Xiao Yan: "Beat him and send him to Ying Tian Mansion!"

How dare the villain fight back, put his head in his hands, and was beaten and kicked!
Seeing the fate of this villain, the surrounding people cheered excitedly.

"Good fight! This scumbag!"


"This little girl really accumulated virtues in her previous life, and met a good official!"

After the villain was sent away, Xiao Yan took out a few pieces of silver and threw it to the woman.

It's not that I don't want to give more, but I give too much, and there are too many people who are distracted, and I might take this woman's life.

Seeing that there are more people who are open to money, it is very likely that murder for money will happen.

You, a beggar from outside, died in a dark corner of this city, who would pay attention!
Xiao Yan: "Go buy some food, this child is crying so hard, he must be hungry!"

When the woman is full, the child will naturally have milk to eat.

Before the woman could thank her, Xiao Yan turned around and left.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and the streets are full of people.

Especially the stores that buy and sell new year goods are crowded with people.

From time to time, you will see beggars in tattered clothes on the street.

Without exception, these people were all yellow and emaciated, their clothes were in tatters, and the begging bowls were all broken.

"Yes, where can I exchange for broken silver or copper plates?"

He Dayou: "Uncle, is this going to give money to those people?"

Xiao Yan nodded: "It's Chinese New Year, after this cold winter, maybe they can survive."

He Dayou: "But there are too many people fleeing, how many can uncle save?"

Xiao Yan pondered for a while. There were people coming and going on the street, and those refugees seemed so out of place.

The common people hid away when they saw it, as if they were afraid of getting bad luck.

How can they survive?
What else can you do but give money?

Or is there anything better than giving silver?
"This official, give me a stutter!"

A refugee came to Xiao Yan.

Along the way, almost none of the refugees dared to come up to ask for it. He Dayou and other Jin Yiwei were in the government, even the refugees felt a kind of pressure, so naturally no one came to ask for it.

The person in front of him seems to be very hungry, otherwise he would never be so.

Xiao Yan: "That's right! We can set up a porridge shed and give these people a bite to eat. This will also help more people."

He asked a Jin Yiwei to buy some food for the refugee just now.

Then he immediately decided to go back and prepare for the porridge.

"Uncle, look!"

He Dayou looked behind him and said.

Xiao Yan turned around and saw that the woman who had just been rescued from the villain was following them far away.

"Why did she follow?"

He Dayou: "Do you want someone to drive her away?"

Xiao Yan shook his head: "Leave her alone, let's go!"

When we got back to the mansion, it was almost dark.

He Dayou: "Uncle, she has been following me!"

Xiao Yan: "There is a shortage of manpower in the mansion. Let Li Zhongyi arrange a place for her to live. It's okay to do some chores."

He Da was a little surprised, he didn't expect that an earl like Xiao Yan would have such a kind side, he didn't say anything, and did as he was told.

After dinner, Xiao Yan expressed his thoughts to Qin Ruyu.

Qin Ruyu: "Of course it's a great deed, but we have to go buy some rice noodles."

Xiao Yan: "Don't worry about this, I'll take care of it! It's just that the location of this porridge shed is not easy to find!"

Xiao Yan's Earl's Mansion is located a few miles away. It is a high-end residential area, full of high-ranking officials and nobles, and refugees cannot enter at all.

Qin Ruyu: "Or we are near the city gate?"

Xiao Yan: "Okay! That's it."

The first step of entering the city is inevitable on the gates of various cities, and the number of refugees staying near that should also be the largest.

Setting up a porridge shed is not an easy task, first you have to report it in Yingtian Mansion, otherwise you will be accused of buying people's hearts and so on.

After Xiao Yan went to Yingtian Mansion to explain his intentions, Li Jiwang readily agreed.

Immediately, he gave a document and donated 1000 taels of silver to Xiao Yan to buy rice noodles.

Second, there is the issue of manpower.

Of course, Xiao Yan has no shortage of manpower now, with five hundred Jin Yiwei following him, three or fifty people are enough.

The last is rice noodles.

This is also easy to handle, just go to the food store to buy a few cars, and if the others are not enough, there are too many in the system.

The price is also cheap, one point can be exchanged for [-] catties of low-grade rice, or [-] catties of miscellaneous grains.

On the day of the New Year's Eve, Xiao Yan and his party came to Dong'an Gate in a mighty manner.

Because there were too many people in the city and there was not much open space, the porridge shed was finally set up outside the city gate.

According to the soldiers guarding the gate, there were not many refugees a few days ago, so they were all let in.

However, since yesterday, the number of refugees has suddenly increased. They were also afraid that things would become serious, so after reporting to the superior, they replied that they would not be allowed to enter again.

As a result, a large number of refugees were turned away outside the city.

The inside and outside of the city are completely two worlds at the moment, the inside is very lively, the world is prosperous.

But the outside of the city was deserted, a group of three or five, ragged, unkempt refugees huddled together, shivering in the cold wind!

Their faces are full of lifelessness, and they have no hope for life!
Xiao Yan chose a flat place, "Let's build a shed here!"

Zhang Xiaoyi immediately led someone to remove the wooden stake from the car.

Su Yu took a big ax and chopped off one end of the stake.

He Dayou commanded Jin Yiwei to drive piles, and those who moved grain moved grain.

Qin Ruyu ordered a few servants to set up the pot.

These servants in the mansion were all brought back by Qin Ruyu, and they basically don't speak much, and their mouths are very strict.

It's not like some servants in a wealthy mansion who gossip when they have nothing to do. It's all about the short-sightedness of some parents, and what's more, they will be distracted by the master's affairs.

This kind of servant girl is not welcomed anywhere.

Xiao Yan was still very satisfied with the servants Qin Ruyu brought back.

"Ruyu, we can still have 200 guards in the uncle's mansion, and now there are only Su Yu and Xiaoyi, and Duhu and the others have been assigned by you, otherwise the number of people working now will not be so stretched."

Qin Ruyu smiled and said, "You can see them in a few days!"

Xiao Yan: "Aren't they coming back during Chinese New Year?"

Qin Ruyu: "Isn't there a lack of guards? You will be pleasantly surprised then!"

Seeing that Ruyu didn't say anything, Xiao Yan stopped asking. In short, Ruyu won't harm him.

Those refugees were really desperate. Seeing such a big battle on Xiao Yan's side, no one came to take a second look!
Obviously, no well-meaning people would come to help them.

Those big families in the capital, who wants to spend money on useless people like them?

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