Although the exam is not a physical activity, it consumes a lot of brain power, so people are prone to hunger.

Most of the scholars received their pens, those who cook cook, and those who eat snacks eat snacks.

Xiao Yan was no exception. He took out the snacks made by Ruyu, boiled a pot of hot water, made a cup of coffee, and enjoyed the food leisurely.

After half a day, he finished writing seven questions. If it wasn't for the slow writing with a brush, he might have completed all 23 questions.

"Hey, it's really too slow. It looks like it won't be finished until tomorrow morning."

This guy doesn't know what the progress of the others is. Among the [-] scholars who participated in the provincial examination, except for him who completed the seven exam questions, the fastest Liu Zongming only completed the fifth question.

Most of the others have only completed two or three questions, and those who have learned more deeply only have four questions.

After finishing the simple lunch, Xiao Yan rubbed his sore right hand, and then continued to answer questions.

In the afternoon of August, the sun no longer has the viciousness of summer, but it is still very hot on people, especially in the small rooms of the Gongyuan.

Some fatter candidates have already taken off their outer shirts and only wear their inner coats. What’s more, they just take off their coats and write calligraphy with a brush while fanning.

Xiao Yan was fine, because he was not in a hurry. Anyway, the papers were just copying the papers for him, and it didn't need much brain power at all. Therefore, he didn't have any irritability. This is the so-called calmness and coolness!
By the time it got dark, Xiao Yan had already completed fifteen questions.

Fold the test paper neatly, put it in a dry place that is not easy to be damaged and not easy to be burned, and continue to eat snacks. After writing for a whole day, Xiao Yan's hands are too sore, and Xiao Yan is too lazy to cook.

The buglers outside the hall had already changed two shifts, and the inspectors only came to Yuzi Hall for inspection once.

I don't know that there was a slap from that number room, followed by a voice saying: "There are so many mosquitoes, they killed Master Ben."

The trumpeter: "Be careful to keep quiet, don't make loud noises, otherwise you will be expelled from the Gongyuan."

As a result, no one spoke anymore, but the sound of slapping mosquitoes kept coming.

Xiao Yan was also besieged by mosquitoes here, "Damn it, there are so many mosquitoes, luckily my young master prepared a mosquito net."

With the dim light of the candle, Xiao Yan set up the mosquito net under the amazed eyes of the trumpeter, and then lay down leisurely and closed his eyes to rest his mind, very comfortable.

Everything in the Gongyuan is going on in an orderly manner...


The headquarters of the Zhatian Gang near the south gate of the capital.

Clan leader Wu Xiuduan, King of Zhatian, sat on the top of the hall, and seven or eight leaders, big and small, sat on both sides of the hall.

There was a person kneeling in the hall, it was Tang Si, his hands were tied and he couldn't move at this time, his clothes were torn apart by the whip, and the wounds were exposed, which showed that the punishment was not light.

Luo Yuan, the deputy gang leader, shouted loudly: "Tang Si, if you still haven't confessed honestly, aren't you really afraid of death?"

Tang Si spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva, "It doesn't matter if you die, I will be a good man again after 18 years."

Luo Yuan smiled sinisterly: "Then you don't care about your parents' lives?"

Tang Si scolded: "The rats will only do these heartless things. If you have the ability to kill me, my parents are innocent."

Luo Yuan: "Unexpectedly, Tang Si, who was timid and afraid of getting into trouble in the past, who was greedy for life and fear of death, would still have some courage. I was wrong!"

Tang Si: "When grandpa was on the battlefield, you were still peeing and playing with mud!"

All these years, in order to beg for food, Tang Si also endured humiliation. After bumping into walls everywhere, he gradually lost his blood.

This time I came back to the capital to inquire about the relatives who were secretly imprisoned. At first, things went very smoothly. After searching around, I finally found out that my parents and others were imprisoned in a village outside the city.

Tang Si and the others were so excited that they planned to go to Xiao Yan, but the brothers under him were too impatient and didn't want their relatives to suffer another moment, so they decided to go to Zhuangzi immediately to save them.

Who knew that Zhuangzi was not only the place where the Zhatian gang held prisoners, but also an important stronghold, which was heavily guarded by soldiers.

Although Tang Si and the others were from the army, but they were too small, only nine of them, how could they beat the guards who were several times larger than their own.

Soon, eight of them were killed when they rescued others, leaving only the leader Tang Si.

The reason why he was not killed was because Zhuangzi's location was secret and no one knew about it. He was kept only to ask him to confess how he knew where Zhuangzi was.

Luo Yuan was furious: "Come here, kill all the relatives and friends of Tang Si's team! It's useless to keep them, it will only waste money and food."

Tang Si's eyes widened with anger: "Luo Yuan, you son of a bitch, you are not a human being, the rules of the world can't harm your wife, children, and family, you will die like this..."

The eight brothers who retired from the army were already dead. Tang Si couldn't even save their parents, and his own parents would also be murdered.

Wu Xiu, who had been silent all this time, stood up, "Put Tang Si in prison, he can't die yet, and besides, don't kill those trash, it might be useful to keep them."

Luo Yuan: "Sect Leader, what's the use of keeping these trash after people are dead?"

Wu Xiu: "Tang Si is not dead yet."

Luo Yuan was puzzled: "Then just keep Tang Si's parents! The others..."

Wu Xiu: "Stupid, hasn't Tang Si's change been revealed yet?"

Luo Yuan: "The subordinates can see that Tang Si was greedy for life and afraid of death before, but today he is not afraid of death. I don't know if he was stimulated by something."

Wu Xiu: "The people who have fought on the battlefield are not really like what you saw. The trash you have verified now is Tang Si's weakness. This may help us to find out who leaked Zhuangzi where."

Luo Yuan: "The guild leader really has a good opinion, and his subordinates have been educated."

Wu Xiu: "Recently, we must be more careful. There are military backgrounds like Tang Si in other teams. We must take precautions, lest some people do things that are not good for our Zhatian Gang."

Luo Yuan: "Yes, this subordinate will do it now."

On the third day of August, the weather was as good as ever.

In the Yuzihaohao room, Xiao Yan finally finished writing all the questions in the next moment, dried the pen and ink on the test paper and folded them.

"Finally finished all the papers. It's a pity that it's useless if you can't hand in the papers early in the first two games. You can't leave the Gongyuan."

Last night he slept at an angle and didn't sleep well, so Xiao Yan simply started to catch up on sleep.

It was the first time for the number soldier to see a scholar like Xiao Yan. He was completely different from other scholars in the number room. Others would carefully type up the manuscript, and then carefully copy it on the test paper. Xiao Yan was lucky and went directly to the test paper Writing, and writing so fast, I finished it in less than two days, and now I'm lying there to sleep!
This man must have lost his life and started to give up on himself, the horn soldier thought in his heart.

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