Daning Dynasty god-level sign-in system

Chapter 392 clear rewards and punishments

"Xinyuejiang Tower is nothing more than an industry to Lord Ben Hou!"

"With or without this industry! Master Ben is also well-fed!"

"Ben Hou Ye's fiancée, core backbone, and confidantes will naturally not be affected!"


Xiao Yan paused for a moment, and scanned the audience with sharp eyes!
"Many of you, after leaving Xinyuejiang Tower, I'm afraid you won't have such a good income now!"

Xiao Yan's expression was serious, and the majesty of the superior was very flashing, so frightening that no one in the hall dared to talk about it.

"Your salaries in Xinyuejiang Tower are at least three times higher than those in Beijing, but some people are not satisfied with this. They want to eat the food of Lord Ben, and even want to smash Lord Ben's pot!"

"Liu Ren! Bring me those rotten things!"

Liu Ren understood, and together with the captain of the guard, Guo Wei, quickly escorted a few people!

There are six in total, five men and one woman!
The expressions on the faces of several people were as usual, and there was no fluctuation.

Xiao Yan was even more upset when he saw it: "Why is the business of Xinyuejiang Tower so hot?"

"I know that this is a unique secret recipe handed down by Master Hou, and the dishes are the best in the world!"

"There is also the national wine brewed by Lord Hou! The villain is lucky to taste one or two, and I am afraid that it is not a superb wine that can only be drunk by the gods in the sky!"

"There is also the birthday cake invented by Lord Hou. It has become a must-have item for wealthy families to celebrate their birthdays! It's a pity that many people can't buy it even if they have money!"

"Also, the Shaw's commercial street built by our wife, perfumed hair water, exquisite combs, soaps, barbecue shops, grape wine luminous cups, etc., are all rare treasures in the world. These have added to our new reading experience. Jianglou's business is booming!"


There are all kinds of reasons!

All positively explained the reason why Xinyuejiang Tower is so popular!
Xiao Yan coughed twice, interrupting the discussion, "Now, these rubbish want to eat inside and outside, some steal cakes, some steal ingredients and condiments, and some steal wine... Are they trying to beat you? bowl!"

In fact, there is no loss if these things are stolen. How can the things given by the system be so easy to crack?

Stealing the entire warehouse can only affect a little bit!

Not to mention just stealing a little bit in order to crack the secret recipe!

Are the soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, etc. of later generations so easy to crack?


NND, I can't even do it myself!

It's all in exchange for the system!
Don't even think about perfume and hair water!
The reason why it is more serious is because this kind of betrayal is absolutely not allowed!
What Xiao Yan hated the most in this life was betrayal!

Who dares to betray me, then wait for my ruling!
"Master Hou is right, these bastards who eat inside and outside should be damned!"

"I saved my wages for several months, and I just bought two acres of high-quality land. The good life has just begun, and I was almost dragged down by a few of them."

"That's right, we followed Master Hou and finally had hope. Third Xu, why did you do such a despicable thing?"

For a while, the crowd was excited, and everyone's faces were full of anger.

Even, if it wasn't for Xiao Yan's majesty, someone would have already wanted to pounce on several traitors and tear them alive.

Xiao Yan: "Senior Xu, are you guilty?"

Xu Laosan showed no fear at all, and was extremely arrogant, "I just took the cake a few times, what can you do with me? I am the distant cousin of Butler Qiu, do you know who Butler Qiu is? A bunch of idiots..."

"Clap clap clap clap..."

Before Xu Laosan could finish speaking, he had already received a loud ear scratch.

Guo Wei got Xiao Yan's instruction, and said while beating: "Steward Qiu? No housekeeper can save you! There is only one word for daring to betray the young master, and that is 'death'!"

Xu Laosan was still very stubborn, "How dare you? Steward Qiu belongs to the third prince!"

Xiao Yan waved his hand, "Pull them all out and chop them up! As for the reason? It's a conspiracy to assassinate Lord Ben!"

Originally, there was no need to think about the reasons for the unreasonable ones. This was just a step down for Li Jiwang, the prefect who followed Xiao Yan.

If he was charged with an assassination at random, Li Jiwang would be able to report to his superiors.

After executing the six traitors, Xiao Yan continued: "The Marquis is the one who can't tolerate betrayal the most. Mr. Xu and the others have already received the punishment they deserved. I hope that such things will not happen again in the future! Liu Ren !"

Liu Ren stepped forward quickly, "The subordinate is here!"

Xiao Yan waved his hand, "Let someone bring up the silver and prizes!"

Liu Ren nodded yes, turned around and took a group of people out.

Soon, several large wooden boxes were brought in.

Xiao Yan ordered someone to open the box, and bursts of exclamations and praises sounded immediately.

The atmosphere that had been so dull just now because of the murder of the traitor immediately became cheerful.

"My God! That's gold...gold..."

"A chest full of gold...gold..."

"Fuck, I'm afraid there are ten thousand taels of gold?"

"Look, besides one chest of gold, there are three chests of silver!"

"I've never seen that big silver ingot before, it's at least ten taels in weight!"

"Wrong! The biggest box weighs 100 taels, the middle box weighs 50 taels, and the last box weighs ten taels!"

"I'll go, 100 taels!"

"What is Hou Ye going to do?"


Xiao Yan waved the booklet in his hand again, "The so-called punishment must be rewarded, the punishment has been done, and it's the turn to reward the meritorious people!"

"Liu Ren, your contribution is not small. It can be said that it is second only to Miss Zhou. The development of Xinyuejiang Tower is very good, completely exceeding the expectations of Lord Ben Hou!"

"So, Lord Ben Hou decided to reward 1000 taels of gold!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of exclamation in the hall.

Golden thousand taels!

In terms of value, it can be exchanged for 1 taels of silver.

However, gold is scarce in Daning. In fact, the ratio of gold to silver is slightly higher. 1000 taels of gold can be exchanged for at least 1000 taels of silver.

Liu Ren was also in a daze for a while, and even pinched his thigh hard, and the pain convinced him that this was the truth.

"Master Hou! How can my subordinate He De..."

"Master Ben thinks you are worth the price! What's more, loyalty cannot be measured by money! Take it!"

The guy on the side prepared a tray of gold and handed it to Liu Ren.

Liu Ren took the tray tremblingly and stepped back, his whole body was still full of excitement.

Xiao Yan: "Li Zhongyi, well-organized, and also in charge of many matters in the Hou Mansion and Xinyuejiang Tower, has given a lot of guarantee in terms of logistics, 800 taels of gold will be rewarded!"

"Guo Wei, captain of the guard, is quick-witted and brave. He has made great achievements in training the guards. The reward is 500 taels!"

"Chef Liu Dafat, his culinary skills are growing day by day, and he has devoted himself to studying the recipes that this candidate gave him. It is also a great achievement. The reward is 500 taels!"

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