Under such circumstances, many people who read the law books are getting less and less uncomfortable.

If I read ten or eight pages backwards, I may not feel much.

Seventy or eighty pages may just be a little dizzy.

How about one or two hundred pages?

Might be nauseous.

Coupled with the fact that Xiao Yan was reciting faster and faster, it made it even more unbearable for the supervising students who were reading the book.

However, when you think about how much money has been invested, you can't bear it!You still have to keep reading. If you don't read the book, who will know if he has memorized it correctly?

How can you win if you don't know right or wrong?

The consequence of not winning is going bankrupt!Many prison students put all their money in, not only that, but also wrote IOUs like other meritorious children.

It was impossible to get these IOUs back, and Xiao Yan took them into the carriage, which was tightly surrounded by Jin Yiwei.

Who dares to snatch it back?

Those people are Jin Yiwei, the emperor's personal guards!
The supervisors dare not offend these insidious and notorious Jin Yiwei.

The Jinyiwei Prison is well-known, and any of the eighteen criminal laws can make people overwhelmed.

endure, endure, endure

Dazzling also want to see.

Dizziness also has to watch.

The voice of Xiao Yan's endorsement was like Tang Monk chanting a mantra, which made all the supervisors have a splitting headache.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan stopped!
"Hey, why didn't he recite it?"

"Aren't you going to recite it?"

"Are we going to win?"

"Hahaha, that's great! I'm going to win!"

Hu Yaozu's dignified face finally began to calm down. It was numb, and I was startled. I really thought you could recite all of it. 5 taels is my entire net worth, and it takes two years to save so much. If I lose, then The IOU of 15 taels is going to kill me.

How many years will it take for this son to pay off!
It's all right now, this kid can't get out.

"Hahaha, Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, are you finally unable to recite it? Then just admit defeat, I will not laugh at you. After all, you have recited more than [-]% of the whole book. This is definitely unprecedented in Daning. The realm of no one to come after!"

Zhao Hongxian: "Arrogant and conceited, is it that simple to memorize the law of Da Ning? Do you know how difficult it is now? A gnat can shake a tree, and a mantis' arm is like a cart, and it is beyond its control!"

"God has eyes, it scared me to death, my 5000 taels of silver! I almost flew away!"

"My heartbeat is pounding, it's okay!"

Xiao Yan's mouth was dry, and he picked up a cup of tea and drank it. Soon, the cup of tea was drained. After drinking three cups in a row, he put down the cup and said with a long sigh of satisfaction: "Uncle Ben said Don’t memorize it? It’s just a few cups of tea when I’m thirsty halfway through, so you guys are too happy too soon, right?”

"Fuck, shameless, is he really just drinking tea?"

"Shouldn't you find out after a while?"

Xiao Yan speeded up again this time, and then began to recite.

"Oh my god, it's really just tea!"

"It's not human! Not only has the speed not slowed down, it seems to have accelerated!"

"Buddha bless, please let him get stuck! As long as Xiao Yan gets stuck and can't recite, I will definitely reshape the golden body of Buddha!"

"No, it's almost halfway done!"

"The speed still hasn't slowed down! What should I do?"

"No, no, no, I'm dizzy!"


"Fuck, you spit on me..."

"It feels so good to vomit, I really can't stand it anymore, you guys keep watching!"

"Damn it, didn't you hear me talking to you? You spit me all over."


"Fuck, here we go again..."

Already dozens of people couldn't hold on anymore, and they all looked for places to solve their disgusting problems.

Fortunately, Xiao Yan was far away, so he was not affected at all, "There are not all crimes, one character is guilty and the other is not, and there are different voices and similar sounds, which are caused by taboo temples and famous criminals. Bai Yi Rod, who commits a crime, the name is Ruo. Fourteen canes, who commits a mistake, writes more than [-] sticks. "

Hu Yaozu's face turned pale: "How many pages are there?"

"Only three hundred pages left!"

"Heaven, earth! Why is it so fast? Is this all that's left?"

"Hope is getting less and less, and my silver is getting farther and farther away from me!"

"Who the hell is this? In less than three hours, he memorized more than 1000 pages of Da Ning Lv, leaving only [-] pages?"

"I'm so dumbfounded. The 1000 taels can be regarded as a lesson! Xiao Yan, the Zhongyong Bo, is really capable, and I am convinced that I lost!"

Some people have already started to admire Xiao Yan.

But this remark also offended those who bet big.

"Damn, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

"You only have 1000 taels, and I have 5000 taels! Now I warn you not to be crowed!"

Few people were reading books at the scene.

Seeing the beginning from the end is not something that ordinary people can do, no—it should be said that there is no one at all.

Because the few circles I still insist on watching are all coming in rotation. If I get tired of watching this, I will switch to another, and the cycle goes on and on.

It depends on how big your small circle is, if there are fewer, seven or eight people will take turns.

The older 30 people take turns, which is more relaxed and clear-headed.

Several princes of the state each organized a team of dozens of people taking turns, just to keep a clear head, so that it is most likely to find the loopholes in Xiao Yan's recitation.

Once a typo is found, then Guozijian wins.

Unfortunately, so far, no mistakes have been found.

This includes page numbers.

At least for now it looks perfect.

As Xiao Yan memorized more and more pages, the number of pages gradually decreased. Zhao Hongxian and the meritorious sons were the most anxious group of people on the scene.

From Zhao Hongxian's point of view, once he loses this time, the reputation of Guozijian will be ruined.

In the Guozijian with tens of thousands of people, let alone someone who can memorize the Daning Law backwards, it is impossible to memorize it upright.

Taking a step back, no one was able to recite Daning Lv from the last word to the first word at the speed of Xiao Yan.

What kind of shame is this?

What kind of decadence is this?

What kind of defeat is this?
Guozijian, the highest institution in Daning, gathered the most intelligent people in the whole country, but what happened?

The result is that there is not even a single person who can reach Xiao Yan's tenth or second!

Zhao Hongxian even began to regret a little, regretting that he had not promised Xiao Yan not to gamble!

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world, and now I can only hope that Xiao Yan can make a mistake in these last pages.

Although, this hope now seems very slim!

But it's better to have hope than no hope, isn't it?

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