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Chapter 337 Burning Longjiang Shipyard

Could it be that the construction of these nine large ships is allowed to be completed?

Once it is built and delivered to the Beiliang navy, the world may soon be in chaos!

Ning Shizheng, the emperor, treats me fairly well. Moreover, my power has not yet been established, so I must not allow Beiliang to rule the world.

The only option now is to destroy the Longjiang shipyard.

How can it be destroyed?

Rushing into the shipyard is obviously not feasible, it means that one's life is too long, rushing to die!

It doesn't matter if you use crossbows and arrows, it doesn't matter if you have money or not, the key is that your arms can't bear it!
What about Fire Attack?
"Wangcai, a bottle of alcohol!"

Xiao Yan took the alcohol and carefully tied it to the crossbow. He didn't know if it would work, but he could only know after he tried it.


A crossbow with a bottle of alcohol fired.

The strength of the light crossbow is indeed strong enough. I tried it with an attitude of trying, but it took off successfully.

Now let's see how far we can fly.

Ten feet, move forward very steadily!

Twenty feet, still very stable!

Thirty feet, it seems to be shaking a little!



"Fall in the water!"

Xiao Yan spread his hands helplessly, "It seems to be a bit heavier, try a lighter bottle!"

In fact, plastic bottles are the best, and the weight can be reduced a lot.

However, the plastic is not fragile, and it must be nailed just above the torch. How easy is it?

Or get a smaller glass bottle!

Let the bottle shatter first, the alcohol will scatter all over the ground, and the probability of fire will be higher!

After changing to a smaller bottle, the speed has improved significantly.

ten feet!

Twenty feet!
Thirty feet!
Forty feet!

The glass bottle shattered and the alcohol splattered everywhere!

There was a torch not far away, a drop of alcohol passed through the torch, and it exploded immediately!

"Successful! Unfortunately, the alcohol on the ground did not ignite! However, the method is still feasible."

Now that it has been proven feasible, then, get ready to face the baptism of the sea of ​​fire!

A craftsman at the Longjiang Shipyard was on the run when he suddenly smelled a tangy aroma of wine, "Huh? Where did the aroma of wine come from?"

"Look over there..."

"I saw it, it was this ship that sank our warship, and the general died!"

"The crossbow arrow he shot just now seems to have a bottle of wine on it! It smells so good!"

"Scatter quickly, several crossbow arrows!"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Three crossbow arrows, three alcohol bottles shattered!
The bottle on one of the crossbow bolts hit the wood during the flight and was smashed, and the alcohol fell.

There is exactly one torch in the lowering!
The alcohol was immediately ignited!

The bewitching light blue flames are falling in all directions!
Soon, a large keel was set ablaze.

"Quick, quick! Don't hide, come and put out the fire!"

"Go and carry water to put out the fire!"

On the iron-clad boat, Xiao Yan looked excitedly at the flames in the distance, "Hahaha! It's finally succeeded! Do you want to put out the fire? My young master hasn't agreed yet!"

"Wangcai, change gasoline! Hurry up!"

The shipyard is close to the river, and the water source is abundant, and a small piece of the burning keel has been extinguished by the water!

There is no way, the water source is sufficient, and alcohol is soluble in water, so it is reasonable to be poured out!
Another three crossbow bolts were fired together, and the target was still the keel that caught fire!
It's important to stabilize the fire point first!
Then slowly draw it!
"Watch out for the crossbow!"


Gasoline splashed and was instantly ignited.

"Hurry up and put out the fire!"

"Come here, I've brought two big buckets of water!"

"Pour water on it! What the hell is this time? The smell is so pungent! It doesn't smell as good as the wine just now!"

The craftsman who carried the water said while pouring water: "What time is it, and you still say wine...not good...this..."

The craftsman jumped up quickly.

"Damn it, why can't this fire be quenched? It's still flowing with water!"

The craftsman almost finished his sentence in tears, the scene in front of him was really weird.

"Water again! Don't panic!"

While talking, several bottles of gasoline were spilled all over the floor as the bottles shattered.

The fire grew stronger.

There are still craftsmen or guard soldiers trying their best to put out the fire with water.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny!
This is not alcohol, no amount of water can put it out.

When gasoline floating on the water encounters combustibles, it immediately adheres to it and continues to burn!

The fire around the keel was getting bigger and bigger, and the two adjacent keels were also ignited.

"Demon Fire! This is Demon Fire!"

"It cannot be extinguished at all, it is important to escape quickly!"

"Damn it! Where did that ship come from? It can release the demon fire!"

"Don't ask, run away quickly! It will be too late!"

All of a sudden, there were craftsmen and soldiers running for their lives everywhere!

Xiao Yan's main target was the keel, so he didn't intentionally embarrass these craftsmen. He wouldn't be afraid to build a ship in the future. The iron-clad ship is here, just come and fight if you don't accept it!

After a long time, the figures became rarer and the fire became bigger.

Only then did Xiao Yan continue to add fuel, directing the fire to several other keels.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yan rubbed his sore arm and sat in the driver's cab, drinking hot coffee from time to time.

By the way, watch the soaring flames of the Longjiang Shipyard!

The burning fire of the nine large keels more than 20 feet long is the most vigorous, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as red as half the sky!
A large area of ​​the river was also illuminated by the fire, and the iron-clad boats were completely exposed.

Xiao Yan stepped out of the cab and looked at his masterpiece not far away, "Sinister Beiliang people, you still want to annex the world! Young master is now a Daning person, how can I let you get what you want?"

Judging by the intensity of the fire, the Longjiang Shipyard must be burned down, and all things that can be burned may not escape.

Although there were no casualties among those craftsmen, within three to five years, the shipyard may not be able to restore its grandeur before the fire!
Timbers, blueprints, facilities, tools, etc., even if the strength of Beiliang is gathered, they will definitely not be able to recover quickly in a short period of time.

"It's over here, I should go back!"

The iron-clad ship started slowly and drifted away!

Unknowingly, one night's effort has passed, and the eastern sky has turned pale!
A round of red sun jumped out of the sky and gradually rose.

The river water was also dyed red by this round of red sun!
Xiao Yan was in a happy mood, and hummed the popular songs of later generations with emotion!

"Pride in the face of ten thousand waves
Hot blood like the red sun

Courage is like iron and bone is like steel


I work hard to be a good man
Be a good man and be self-improvement every day
Hot-blooded boy is brighter than the sun
Let Haitian gather energy for me
To open up the world for my ideals

Look at Bibo tall and strong

Look at the blue sky again

I am a boy to be self-improvement

Stand tall and hold your chest high, everyone will be a pillar and a good man
Use my hundred points of heat to shine a thousand points of light
be a good guy

Hot-blooded and heart-warming..."

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