Xiao Yan said it was okay, walked to the side of the boat and asked loudly: "Old man, I am Xiao Yan, the Acting Prefect of Suzhou, what's the matter with you?"

The old fisherman's face was full of smiles, "Oh! The magistrate is really here, that's great! That's great! Old woman, hurry up, hurry up, take out the fish you just caught!"

"Here we come, old man!"

Soon, an old woman came out of the boat shed with a big fresh fish.

The fish weighed at least five or six catties, and it was still struggling.

The old fisherman took the fish and lifted it high, and said with hope on his face: "Master Xiao, you have eliminated the evil Taihu Lake bandits for us fishermen in Taihu Lake, and given us fishermen a way to survive. Please take this fish back, sir." Down!"

Xiao Yan looked embarrassed, "Uh! This is not good! You are so old, it is not easy to catch a fish, you should keep it for yourself!"

The old fisherman was anxious, "My lord, you are our great benefactor. This fish was caught by the old man just now. You must accept it. It is a great supplement to make soup!"

Xiao Yan had dark lines on his face.

Uh, great tonic!

I'm already very strong if I don't mend it, wouldn't it be stronger if I mend it?

Of course, what... Bubu is better!
But my woman is far away in the capital, and there is only one Chan'er on the island, that little girl...

Bah, bah, bah, where did you think!
Xiao Nizi is still young!

Although some places are fully grown, and it can even be said to grow beyond the age range, then I can't do things that are inferior to beasts!

This young master is a man of principle!

Just as he was thinking wildly, more fishing boats approached.

"Huh? Isn't this the prefect's ship?"

"It is indeed Master Xiao's boat, and Master Xiao is still on board!"

"Ah? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Uh, am I late? I just saw you, okay?"

"Where is Master Xiao?"

"That's the most handsome guy on the boat!"

"Lord Xiao, Cao Min just got a hundred-year-old turtle. Take it back and make soup. It's a great tonic! Your Excellency will be a great blessing to the people of Suzhou if you keep healthy!"

"My lord, I have a mandarin fish weighing eight catties..."

"I have fresh Taihu prawns here, Lord Xiao must accept them!"


Xiao Yan didn't expect the fishermen to be so simple, and the more than 20 boats gathered together, everyone was scrambling to be the first, holding up the fish and shrimp they caught, lest they couldn't see the same.

Especially the old turtle is the most eye-catching, it may not be sure if it is a hundred years old, but its size is really not small, it is as big as a person hugging it, and it might weigh seventy or eighty catties.

Fortunately, the fisherman was young and strong, otherwise he really couldn't lift such a big thing.

"Fathers and folks, you are too polite..."

"Oh my lord, just accept it!"

"Yes, accept it!"

"If you don't accept it, I... I'll go with your boat, and I'll send it to your home!"

"Yes, yes, that's a good idea! Hahaha! I'll go too!"

Nima, this is too warm and simple!

To be honest, Xiao Yan was still very moved.

I just killed the bandits in Taihu Lake. I didn't expect the fishermen to take such a fancy to this matter.

Kindness is difficult!
"If that's the case, then I'll accept it!"

After hearing this, the fishermen immediately burst into enthusiastic applause!
As Xiao Yan walked down, he ordered, "Zhu Tong, prepare a few hundred taels of silver, and I will give each of them a little!"

Zhu Tong: "Master Hou, I'll get it right away!"

I have to say that the water quality of Taihu Lake is really good, and the fish and shrimp bred are all the best.

Not to mention those fish, all of them are fat and beautiful, and the prawns are really big, at least about [-] centimeters in size by visual inspection.

Xiao Yan was stunned. Is this prawn really big? It's also a pure natural pollution-free green food, which absolutely does not contain any additives and preservatives.

The only contribution of this lake bandit is to allow the fish and shrimp in Taihu Lake to grow to such a large size unscrupulously!

Luo Dahu parked the boat and was already maintaining order, "Fathers and elders, come one by one, don't be crowded! If the boat capsizes, it will be troublesome!"

The old fisherman was still the first in line, he brought the small fishing boat over, and Luo Dahu lowered the basket.

The old fisherman put the fish into the basket, this time with a satisfied smile, and began to drive the boat slowly away from the iron-clad boat.

Suddenly, a gleaming white object fell down, and before the old fisherman could react, the object had already landed in the cabin.


The old fisherman was dumbfounded, and when he realized it, he picked up the silver and wanted to throw it back into the iron-clad boat, but found that the iron-clad boat was too high, and the distance between the two boats was so far that it was impossible to do so.

"My lord, what do you mean by this? The old man is just a fish to express his heart. Besides, the fish is only two hundred Wen at most. If you give ten taels of silver, what should I do?"

Xiao Yan smiled heartily, "Old man, I have accepted this fish, and a little money is also a little bit of my heart, so you can accept it!"

The old fisherman wanted to say something more, but his throat was choked, his nose was sore, and two lines of dirty tears flowed down.

After a long time, he murmured: "Good official! He is really the best official in all ages!"

Seeing this, the other fishermen wanted to back off one after another, not wanting to accept money from the magistrate for no reason.

However, because of rushing to deliver fish and shrimps, the fishing boats are almost all within ten meters of the iron-clad boats. How can they avoid them?

Su Yu, Luo Dahu and others are all masters among masters. Isn't it a piece of cake to throw a piece of silver on such a big fishing boat?

All of a sudden, silver rained down, and all of them landed steadily on their respective target fishing boats.

The fishermen fell into a brief state of trance.

When he came back to his senses, the iron-clad ship had gone far.

Deliberately want to catch up, but the speed can't catch up at all.

"My lord, have you confiscated me, old turtle?"

"My lord, and my fish..."


Xiao Yan's voice came from afar, "Let's let the old turtle go! I have enough fish and shrimp for several days, you can keep the rest and eat slowly!"

The iron-clad boat slowly turned into a small black spot, and finally disappeared from the sight of the fishermen.

A group of fishermen held silver ingots in their hands, staring blankly at the direction in which the iron-clad boat disappeared, their eyes filled with tears.


The iron-clad boat sailed for another half an hour, and the Big and Small Golden Islands were suddenly in sight.

Xiao Yan was in a good mood, and couldn't help but shouted to the sky, "Happy! Dajindao, I'm back!"

As soon as the howling sound fell, a tiger howled in the distance.

The tiger's howl was high-pitched and passionate, like a dragon's chant. Needless to say, it was obviously Xiaohu Lightning who heard Xiao Yan's howl and responded.

Xiao Yan showed a doting look in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "I don't know what happened to Lightning! You should grow up a bit!"

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