 million taels.

Grain weapons are equivalent to 600 million taels of gold and silver.

"Ding dong, congratulations master, you have obtained 160 points!"

Xiao Yan thought that there would be a lot of points, but he didn't expect that there would be so many. In this way, the hundred-foot-long iron-clad ship could be exchanged soon?

The points are completely enough, and they can be exchanged only after the system is upgraded to a high level.

There are two conditions required to advance from the intermediate system to the advanced system. The conditions for passing the Jinshi examination have been met, and the condition of [-] soldiers is only short.

There are 2000 soldiers in Dajin Island, and Zhaojiaji now has [-] soldiers.

There are 600 guards in Huzhou, 500 jailers in Zhou Dahai, and almost 600 guards in charge of prefectures and counties. Including the 240 Jinyi Guards who have no specific ministry, and some guards, the number is almost 4000. A little over [-].

It's still far from one hundred thousand!

The excitement that had just risen inevitably fell a little bit.

But soon, Xiao Yan's mood improved again. It took less than a year to travel to Daning, and it was not easy to develop to the present stage.

Regardless of whether you want money or have money, you still have your own territory. You can't say that you have many soldiers and generals, but there are more than 1 soldiers who can fight.

Isn't it just one hundred thousand soldiers?

Just redouble our efforts next year.

Anyway, some are silver, some are food, and some are weapons and equipment!
"Wangcai, how many points do I have now?"

"The last balance of points was 63, plus the 160 points obtained this time, a total of 220 points."

Some time ago, I spent a lot of points, [-] points were used up.

However, it doesn't seem like much now.

After all, a huge sum of money has just been credited. Excluding the 100 million points reserved for the purchase of a 100-foot super iron-clad ship, there are still more than [-] million points available.

Xiao Yan felt that the pressure on his body was reduced a lot in an instant, and he could be regarded as financial freedom for the time being!

With more than 200 million points and more than 100 million silver, he can be regarded as an invisible rich man.

It still feels good!
"I earned so many points this time, what is the system's reward?"

"Master, there are too many points this time, and the rewards are particularly advanced!"

"Don't be tricky, tell me quickly!"

Xiao Yan became a little excited.

"Good master, the only reward this time is to store objects other than humans and animals in the system for one month."

Xiao Yan was thinking about whether there would be rewards like iron-clad ships, and he was immediately excited when he heard this, "Fuck! This reward is good, and if there are any spoils in the future, they can be collected into the system anytime and anywhere, which is much more convenient!"

Just like the treasures in the cave, it takes a lot of manpower, material resources and time to transport them out for use.

Now with this unique system property, it is much more convenient.

Just go in and collect the treasure, and then put it in the designated place, convenient and fast!

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