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Chapter 30 Sister Xueer, You Are So Beautiful

Zhou Xueer had never heard such straightforward words, she hurriedly said shyly: "What are you talking about? You are not ashamed!"

Xiao Yan, an idiot, couldn't see the situation clearly, "Uh, I said you are so beautiful! This is the truth!"

Zhou Xueer was so ashamed that she wished she could sneak in through a crack in the ground. How could Xiao Yan's younger brother become so bold, but...but I couldn't get angry in my heart, and I was actually a little happy!Am I a bad woman?

Qiu Xiang who was behind Zhou Xueer couldn't stand it any longer, "Xiao Yan, you are getting more and more outrageous, what did the lady ask you? Why are you just staring blankly?"

At this time, Xiao Yan also had a bit of recollection. He remembered that before the time travel, the women at that time were not dressed in fancy clothes, just to attract the attention and praise of the men around them. But now this is a feudal society, and one has to do as the Romans do.

It was indeed a bit Meng Lang just now, Xiao Yan smiled awkwardly: "I remembered, you are sister Xue'er's personal maid Qiu Xiang, that, sister Xue'er, let's go in and talk."

Zhou Xueer responded softly, and followed Xiao Yan to the restaurant.

Zhou Li looked at it for a long time, but she didn't expect the two people to be inseparable. "Hey, stop for me."

Xiao Yan said disdainfully: "What are you? If you tell me to stop, I will stop!"

Zhou Li: "You...you don't have a marriage contract anymore, you can't be disconnected like this."

Xiao Yan: "Oh, is that so? I seem to remember that there are special clauses in the divorce letter."

Zhou Li looked puzzled: "What special terms?"

Xiao Yan: "Haha, I won't tell you. If you want to know, go back and ask your mother!"

Zhou Li was so angry that she chopped peppers, "Hey, why do you go in without queuing? Hey, they didn't line up, why didn't you talk?"

Everyone looked at Zhou Li like a fool. She is the owner of a restaurant. Do I need to line up to bring my lover into my restaurant?

Isn't this little girl out of her mind?
Zhou Li watched Xiao Yan and Zhou Xueer enter the restaurant, and said anxiously, "Hey, are you all dumb? Didn't you see anyone jumping in line?"

The sixtieth old man: "Didn't I tell you just now, Mr. Xiao is the owner of this restaurant, how dare we let him come to line up."

"That's right, if you have the ability, go and ask Young Master Xiao to line up."

Zhou Li: "You...huh!"

Zhou Cong: "Okay, okay, let's go to the carriage to rest first, and let the servants go to line up."

Xiao Yan took Zhou Xueer to an empty private room on the third floor.

"Sister Xueer, you are tired from the journey, please sit down and rest!"

Zhou Xueer sat down as she said, "Brother Xiao Yan, what exactly are the special terms you mentioned just now?"

Xiao Yan pretended to be mysterious and said: "Sister Xue'er, don't worry, you will see the result in due time. It's not a bad thing anyway."

Although Zhou Xue'er really wanted to know what else she didn't know about the divorce letter, she wouldn't ask if Xiao Yan didn't say anything.

Xiao Yan's younger brother will naturally not harm her, maybe there is another turning point for the marriage contract.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xue'er couldn't help but feel better, "By the way, I heard that you made the perfume, and you also turned this restaurant around, right?"

In front of the beauty, Xiao Yan couldn't help but look pale, "Sister Xue'er, this is a long story, you sip some tea first, and let me explain it to you slowly."

So, Xiao Yan told all these things before and after.

Zhou Xueer heard this, on the one hand, she marveled at how forbearing Xiao Yan used to be, and never showed off her great ability, on the other hand, she was also secretly happy that her future husband-in-law did not live up to her ardent expectations, "Xiao Yan Brother Yan, I really saw you right."

After speaking, Zhou Xueer's face turned red with embarrassment.

Xiao Yan said happily: "That's natural. A peerless beauty like my sister naturally needs a super genius like me to match."

This stuff is really shameless, shameless!Shameless plus ten thousand times.

Zhou Xueer couldn't help but chuckled when she heard this, this younger brother is really good at talking, no wonder Qiuxiang said last time that he looks like a disciple.

This is obviously a compliment to his beauty, but he is actually boasting!

Seeing Zhou Xueer smile, Xiao Yan said: "Sister Xueer, you rest first, I'll get you something delicious."

Zhou Xue'er hurriedly said: "That's impossible, the gentleman is far away from the kitchen, how can I let you cook! Let me go!"

Xiao Yanxu pressed Zhou Xueer's shoulder to prevent her from getting up, and said in a completely commanding tone: "Sister Xueer, you are not allowed to go, I don't believe that kind of rhetoric, for the sake of the woman I love, let alone cooking a meal, How difficult is it to die with your own body?"

Wangcai couldn't help saying: "Fuck, you're really good at pretending!"

Xiao Yan completely ignored Wang Cai, and went to cook with his head held high.

Zhou Xueer wet her eyes again, and asked tremblingly, "Qiuxiang, am I dreaming?"

Qiuxiang also shed two lines of clear tears, "Miss, you are not dreaming, this nerd seems to be enlightened, woo woo~"

Zhou Xueer: "But why do I feel that all this is like a dream, I'm really afraid that this dream will wake up."

Qiuxiang: "Miss, no, look at this bookworm, he really loves you! Huh~"

This little girl is just at the age when she is in love, she has never seen such a loving scene before, she was already so moved.

Xiao Yan just came out, and it's like a classic scene in a TV series. Put it here, it's like the ultimate killer.

Therefore, it is no wonder that the master and servant were moved so far.

Xiao Yan was in a happy mood, humming a little tune all the way to the kitchen.

Fatty Liu: "Master, why are you here?"

Xiao Yan: "Well, Master has important guests today, so I have to cook some special dishes. By the way, I will teach you how to fry steak by the way."

Due to the hot weather, steaks are not easy to store, so they have been kept in the system and have not been taken out. Just now Xiao Yan specially asked Wangcai to take out some steaks and prepared to fry them for Zhou Xueer to taste.

Fatty Liu: "Fried steak?"

Xiao Yan: "That's right, you have to study hard, and you can't let down the teacher's expectations of you."

Half an hour later, Xiao Yan personally carried the cooked dishes on a tray. When he passed the hall, the unique aroma of steak wafted out.

"Young Master Xiao, Young Master Xiao, what is this in your hand? Why is it so fragrant?"

Xiao Yan: "Oh, this is a new dish I just figured out, called fried steak."

"Fried steak, it sounds delicious, can I order one?"

"And me, I want one too."

Xiao Yan smiled apologetically: "I'm really sorry, because the ingredients of this dish are relatively expensive, so..."

"I said Mr. Xiao, we all understand this, no matter how much money, as long as it tastes good, don't you think so?"

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