The slender man drew out his gleaming waist knife, and slashed towards Xiao Yan viciously.

With a wave of Xiao Yan's right hand, Zhang Xiaojia, who had been waiting for a long time after hiding behind the big tree, rushed forward and fought with the man.

Seeing another person appearing here, Li Wu was at a loss for a moment, he looked around, trying to find a chance to escape.

Xiao Yan: "Stop playing cat and mouse games with him, come out and take him down!"

Li Wu didn't know well, and just took a few steps, when he was kicked to the ground, he broke out in cold sweat from the pain.

It turned out that Su Yu saw the opportunity early, and kicked Li Wu over with one kick, and Zhang Xiaojia had also defeated the slender man over there, and within a few breaths, both of them had been captured.

Su Yu asked: "Master, how should we deal with these two people?"

Li Wu said viciously: "We are members of the Zhatian Gang, don't you want to live? Dare to destroy the village and kill people? Be careful, I will kill the Zhatian Gang and wait for you!"

Xiao Yan saw the fierce light in Li Wu's eyes, he was obviously a vicious person, and two words popped out of his mouth: "Kill it!"

Li Wu roared: "Boy, how dare you?"

Su Yu picked up the waist knife on the ground, raised the knife without a trace of hesitation, and the two of them immediately (liao) settled (le) the account, and went to report to Lord Yan.

Zhang Xiaojia found a thick stack of silver bills on Li Wu's body, as well as some soft gold and silver.

"Young master, this kid actually hides so many things on his body, the bank notes are worth more than 1 taels, and these jewels are worth more than [-] taels."

Xiao Yan: "Finally, I didn't have to spend half a day in vain, and put it away, there are plenty of places to spend money below!"

Zhang Xiaojia happily collected the money, and reminded: "Liu Youcai, since you want to hang out with our young master, you have to keep your mouth shut."

Liu Youcai: "Although I, Liu Youcai, likes to gamble, I never gossip, don't worry!"

Xiao Yan: "You are talented, don't you feel tempted when you see so much money?"

Liu Youcai sneered: "My great-grandfather's money is the most abundant, and this amount of money is not enough for me to play Pai Gow for one night."

Nima, sure enough, the second generation is different, the money is like falling from the sky, never let him worry about it, just use it when needed.It's really unreasonable for a time traveler like myself to rely on himself for everything!

Xiao Yan: "Boy, please be more honest. If you play these gambling things again, be careful and I will tell you grandpa."

Liu Youcai had a strong desire to survive, and his head shook like a rattle, "Don't dare, it's really not a crime to be confined for a month."

At this moment, Liu Bing came over on horseback, "Master, it's not good, it's not good."

Xiao Yan: "Why are you in such a panic?"

Liu Bing: "There are 38 people in Zhuangzi, but the total number of dead and injured is only 36. Two big fish escaped."

Xiao Yan pointed to the two corpses lying on the ground behind him and said, "These two crawled out of the backyard wall, and I have already taken care of them for you."

Liu Bing glanced at the corpse, and said happily: "Looking at the attire, it's these two people. It's still the young master who is thoughtful. Liu has been educated."

Xiao Yan: "Let's go to Zhuangzi and have a look."

The battle in Zhuangzi had already ended. In this battle, 17 members of the Zhatian Gang were killed, and the remaining 21 were wounded and captured.

On Liu Bing's side, eight people were killed and 32 were injured. The huge gap between the numbers of the two sides and the fact that so many people were killed or injured shows that the combat power of the officers and soldiers is too low.

Of course, the Zhatian gang has the right time and place, and the fact that they are not afraid of death is also an important reason.

Xiao Yan captured a prisoner, asked where the dungeon was, and went straight to the dungeon.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the dungeon, I smelled a bad smell.

The light in the dungeon is dim, and there are rows of cells on both sides of the corridor to hold prisoners.

Xiao Yan carefully looked at each cell. The first cell on the right was locked up with a man. He couldn't tell how old he was. His clothes were torn and stained with blood. Xiao Yan asked someone to open the cell door and let him out. .

The man snorted and said, "Don't f**k play tricks anymore, even if I die, I will never be with you scum."

Zhang Xiaojia immediately became angry: "Our son kindly saved you, why do you just open your mouth and curse?"

Xiao Yan pulled Zhang Xiaojia away and said, "Brother, we have wiped out all the Zhatian Gang members in this village. From now on, you are free."

The man was a little unbelievable, and was stunned there.

Xiao Yan continued to move forward, and the people locked up in the cells on both sides were almost in the same situation as the person just now. Zhang Xiaojia opened the cell doors one by one as instructed to let them out.

It wasn't until the innermost room that Tang Si was finally found.

Due to being tortured and detained for too long, Tang Si who was lying on the ground was no longer human.

"Tang Si, is that you? I'm Xiao Yan, I'm here to save you but you can't get out."

Tang Si's body shook, and he turned around slowly to look at Xiao Yan: " are really Mr. Xiao? Am I dreaming?"

Xiao Yan: "You're not dreaming, we're here to rescue you. Xiao Jia, hurry up and carefully carry the fourth brother Tang out."

Zhang Xiaojia and Xu Dongqing worked together to carry Tang Si to a house in Zhuangzi.

Only then did Xiao Yan see Tang Si's condition clearly. He saw that his hair was like straw, his face was covered with bloodstains, his body had scars from whips, Luo Tie's burns, and other scars left by unknown instruments of torture.

This is the silent proof that Tang Si was tortured inhumanely in this prison.

Tang Si: "Young Master Xiao speaks a lot, and I, Tang Si, really saw the right person."

Xiao Yan didn't expect Tang Si to be a tough guy at all. At the beginning, his kneeling made people think that he was a person who was afraid of death, but the facts proved that he was not.

do not judge a book by it's cover.

Xiao Yan took out high-concentration alcohol to clean Tang Si's wound himself. Tang Si tried his best not to groan in pain, "Mr. Xiao, it's a waste of money to clean my wound with such good spirits!"

Xiao Yan said sincerely: "No matter how good the spirits are, they are just dead things. How can they be compared with a strong man like you!"

Tang Si stopped talking, and a careful person would be able to see the faint glint of tears in his eyes covered by his disheveled hair.

For a military household like him, it is difficult to find a wife, and he is not less stared at by others.

Not to mention those scholars who look at soldiers are even more contemptuous.

How can anyone praise him like Young Master Xiao?No, absolutely not!
Xiao Yan wiped Tang Si's wound carefully, and didn't notice any abnormality in him, "Fourth Brother Tang, what did those people in prison do wrong? The Zhatian Gang wants to imprison and torture them?"

Tang Si sighed: "The Zhatian Gang grows too fast, they are short of manpower, and they look down on ordinary peasants, so they set their sights on soldiers like me."

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