Early this morning, Xiao Yan was studying when Liu Ren walked in.

"Brother Xiao, two people came outside and said they were looking for you, see you or not?"

Xiao Yan was taken aback, "Looking for me? What does it look like?"

Liu Ren: "It's an old man and a young man, they look like a mother and a child... Hey, I haven't finished yet! Why did you just leave, wait for me!"

This must be the arrival of Su Yu's mother and son.

Xiao Yan: "Aunt Su, have you recovered from your illness?"

As the saying goes, when illnesses come and go like a mountain, Aunt Su is almost recovered.

It goes without saying that antipyretics are effective. At this time, people's resistance to antibiotics is almost zero, so two pills are enough.

Now it seems that the effect is surprisingly good.

Aunt Su: "It's completely cured. I didn't expect that after taking Mr. Xiao's medicine, the effect would be so fast. In just a few days, I was back to normal."

Xiao Yan nodded: "From now on, you will live here, and I will have someone clean up two rooms for you."

Aunt Su: "Then please trouble Mr. Xiao."

Soon, after Aunt Su settled down, Xiao Yan asked someone to prepare meals.

During the dinner, I heard Aunt Su talking about Su Yu's father, Su Lie.

Su Lie was originally a general in the army. He was upright and skilled. He took the lead every time he participated in the battle. Therefore, most of the time he got injured all over his body. That's why he became familiar with Doctor Lin.

When Su Yu was eight years old, Su Lie died in a battle, and the Su family lost a pillar. As a result, the life of Su Yu's mother and son became poor day by day.

When Su Lie was about to die, he asked his cronies to bring a message to Aunt Su, so that Su Yu could learn his skills well, so as to complete his unfinished business and help the imperial court recover half of the country.

Xiao Yan slapped the table angrily, and said angrily: "I didn't expect Uncle Su to serve the court with a sincere heart, but the court treats the widows and orphans of heroes, but it is too mean. Don't listen or ask. Doesn't this chill the hearts of the loyalists?"

Aunt Su comforted: "It's not easy for the court. We have hands and feet, but we won't starve to death. It's better not to cause trouble for the court."

Su Yu: "Those dog officials are corrupt and pervert the law, committing all sorts of crimes, and the imperial court is made into a mess by these people."

Xiao Yan: "That's right. The Liang Kingdom has occupied half of the country for almost 100 years. The imperial court has never tried to regain the lost land. It's really disappointing."

Aunt Su: "It's better not to talk nonsense, it's not good for people to hear."

Xiao Yan: "Forget it, let's not talk about these frustrating things, the food is cold, you can eat quickly!"

Su Yu's appetite is not small, one bowl of braised pork is not enough, he ate a total of five bowls, plus three more bowls of rice.

Xiao Yan was dumbfounded when he saw it, this guy is indeed a martial artist, otherwise how could he be so edible.

It's a good thing I own a restaurant now, or else I would have been poored by him.

Su Yu: "My lord, the meat in your restaurant is really delicious!"

Xiao Yan: "Let me tell you, this is called Dongpo Pork. In this world, only the restaurants we run have such delicious dishes."

Su Yu: "Really? Then I will follow you from now on, can I eat Dongpo meat every day?"

Xiao Yan: "As long as you want to eat, it's not a piece of cake. Don't we just run restaurants! We can save you from stuttering."

Su Yu's eyes lit up: "That's really great, I don't want to eat pickles anymore."

Xiao Yan: "Follow me, son, and there will be more delicious food in the future!"

This is true, who let people have a god-level sign-in system!

Xiao Yan: "Uncle, can I support some money!"

Liu Fugui: "Okay, how much do you want?"

Xiao Yan: "It looks like a few hundred taels!"

Last time, 2000 taels of silver was given to Zhou Xueer, and Su Yu was given 100 taels of silver, and there were still some seventy-eight eighty-eighty expenses, and he had very little money left.

Liu Fugui handed Xiao Yan four 100 tael bank notes, one 50 tael bank note, and some scattered silver notes.

"Nephew, do you know how much money we have earned these days?"

Xiao Yan saw his mysterious appearance, his voice was still so soft, "Uncle, speak up."

Liu Fugui: "Don't make it too loud, it's not good for outsiders to know."

Xiao Yan: "Okay, how much money did we earn? 5000 taels should be enough?"

Liu Fugui shook his head, smiled and said, "We made a total of 1 taels."

Xiao Yan was also a little surprised, "But in about ten days, I actually made more than 1 taels."

It has to be said that the catering industry is a profiteering industry.

Liu Fugui: "In the first few days of opening, the profit was around 2000 taels per day. In recent days, it has been a little less, but there are still hundreds of taels of profit. I think the annual profit was only around 1 taels."

Xiao Yan: "It's normal for profits to drop. When a new dish comes out, everyone flocks to try it. After a long time, it won't be so popular."

Liu Fugui: "Nephew, when you come to Beijing, I will give you the latest profit. There are many places to spend money in the capital!"

Xiao Yan thought for a while: "Uncle, I want to open a restaurant in the capital too, do you want to add a share?"

Liu Fugui: "That's a good thing, how about letting Liu Ren take part?"

Xiao Yan: "Then it's settled."

Zhaojiaji, outside an inconspicuous house on the side of Taihu Lake.

Carrying a bag of things, Liu Ergou knocked furtively on the courtyard door.

"Who?" asked a wary voice in the room.

"Ma Gan, it's me, Liu Ergou, I'm bringing you food." Liu Ergou said in a low voice.

With a sound of "squeak", the door opened, and a tall and thin man let Liu Ergou into the yard, then stretched out his head to look left and right, and found that no one followed, so he retracted and closed the door.

"Ergou, why are you here now? We're starving." Ma Gan blamed.

Liu Ergou raised the package in his hand: "I also made excuses, so I got out. No, I went to buy these food just after I got out. Look, my clothes are almost soaked."

Seeing his profuse sweating appearance, Ma Gan didn't pursue further, "Hurry up and go in, brother is waiting."

The two pushed open the door and entered the main room.

Liu Ergou said to the person sitting at the head, "Brother, the food and wine are here."

The bandit leader's surname was Zhao, and his real name was Zhao Jinbao. After he became a lake bandit, this name was gradually used less and less, and people on the road generally called him Zhao Yidao.

Zhao Yidao: "Ergou, why did it take you so long to come? Are you trying to starve us to death?"

Liu Ergou hurriedly said: "Brother doesn't know something, I also spent a lot of effort to find an excuse to slip out, both Liu's father and son are in the county, and I have to take care of many things, so it was too late gone."

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