Daning Dynasty god-level sign-in system

Chapter 330 The most helpless assassination

Fortunately, the sails on the ship were not raised, and this was a sheltered harbor, otherwise, the big iron-clad ship would have been blown away by the wind.

Even so, the boat has drifted several meters farther!
Xiao Yan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, "Wangcai, come a small wooden boat!"

"Sorry! You can only get one ship this year! Any other ships are no longer available, including purchases!"

"Damn it, what kind of broken rule is this? Can't I buy it even if I have points? It's only been three months since this year, why can't I buy a boat?"

"That's right, unless you advance to the advanced level! You can only buy it!"

"I—forget it, I'll figure it out myself!"

Now there is no time to waste time with the broken system, it is important to find a way, otherwise the ship will run away and it will be over!
Jiangbei is overgrown with weeds and the trees are very dense!

But time is running out, there is no time to saw wood, do you really want to swim over?
Thinking about it makes me a little unhappy!The current in the river is too fast, who knows where there will be an undercurrent!
I have seen news in the newspapers more than once that someone fell into a river in a certain place, and the figure disappeared after one or two people drifted up and down!
Nima, I only have one life, so I can't take such unnecessary risks!
"By the way, I can't buy a boat. I can buy a raft, right?"

"No, a raft is also a kind of ship..."

"NND, sir, I'm going to buy a wooden assembly!"

"Uh! This..."

"Isn't that okay too? Wood is not a boat, okay?"

"It seems that there is no rule saying no, you can try it! How many can you buy?"

"Let's get ten!"

"it is good!"

Ten logs appeared out of nowhere in the river on the bank!
Fortunately, I have seriously considered it this time. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for one person to embrace ten large and thick logs and move them to the Yangtze River by himself!

I bought more than a dozen more ropes, and then quickly stepped into the river and started making rafts!

After 10 minutes, more than half of the simple wooden raft has been made, and only the last rope is left untied!

Xiao Yan wiped the sweat off his forehead, rubbed his sore back, and was about to bend down to continue!
He caught a glimpse of the grass swaying from side to side in the distance, and a bad thought came to him, it was definitely not an animal, but a human!
The people who appear here at this time will definitely not be good people!
Before he had time to think about it, he got on the raft and paddled the river vigorously with the wooden paddle he had prepared earlier!

The raft moved and drifted toward the depths of the river!

"Not good! He's about to run away! Everyone hurry up and chase after him!"

There was a loud shout, and then dozens of figures in black clothes emerged from the weeds and swooped down towards the shore!
Xiao Yan tried his best to slide the wooden oar, the raft was already more than ten meters away from the shore, and one step closer to the big boat 20 meters away!
"No! These people have crossbow arrows! Wangcai, give me my shield!"

Fortunately, the shield from that hunt is still in the system!

Xiao Yan held the shield in one hand and placed it in front of his chest, while the other hand had already started aiming!

The men in black soon arrived at the shore, and there were about 50 people visually, and the leader began to direct the shooting!
There was a whistling sound of crossbow arrows piercing the sky!
Dozens of crossbow bolts roared towards the raft!


Seven or eight crossbow arrows trembled on the raft!
Two or three crossbow arrows hit the shield, and undoubtedly bounced off, falling into the rolling river!
At a distance of less than twenty feet, the power of the crossbow cannot be underestimated. The opponent's crossbow must be very good, and it may have a range of fifty feet—the best crossbow used by the imperial army today.

"Stupid? Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Xiao Yan provocatively said!
The masked men in black were really shocked. They didn't understand why this happened. From a distance, they saw Xiao Yan holding up a shield that looked like a shield with holes on the top—of course it was tempered glass.

According to their knowledge, at a distance of less than twenty feet, there is almost no shield that can block the crossbow arrows!
But now this scene happened before my eyes!
What kind of shield is that thing?
"Boss, I obviously shot the hole, but why did the crossbow bolt fly away? Could there be a ghost?"

"Impossible, in broad daylight, where did the ghost talk come from! Shoot again!"

"Choo Choo Choo"

The familiar sound of crossbow arrows breaking through the air resounded!

Xiao Yan whistled directly, stopped paddling the wooden paddle, and simply sat cross-legged.

"Hey! The strength of the crossbow is a little weaker, so it won't hurt the young master at all!"


The sound of crossbow arrows hitting wood!
"clang clang"

This is good aim, the sound of shooting a shield!
"Damn, what a ghost! The shield in this kid's hand is really a treasure!"

The eyes of the black-clothed leader shone greedily. If he could get the shield, wouldn't he have to worry about losing his life on the battlefield in the future?
Xiao Yan looked at the bewildered assassin, and continued to provoke him: "What's wrong? Is it out of arrows? It's okay. It's still early. Hurry up and reload the crossbow arrows!"

"You... are extremely hateful!"

The leader in black was in a hurry, but he couldn't help it, so he had to order to reload the arrow.

After several rounds of scattering, the ending was the same as before!

Xiao Yan didn't know when he bought a bottle of water, "Master, I was so thirsty from shouting, do you want to have a drink! Eh? You all look angry, don't you just invite you to drink water?" ? As for this?"

The black-clothed leader was short-tempered, but there was no feasible solution. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and pulled a black-clothed man over and said, "Aim for the rope on the raft, can you break the rope?"

The man nodded very positively and said: "Boss, look at the thickness of the rope, just stand in the river, shoot three arrows and it will break!"

The black-clothed leader smiled sinisterly, "Okay! There are not many crossbows and arrows, and I left them all for you! Pay attention to the big boat behind, I don't know who is on board!"

The subordinate nodded, picked up the quiver and walked forward.

Xiao Yan drank water leisurely, and suddenly found that a man in black had walked into the river, what the hell?Could it be that if one plan fails, another plan is made, and you want to swim to Lao Tzu's bamboo raft?
However, the man stopped when the river was below his waist, and he didn't intend to move on.

Then, the man picked up the crossbow and started aiming!
"No, this kid doesn't seem to be aiming at me! Could it be... Fuck, it's so insidious!"

In the nick of time, he thought of a possibility, which was to shoot off the rope that tied the raft, and then let Lao Tzu sink into the river!
At that time, they will fire another round or several rounds, damn it, won't they be shot into a big hedgehog by the crossbow arrows?

The big hedgehog who can't die anymore!

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