In fact, even if someone leaked the news and was found out by the court, Xiao Yan was not afraid, at worst he would occupy the mountain and become king.

Of course, it's best to keep it secret, and it can develop slowly, and maybe at some point there will be a scene of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. In addition, it will not delay the important event of being a Jinshi.

After everyone swore to keep it secret, Xiao Yan said: "To tell you the truth, a set of fine steel armor needs 5000 taels of silver, a set of iron armor costs 200 taels, and a set of triple crossbow costs 500 taels."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone gasped.

Zhu Tong was not too shocked, because he knew the value of these equipments, "Young master is right at all, let alone the three-link crossbow, have you ever heard of Daning? Or does Daliang State have such a thing?"

Of course Su Yu knew about the three-shot crossbow: "The best thing in the army is the two-shot crossbow, and the strength is much worse than ours."

Zhu Tong: "What Brother Su said is true. And this fine steel armor. During the test just now, even the knife was cut off, and only a little trace was left on the armor. This armor is not to mention 5000 taels. I think if you take it out and sell it for 1 taels, there will be people scrambling to buy it.”

This statement is not false at all, there are many families of princes and princes in Daning, they have been generals and commanders for generations, fighting the world for Daning.

Since he was going to go to the battlefield, he would definitely face many uncertain factors. Therefore, whoever could have a better armor would not rush to take it for his own use?In this way, it is equivalent to adding some means of life-saving.

You must know that all the glory and wealth are fleeting, and you can only enjoy them when you are alive.

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, these tough guys were all excited, and what's more, their eyes were filled with tears, "Master is so kind to us rough people, he is willing to give us such precious equipment , we have nothing to repay you, only loyalty to repay you!"

"Young master, please accept our worship. I will follow you forever in this life, and I will live up to you for the rest of my life! If you violate it, you will be abandoned by both human beings and gods, and there will be no place for you to die!"

Including Zhu Tong, everyone knelt down in unison and prostrated themselves on the ground.

Xiao Yan hurriedly stepped forward to support Zhu Tong and said: "Everyone please get up quickly, Xiao also swears here today, as long as you treat me faithfully, I will treat you all sincerely, we have the same blessings and share the same hardships!"

Zhang Xiaojia came over and asked secretly, "Master, where did you get so much money? Isn't it too wasteful to buy so much advanced equipment?"

Xiao Yan laughed, patted Zhang Xiaojia, and said loudly: "Everyone, to tell you the truth, in fact, I don't have that much money to buy these equipments, so I only paid 10 taels of silver. The rest are paid for. Shampoo those alternatives."

When he said this, the doubts in everyone's minds were resolved. After all, based on the price, it was close to 30 taels, which was a huge sum of money. Although Xiao Yan had some side jobs, 30 taels was indeed too much. At least he can't get it out now.

Xiao Yan currently has more than 80 subordinates in Zhuangzili, and they were all rushing to participate in this ambush.

However, more than 20 of these subordinates are already familiar with corn cultivation, and there are 200 people from Liu Bing as backup, so Xiao Yan did not allow them to participate in order to expand corn cultivation.

Therefore, there are still [-] sets of armor and [-] sets of crossbow bolts left in the warehouse.

"Zhu Tong, I'll leave the key to this warehouse to you for safekeeping."

Zhu Tong stared blankly at the key that Xiao Yan handed over, this was completely beyond his expectation, and he didn't know what to do.

"Young master, the equipment in the warehouse is so precious, how can your subordinate He De take charge of this warehouse?"

Xiao Yan smiled and said: "Didn't I just say that, since you have pledged your allegiance to me, I will treat you sincerely, take it quickly, don't make your mother-in-law look bad!"

Zhu Tong's nose was sour, his eyes were red, "Master, this subordinate must live up to the trust and take good care of these supplies."

Xiao Yan: "Alright, it's time for us to set off!"

Taking advantage of the night, a group of people filed out from Zhuangzi's remote corner gate and came to the forest.

The clouds are thicker at night, and the moon naturally disappears.Because of this, Xiao Yan asked to start preparations tonight.

It was a dark, windy and murderous night, and he still had a fresh memory of the last experience.

It was even darker in the woods, and everyone lay in ambush quietly without making a sound.

Xiao Yan whispered: "Su Yu, let's go to the lake to have a look, Zhu Tong, I will leave this place to you."

Zhu Tong said softly: "Your subordinates know, you must be careful, young master."

Xiao Yan responded in a low voice, and led Su Yu to the edge of Taihu Lake.

Although the sky is dark tonight, there is no wind, so the lake is calm.

Su Yu checked it carefully, and said softly: "Master, are we making a big fuss? Today is only the third day of junior high school, and the fifth day will be the day after tomorrow."

Xiao Yan: "Be careful sailing the boat for thousands of years, you only have one life, so don't be careless."

Su Yu nodded helplessly.

Time passed bit by bit, the surroundings were still quiet, only the crickets in the grass did not make a few chirps.

Fortunately, it's not the height of summer, otherwise the mosquitoes would have sucked up all the blood.

Su Yu had already waited until he almost fell asleep, and Xiao Yan kept yawning.

Zhu Tong also came to report a few times over there, and everyone's fighting spirit has not weakened in the slightest, and they were a little excited for the first late-night ambush.

But I couldn't bear to wait until the enemy appeared, so I was too sleepy one by one.

Under Xiao Yan's repeated insistence, everyone is still working hard to support it.

In fact, Xiao Yan himself did not quite believe that the lake bandits came over tonight, mainly because what happened to Liu Ergou last time deeply affected him. All dangers are unpredictable, and only by being cautious can we turn danger into safety. .

But tonight, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and you can't see your fingers. It is most likely to be used by the lake bandits.

At midnight, when Xiao Yan was about to give up, Su Yu suddenly moved: "Master, there is movement on the lake."

Xiao Yan listened carefully, but did not find anything unusual, "You must have heard it wrong, right? Is there any movement?"

Su Yu: "I have been learning martial arts since I was a child, and I have sharp eyes and ears. You will definitely be able to hear it if you wait a little longer, young master."

Xiao Yan had no choice but to wait patiently, and after a while, there was indeed the sound of paddles being paddled on the lake.

His mood was agitated: It seems that the waiting in the middle of the night was not in vain, the Lake Bandits must have attacked!

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