Daning Dynasty god-level sign-in system

Chapter 214 Chapter Beijing (5)

As the boat got closer, the big boat in front seemed bigger and bigger.

It was a four-story building boat, to be precise, it should be a painting boat.

Because Xiao Yan had already heard the sound of drums and music.

Xiao Yan couldn't help being a little disappointed, he thought it should be a warship, but it turned out to be a pleasure boat for people's entertainment.

It's no wonder that the Daning Dynasty couldn't defeat the Yangtze River for so many years, regain the lost rivers and mountains, and unify the country forever.

It turned out that all the money was spent on luxury and lust.

Looking at the painting boat again, there are people coming and going in the four floors, obviously it is overcrowded.

Luo Erhu suddenly shouted: "Look, young master, there is a woman on the boat waving to us!"

Sure enough, on the third floor of the painting boat opposite, there was a beautifully dressed woman leaning on the railing looking at this place, waving her arms from time to time, as if she was saying something!
Ruyu: "Isn't she just a girl in the fence? What's so interesting about it!"

Xiao Yan took it very seriously: "Two Tigers, you should set your sights higher, don't take the bait as soon as someone seduces you!"

Luo Erhu smiled embarrassingly: "I didn't see clearly, young master, stop laughing!"

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, the woman on the opposite side turned around and went in.

It seems that there is no guest who has taken a fancy to her on the boat, or else she would not have acted like this.

The moment the two ships passed by, Xiao Yan heard a voice that seemed to be calling his name!
"Did you hear someone calling me?"

Ruyu: "I seem to have heard someone called Xiao Yan, go and see who it is!"

Xiao Yan looked carefully, but found nothing amiss, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Xiao Yan? It's really you! I'm Li Xiaobai! Have you forgotten? The Zhuangyuan Building in Beijing bought refreshing soup from you!"

Xiao Yan looked up, and sure enough, on the fourth floor of the painting boat, a young man in gray was standing by the side of the boat and waving to him.

"Li Xiaobai, why are you here?"

The young man in gray was Li Xiaobai, he laughed and said, "Brother Xiao, we are really destined to meet each other!"

Xiao Yan ordered the sail to be lowered a bit, and the speed of the boat was kept the same as that of the boat, and then he greeted: "We are from Zhaojiaji, and we are going to the capital, how about you?"

Li Xiaobai: "I was planning to go to Zhaojiaji to find you, but then I met a friend who insisted on dragging me to his house as a guest. Isn't this just taking a boat to the capital to prepare for the spring?"

Xiao Yan: "You don't want to take so many boats, tell me honestly, are you thinking of something bad?"

Li Xiaobai: "Brother Xiao still understands me. There's no other way. I don't have such good fortune as Brother Xiao. I have a fairy-like woman to accompany me everywhere, so I have no choice but to hang out in brothels."

Xiao Yan: "Be humble and humble. I have something urgent to go to the capital, so I won't accompany you. See you in the capital again!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand: "Brother Xiao has a smooth journey, we will meet again in the capital! By the way, remember to save some refreshing soup for me. I lost to Brother Xiao in the exam, and Jinshi is counting on you!"

Xiao Yan replied with a good sentence, and sighed: "I didn't expect to meet acquaintances here! It's really interesting!"

Ruyu: "This Li Xiaobai, who spends his days and nights, can also pass the exam?"

Xiao Yan: "He said it was because of the refreshing soup, otherwise he might not have passed the exam."


Moving forward at full speed, three days later in the morning, the warship finally arrived at the riverside port outside Jinling City.

After leaving a few people to watch the boat, Xiao Yan led them ashore.

"It's been a long time on the boat, but it's still comfortable on land!" Su Yu said.

Xiao Yan: "Heroes see the same thing!"

Ruyu looked at the pile of things unloaded on the pier and frowned, "How do you get so many things?"

Xiao Yan: "Don't worry, let's find some big cars right now."

There is a main road beside the pier. On both sides of the road are restaurants, teahouses, and carriage and horse shops.

Xiao Yan pointed to a front door and said: "Li Ji Car and Horse Company, this store is not small, so let's go and have a look at his house!"

"Whether the guest officer wants to hire a horse-drawn carriage or a cart, boats can also be booked." The shopkeeper greeted him very politely.

Xiao Yan: "We need to hire two large carts and four carriages. How much money in total?"

This is a big business, the shopkeeper said with a smile on his face: "Guest officer, please sit down, I will do the math for you."

Xiao Yan and the others sat down and looked around at the shop.

The shopkeeper raised an abacus and asked, "Guest officer, where are you going to hire a car?"

Xiao Yan told me the address of the yard he bought last time.

The shopkeeper quickly calculated with the abacus, "Guest officer, you need eight taels of silver in total."

This price is still very fair, and the amount is very auspicious, Xiao Yan: "Su Yu, give me the money!"

After paying the money, just about to go back to load the goods, a group of strong men in black walked in outside the door.

"Where's the store? Come out to me quickly!"

The big guy at the head said viciously.

The shopkeeper frowned, and reminded Xiao Yan in a low voice when passing by Xiao Yan: "Guest officer, hurry up and leave! Don't mess with them!"

The shopkeeper walked up to the big man and smiled and said, "My lord, what can I do for you?"

The big man raised his hand and slapped the shopkeeper, "Take out all the carriages and carts in your shop to me, we will requisition them from the Zhatian Gang."

The shopkeeper touched the half of his face that was beaten, held back the pain and said, "Master, wait a moment, I'll do it right away!"

The big man saw that Xiao Yan and the others did not leave, "What are you guys doing standing there? Do you want to be beaten?"

Xiao Yan and the others looked at this person coldly and did not answer.

At this time, another big man pulled the leader, "Look, brother, there is a beautiful woman behind that kid!"

The man was very obscene, and he laughed cheaply while talking.

The big man in the lead looked in the direction of the subordinate's finger, and he saw Ruyu standing behind Xiao Yan.

He walked slowly with a lewd smile, "Boy, let me get out of the way, I am in a good mood today, I will bypass you, get out of here, and just leave this beauty behind!"

Xiao Yan was furious in his heart, looked at the man coldly and said: "So what if I don't leave?"

The big guy at the head said viciously: "Then don't blame the uncle for turning my face and being ruthless, and let you crawl out!"

Several other burly men immediately surrounded him, clasped their fists together, and stared fiercely at Xiao Yan.

This scene is very similar to the plot of the underworld in some movies I have seen before.

Seeing this scene, the shopkeeper hurriedly said: "Master, the car is ready, it's none of their business, why don't you let them go!"

The big man at the head raised his arm, swung it round and hit the shopkeeper.

If this slap hit the shopkeeper's face, he might lose half of his teeth.

Although the store owner was very panicked, he didn't dare to dodge in the slightest. Obviously, he was used to being bullied by these Zhatian Gang members and was afraid of their further revenge.

A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the big man in charge, "I told you to talk too much! Is there any place for you to talk here?"

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