Daning Dynasty god-level sign-in system

Chapter 367 Developing Dajin Island

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't you want to kill us all?"

There are more than 50 guards, all of whom have experienced the battle with the Eastern Japanese pirates, and they carry an indescribable murderous aura.

The guards were divided into two and soon surrounded dozens of troublemakers.

Zhao Wei still clamored: "Everyone, don't be afraid! We just made a reasonable request, and he dare not do anything to us!"

"Zhao Wei, I don't think this posture is fake! What should I do?"

Don't be sloppy with these greedy people.

There is no need to spend precious pity on them either.

Anti-Bone Boys will always be Anti-Bone Boys!

A one-step retreat or momentary soft-heartedness will only cause more trouble in the future!
What's more, this was all expected in advance.

However, I originally thought that these people would have to wait for a while before revealing their true colors.

Fortunately, someone took the lead and let them expose their nature in advance.

This also saved Xiao Yan a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"My official announces that after investigation, it was discovered that among the victims, dozens of people with evil intentions were hidden. They were suspected of treason, collusion with lake bandits, and disturbing the morale of the army.

All the guards rushed forward and captured Zhao Wei and dozens of others.

"Ah? Death...capital crime..."

"Zhao Wei dog thief, you are the one who bewitched me..."

"Zhao Wei, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

Zhao Wei's legs were already weak. If he hadn't been escorted by the guards, he would have collapsed on the ground.

He still doesn't have the arrogant look just now, his head is drooping, he is in a daze!

Who would have thought that Xiao Yan, a scholar, would be so decisive!
Dozens of people, if they say they are sentenced to death, they will be sentenced!

"Master is wise!"

I don't know who said it.

The victims suddenly came to their senses and knelt down one after another.

"Master is wise!"

"Master is wise!"

Under the light of the fire, Xiao Yan's figure looked even taller and straighter.

The whole person seems to have experienced a life-and-death struggle, becoming more courageous and decisive!
Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!

Kindness does not hold the army!

This is a mental experience that must be experienced by a general and a handsome man.

Xiao Yan has thousands of years of advanced experience, and thousands of years of historical experience bonus.

It was an easy decision to make!

Only killing can make people feel awe!

What is the combination of kindness and Wei?

This is the combination of grace and power!
That night, all the Anti-Bone Boys were imprisoned.

Most of the rest of the victims clapped their hands and applauded. For people like Zhao Wei, no one would sympathize with them.

Silent all night!
Noon the next day!
The scorching sun is in the sky!

57 rebellious boys were taken to the execution ground——

A remote place on Dajin Island.

Everyone on the island put down their work at the same time and watched the execution on the spot.

There are not too many redundant links.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, he was cut with a knife.

The 57 executioners were all recruits who had never seen blood.

Li Tieniu had been training according to the training procedure compiled by Xiao Yan.

The recruits have long been accustomed to various instructions.

Xiao Yan gave an order.

57 people raised their knives and fell.

Without the slightest hesitation!

57 heads flew up, and the anti-bone boy died!
Xiao Yan: "This is the fate of the anti-bone boy! Fathers and folks, I hope you will learn from it!"

"Lord Xiao, it's too late for Cao Min to thank you, and they will never do such a thing that both people and gods hate!"

"Yes, my lord! Our lives were saved by your lord. From now on, we will do whatever you ask us to do. We will never dare to say no!"

The victims expressed their gratitude one after another!

Xiao Yan raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, "Everyone, since you trust me, I will not let you down. From now on, you all will work with me to build the Taihu Islands! How about it?"

"I will listen to the adults!"

"Okay! Now the officer will assign the task——"

"All young and middle-aged people, stand to the far left! Women stand to the right! Children stand in the middle! Old people stay where they are!"

Among the more than 5000 people, young and middle-aged people accounted for the majority. After a rough look, there were about [-] people.

There are more than 2000 women.

The old man is the least, and looks like less than a thousand.

The remaining three thousand or so are children.

"For some time to come, you young and middle-aged people will be mainly responsible for building the city wall. You don't need to pay attention to all other things. I will be responsible for everything you eat and drink! Can you build a city wall on Dajin Island in a month?"

"Master Xiao has even taken care of our worries, so why don't we work hard? Guaranteed to build the city wall within a month!"

A dark-skinned young man took the lead.

The others quickly followed suit.

Xiao Yan has been paying attention to this young man for a long time, and last night he also strongly supported his punishment of Zhao Wei and his ilk, "What's your name?"

The young man took a step forward, cupped his fists respectfully and saluted, "Returning to my lord, the grass-roots surname is Li, and their name is Li Quan!"

Now the construction of Dajin Island has just started, and there is no shortage of money, materials, and manpower. The only thing missing is talents.

When setting off this time, Xiao Yan had already sent invitations to Jian Bai and Dai Feng.

The two also agreed, but they just asked for a few days off first, arranged the family affairs properly, and came to help immediately.

The Li Quan in front of him is a loyal and responsible person, and his brain seems to be very active.

Of course Xiao Yan would not let such a talent go.

"Li Quan, not bad! I appointed you as the deputy head of the village. What do you think?"

With more than [-] people, it is more than enough to set up a township-level unit.

The word township head is from another era.

Li Quan went in without knowing it, "Huh? The deputy mayor?"

Xiao Yan roughly explained, "Dajin Island has more than [-] residents. I plan to set up a new township. You are the deputy head of the township. Do you understand now?"

Although he still didn't know much about the township head, he also knew that the deputy township head was a high-ranking official.

Li Quan was overjoyed, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed, "Caomin understands, Caomin thank you for your kindness! Caomin has become an official, haha!"

Xiao Yan: "Don't get too excited too early. The officials on Dajin Island are not masters. They want to think about the islanders in everything. They don't want to make money for you! Otherwise, the consequences will be serious!"

Li Quan withdrew his smile and said sternly: "The grass people know that the grass people don't dare to do bad things!"

Wisdom is done, so I need to give some kindness.

"However, as long as you work hard, I won't treat you badly!"

Li Quan: "Thank you, my lord, for your support. How dare the grassroots refuse to do their best?"

Xiao Yan encouraged a few more words such as doing things well, and then said to the women's team: "Your main task during this period is to clean up the weeds on the island, and it is best to open up some farmland!"

They are all village women in the countryside, and they do a lot of farm work in the fields, so they naturally agreed to these things.

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