Daning Dynasty god-level sign-in system

Chapter 289 The mysterious man in black

The pit was half dug, and Xiao Yan suddenly heard the sound of dead leaves being trampled in the distance.

The dead leaves in the forest are very thick, so even a top hunter like a tiger will not fail to make a sound while walking.

Xiao Yan's first reaction was whether there would be another tiger, "Damn it, if there is, I'm afraid the young master will be in danger!"

He quickly put down the shovel in his hand, hid behind a thick tree, and carefully checked the direction of the sound.

After dozens of breaths, it was finally discovered that it was not a tiger, but a group of black-clothed masked men.

"Wangcai, crossbow arrows!"

There were ten men in black who came, and the leader stood in front of the tiger king's body.

A man in black behind him said: "Ninth Brother, Tiger King is really dead!"

The man called Brother Nine said in a deep voice: "There is still a half-dug pit here, please search quickly, the person who dug the pit must be nearby."

Xiao Yan: This kid is not stupid, what a pity!

The finger on the crossbow bolt pulled the trigger, and with a "chirp", a crossbow bolt flew towards a masked man in black.

The distance was too close, and the man had no time to react, and was pierced through the chest by a crossbow arrow.

He opened his eyes wide, and looked at the crossbow arrow with only its tail feathers on his chest in disbelief, "Ninth... Brother Nine... I... I... hit..."

"Puff" sound.

The man in black who was hit by the arrow fell down, and the rest of the words could not be said again.

Brother Nine: "Everyone be careful, that man has a crossbow arrow!"

"Chirp!" "Chirp!"

The sound of two crossbow arrows piercing the air sounded again.

This time, Brother Nine reminded him early, only one person fell down from the arrow, and the other person was only slightly scratched by the crossbow arrow, nothing serious!
"He's behind that big tree!"

"Everyone spread out and outflank him!"

Xiao Yan let out a sigh of regret, it wasn't the Ninth Brother's reminder, three of them had already been wiped out.

The hiding place has been found and can no longer be here.

Xiao Yan got up immediately, dodged and hid behind another big tree without hesitation.

"Choo Choo Choo"

Just as Xiao Yan dodged to lean behind the big tree, he heard the familiar sound of crossbow arrows piercing the air behind him.

"Duh" "Duh" "Duh"

The three crossbow arrows shot at the trunk of the big tree that Xiao Yan was leaning against with perfect accuracy.

Fuck, they have crossbow bolts too!
Didn't it mean that only the Daning Army had crossbows?
Are they from the military?
Reminiscing about the tactical arrangement of the Ninth Brother - outflanking left and right, Xiao Yan suddenly became enlightened.

That's right, these black-clothed masked men must be members of the Daning army, and they are also elite troops. You can get a glimpse of them by looking at the aim of their crossbow arrows.

Xiao Yan changed the direction of the little tiger cub and carried it on his chest.

Nima, the little tiger is the pet that I just got, so there can't be any accidents.

"Wangcai, do you have an explosion-proof shield?"

"Explosion-proof shield: high-level item, you need ten points, can you exchange it for one?"

"Okay, get me one!"

"Your current situation is not very optimistic! Do you want another helmet?"

"Ugh! Isn't this invincible! But my master likes it like this, hahaha! Come one!"

After putting on the steel helmet and holding the explosion-proof shield in his left hand, Xiao Yan no longer had any worries in his heart, so he stepped out, hiding his whole body behind the explosion-proof shield. Through the special square tempered glass on the shield, he could see the situation in front of him. Clearly.

"Look, Brother Jiu, he's out!"

"What it is?"

"It looks like a big iron shield, but why is there a hole in it?"

"Hahaha, what a fool, isn't the hole just left for our crossbow arrows to shoot?"

"Ninth brother is really clever! The little one is extremely stupid. Haha!"

"Boys, take out your quasi-points and beat Brother Jiu's face into a sieve!"


Xiao Yan was looking at everything on the opposite side through the special tempered glass, and the eight crossbow arrows aimed at him, as if they were all aimed at this piece of glass.

Fuck, your eyes are fine, but can this special tempered glass work?

"Choo Choo Choo"……

The crossbow arrows of the masked man in black were launched!
Eight crossbow arrows were shot from different directions, and the targets were aimed at the tempered glass at the same time.

The eight small black dots in Xiao Yan's pupils gradually became larger, "I'll go, the attack is fierce! Young master, let's avoid the sharp edge for now!"

As soon as he lowered his head, he heard a "dang, clang, clang" sound in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge momentum from the shield in his hand, which was the inertia of the crossbow bolt hitting the shield.

The hand holding the shield firmly stabilized the shield, looked up at the tempered glass, intact!After being shot by eight crossbow arrows, not even a trace was left.

The quality of this special tempered glass is still very good!Trustworthy at critical moments!

Seeing Xiao Yan's face revealed again, the masked man in black was a little suspicious of his life.

"Ninth brother! He...he is not dead..."

"I saw it. The crossbow didn't even pierce through the shield! What the hell is this? It looks like an empty piece, how could it block the crossbow?"

"Ninth brother Jiu, I saw it. It doesn't seem to be empty there. There is something like an ice cube."

"No matter what the hell it is, I don't believe I can't penetrate it! Keep shooting!"

"Choo Choo Choo"……

Another salvo.

This time Xiao Yan did not lower his head, watching the crossbow bolt hit the tempered glass, making a "dang, clang, clang" sound, and then fell to the ground like a bird with its wings broken.

With the experience just now, he clenched the shield tightly in advance, and this time the inertial impact did not cause the shield to vibrate too much.

"You little bastards, is this all you can do? Come again! Why don't you do it? Is it because the crossbow has been fired and needs to be reinstalled!"

"Chirp" "Chirp"

The two masked men in black fell to the ground!
The other black-clothed masked men continued to reload their crossbows nervously.

"Don't be afraid, Brother Jiu, he also shot two arrows just now, we must be faster than him in reloading!"

"Hey hey hey! Not bad, speed up the loading! Outflank him!"

"Choo Choo Choo"

Three more masked men in black were shot.

"Impossible! He... how can he still shoot crossbow bolts?"

Of the ten black-clothed masked men, only three remained!
Several people were visibly panicked.

"Ninth... Brother Ninth, let's run... run away!"

"NND, run away? Do you want to run away now? If you offend the young master, you want to run away. Go to hell!"

"Chirp" "Chirp"

The two little minions fell down, and they were all like an arrow piercing the heart. They couldn't die anymore.

"Hey! Accidentally, my archery has become so superb!"

Now the only one left standing was the leader, Brother Nine, he still had the demeanor of a desperado, at least he didn't tremble all over or chatter his teeth.

"Who the hell are you? Why are there crossbows in the army? They can be fired continuously without reloading at all?"

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