He Jin was furious, a small gate dared to block his way, and immediately lost his temper.

"Things that don't have eyes, don't anyone in our family know?"

Guard leader: "Are you from the palace?"

He Jin: "Our family is here to pass the decree to Zhou Shilang's mansion, why don't you hurry up and get out of the way?"

The leader of the guard hurriedly moved out of the way: "You little one has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai. If you offended me just now, please have a large number of your father-in-law. Please come in quickly!"

He Jin signaled Xiao Yan to go first, the head of the guard saw this, stretched out his hand to stop Xiao Yan and said: "Eunuch, our wife has ordered that no one else is allowed to enter, I hope Eunuch will understand the difficulties of the little ones!"

Xiao Yan didn't say a word, it was enough for this kind of small Kaisi to come in and out.

Sure enough, He Jin pointed at Xiao Yan and asked the leader, "Do you know who he is?"

The leader of the guard: "Although I have never seen him before, but judging by his appearance, he should be Xiao Yan who made a big fuss in the Zhou Mansion."

He Jin: "Your boy has good eyesight, but do you know that he is the future minister of Daning whom the emperor fancy?"

Xiao Yan didn't expect this He Jin to be so flattering, and he and his ministers were all on the same page.

The head of the guard really felt guilty, and unconsciously withdrew his outstretched hand, "Uh, if that's the case, please come in!"

A job is a trivial matter, but offending the emperor is a major matter of losing one's head. Those who know current affairs are heroes!
Xiao Yan: "Eunuch He please!"

He Jin: "Young Master Xiao, you should invite me first!"

Xiao Yan couldn't evade it, so he entered the Zhou Mansion under the surprised eyes of the leader.

"Boss, what is Xiao Yan's background? Even the eunuch who came from the palace to pass the decree will let him go?"

The leader of the guard had just kicked the iron board, and said angrily: "What should I do to be honest, how do I know who he is from?"

Xiao Yan was a little dazed. Last night he had to force his way into the Zhou Mansion, but today he can come in and out freely. This is the greatest charm of power!

All the way was unimpeded, and soon saw Zhou Xueer again.

Mrs. Xue learned her lesson this time, and didn't dare to bully Zhou Xue'er any further. The four of them, Zhang Xiaojia, saw that they didn't seem to be good at it, and she didn't dare to poke the hornet's nest.

Zhou Xueer's spirits improved a little, and she was sitting on the bed drinking fresh milk.

"Brother Xiao Yan, are you back so soon?"

Hurry up?Not too fast!
Your husband and I almost lost our lives in the sinister palace.

However, Xiao Yan would not tell Zhou Xueer about these things, so as not to worry her.

Xiao Yan: "Sister Xue'er, I have something nice to give you!"

Zhou Xueer: "I don't want any gifts, I just want you to get through this difficult time safely!"

After Xiao Yan left, Xue Fu helped arrange so many nursing home matters, and Qiu Xiang had already told Zhou Xueer about it.

She was worried that Elder Xue Ge had some schemes to put Xiao Yan at a disadvantage.

Xiao Yan's heart warmed up, and he jokingly said, "Sister Xue'er, are you sure you don't want this gift? Then I will give it to someone else!"

Zhou Xueer really fell for the trick, and said coyly: "No... don't give it to others!"

Xiao Yan stopped teasing her, "Don't worry, I'm not willing to send you off if you want me! Qiuxiang, go and invite Master Zhou!"

Qiuxiang: "Oh!"

The little girl was obviously in a bad mood.

Xiao Yan asked: "What's wrong with Qiuxiang? She doesn't look very happy."

Zhou Xueer: "It's not because of me that I offended Er Niang."

Xiao Yan: "Is this old godmother going to mess with something again?"

Zhou Xueer's eyes were a little red: "Er Niang wants to send Qiuxiang to the housekeeper's son as a concubine, and I can't stop it. What should I do?"

Xiao Yan hurriedly comforted him: "Don't worry, I'm here for everything!"

Zhou Xueer thought that Xiao Yan said this just to comfort her, and didn't take it to heart.

Zhou Chengzong came soon, "Xiao Yan, do you need me?"

Xiao Yan: "Master Zhou, hurry up and call your family, set up the incense table and prepare to receive the order!"

Zhou Chengzong was still a little puzzled, "Accept the order?"

He Jin: "Lord Zhou, the emperor has just issued an order, follow Mr. Xiao's order and prepare quickly!"

Zhou Chengzong didn't know what it would be like to come to the imperial decree until he died at this time, and he didn't dare to delay to receive the imperial decree, so he got busy and prepared to go.

A quarter of an hour later, the lobby of the Zhou Mansion.

He Jin held the imperial decree in his hand and began to read: "Following the heaven, the emperor's edict said: God bless Daning, get the unicorn son Xiao Yan, and help me get new grain and corn. I heard that Xiao Aiqing is 16 years old and has not yet married. Now I give Zhou Xueer, the daughter of Zhou Chengzong." I want Xiao Yan to be my wife! Choose a date to get married! In addition, everyone in the Zhou Mansion is so lucky to protect Zhou Xueer well. If the guards are not good enough to affect the new food plan, you and the others will be punished! I love you!"

Zhou Chengzong didn't have any opinions, and of course he didn't dare to have any opinions.

Xue Shi and the others turned pale, Xiao Yan actually had such great energy that the emperor ordered a marriage!In the future, Zhou Xueer, who has a thorn in her side, not only cannot be offended, but also takes good care of her, which really makes people want to cry without tears.

Zhou Xueer, who was kneeling by Xiao Yan's side, burst into tears and sobbed softly.

God has eyes, finally I didn't let down my family's daily prayers in vain, my family can finally marry brother Xiao Yan, don't be afraid that someone will break us up again!
Xiao Yan was worried that Zhou Xueer's serious illness had not yet recovered, so he hurriedly urged Zhou Chengzong: "Master Zhou, hurry up and accept the order!"

Only then did Zhou Chengzong accept the order in a panic.

Xiao Yan hurriedly picked up Zhou Xue'er, and ignored her flushed face with shame and the surprised eyes of everyone around, and directly sent her to the boudoir on the second floor to settle down.

Immediately afterwards, they found Mrs. Xue and told her that Qiuxiang was Zhou Xueer's personal servant girl, and no one was allowed to use her crooked mind, otherwise it would affect the new grain plan, and no one in the Zhou family could escape the end of beheading.

Xue and others all nodded like chickens pecking rice, and said repeatedly: "Don't dare, I must serve Zhou Xueer as master and servant." Yunyun.

After solving this important matter, Xiao Yan finally felt tired. How could he not be tired after working around nervously all day and night?
He bid farewell to Zhou Xueer, and took Su Yu and other six people to Zhuangyuan Building.

With Ning Shizheng's imperial decree, who in the Zhou Mansion would dare to be unfavorable to Zhou Xue'er?It's too late to serve him well, and I don't dare to hurt the slightest bit.

So Xiao Yan took Zhang Xiaojia and the others away without fear, because there was still one thing to do.

That's what I made an appointment with Tang Si, and I have to start doing it!

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