Han Ze patted Yu Jin's thigh: "Hahaha, here comes the credit."

Yu Jin was so slapped by Han Ze that he almost lay down.

Han Ze also shook his hand, and accidentally used the power of the overlord.

Quickly changed the subject: "Let's go, everyone, let me show you a baby, so that you don't have to worry about being punished for fishing with me."

After finishing speaking, Han Ze walked out of the tent first, and Yu Jin followed suit with a limp rubbing his legs.

When I came to a specially isolated general camp, I opened the door and entered the room, and immediately a gust of hot air came over my face. As soon as I stood in the room for two or three breaths, I felt fine sweat oozing from all over my body.

When Pu Yuan saw the adults coming, he was about to salute immediately, Han Ze grabbed Pu Yuan's arm.

"Don't engage in those forms, let me see what you have built." Han Ze said impatiently.

Pu Yuan quickly took a long pipe from an apprentice and handed it to Han Ze.

"My lord, this is the best one, and it should meet your requirements."

Han Ze took the one-meter-long hollow steel pipe. After carefully examining the details, he found a small hammer and tapped it repeatedly at different positions, carefully distinguishing the sound made when the steel pipe was struck.

Although Han Ze didn't know what a qualified steel pipe sounded like, but he had heard many unqualified steel pipes before, and at least he could distinguish which sound had less impurities.

After listening for a while, Han Ze nodded in satisfaction, and handed the steel pipe back to Pu Yuan.

"Okay, just follow this standard."

Pu Yuan was very happy to hear that the steel pipe he made met the requirements.

"It's better to be an adult, and I have learned a lot from it."

"You will learn more in the future. I also hope that you will not cherish yourself. Only when more people get involved can the art of forging be carried forward."


Han Ze looked at Pu Yuan with a happy face and laughed in his heart. There are not many craftsmen at Pu Yuan's level, and it is really lucky to be able to abduct one to do things for him.

I don't know how Jia Xu found Pu Yuan.

Han Ze looked at Jia Xu and saw that he was staring fixedly at the steel pipe, stroking his beard and wondering what he was thinking.

Then he turned his head and saw that the other people had the same expression, so he didn't take it to heart, just pretending that everyone was wondering about the purpose of that steel pipe.

As everyone knows, Jia Xu is currently in a fierce struggle in his heart, whether to make up with Han Ze completely, or to sell Han Ze again.

Although they were fishing for fish all day long, Jia Xu knew that Cao Cao was very concerned about the progress here.It was precisely because of this that Dian Wei was sent over to check.

And there has been a breakthrough at this time, the steel pipe must be the key, that's why Han Ze is so happy today.

After checking the steel pipes, several people fished for a while and then dispersed.

Jia Xu hesitated until it was time to hold the lamp before making up his mind. Although Han Ze gave the credit, the lord is the one who really rewarded him.

After making up his mind, Jia Xu went to Sikong Mansion immediately, and when he saw Cao Cao, he told him what he saw today.

"Oh? You said that the craftsman you recruited completed the key components today?"

"That's right, otherwise Taining wouldn't be so happy today, he ate half a catty of meat..."

Cao Cao was speechless, why are you doing camp every day?
However, the completion of the key components still made Cao Cao very excited. He had been curious about Han Ze's new weapon for a long time. Although he knew that it might not be used in Yuan Shao's battle, the territory of the Han Dynasty is so vast, and it would take a long time to take it back one by one. , he Cao Cao can afford to wait.

The most important thing is that Cao Cao has always recognized Han Ze's performance. In the past, Han Ze always surprised people in terms of strategy. This time, he will definitely give a satisfactory answer to the improvement of weapons and the trial production of new weapons.

Then Cao Cao suddenly thought of a question: "Is the person you are looking for reliable?"

Jia Xu nodded: "When I knew that Taining was going to try out new products, I asked that person to move all the close clan members here. At this time, they are all living in Xudu, and there are also people under daily surveillance."

"That's good, don't let them leak Taining's new weapon."


When Jia Xu betrayed Han Ze again, Han Ze was working with Pu Yuan on the final installation process.

A steel cylinder the thickness of a water tank, a wooden pier is tightly plugged into the cylinder, and a chain under the wooden pier is connected to a transmission device under the steel cylinder.

The transmission device is on the wall of the steel cylinder, the inside is connected with a chain, and the outside is connected with a set of labor-saving rockers composed of pulleys.

Next to the rocker is the steel pipe made during the day. The steel pipe extends from the bottom of the steel cylinder, sticking to the outer wall and almost as high as the steel cylinder, looking like the spout of a kettle.

Pu Yuan was very tired looking at the strange things that had been assembled. Is this the ingenious skill Mr. Jia Xu talked about?What is this made of?
After struggling for a while, Pu Yuan finally asked this question: "My lord, why are we making this bottomless kettle?"

As soon as Pu Yuan said it, Han Ze took two steps back and looked at it, and it looked a bit like it.

"Lao Pu, this is just a kettle, but it is a kettle that can fill water automatically."

"Automatic water supply?"

"You'll see for yourself."

With Pu Yuan, who was confused, and several soldiers, Han Ze first came to a well.

After connecting them with steel cylinders, the bottomless kettle was lowered into the well.

Han Ze held the handle, put it down slowly, and then turned it violently.

Through the conduction of the pulley set and the gear set, the wood in the bucket was pulled up at once, and at the same time, due to the effect of atmospheric pressure, the water line of the well water also rose accordingly, and flowed out of the steel pipe spout with a puff.

When Yu Jin heard that Han Ze was experimenting with new equipment, he didn't even have any clothes on, and ran out wearing only an underwear.

Seeing water gurgling out of the steel pipe that no one was operating, I screamed in surprise.

"It's running, it's really running!"

Han Ze had black lines on his face, why did he feel that this person was in ghs, but there was no proof.

The water flow was not long, and it gradually became smaller after flowing for a while. At this time, more than two buckets had been picked up.

"It seems that there is no problem, but the outlet pipe we made is too thin, so the efficiency is a bit slow. Let's improve it later depending on the situation."

Taking advantage of the fact that the steel was not picked up, Yu Jin went to use it himself.

Sure enough, it was very simple to press the water out without any effort at all.Even children of a few years old can operate with a little force.

"Mr. amazing skills!"

Han Ze was spit on by the excited Yu Jin, and took a step back in disgust.

"Please, don't spray water indiscriminately, okay?"

The ban……

At this moment, Pu Yuan, who was standing beside the steel drum and watched the whole operation process, was already stunned.

It turns out that Mr. Jia didn't lie to me, it turns out that there really is such a magical skill in this world.

Then Pu Yuan turned around and knelt down in front of Han Ze with a plop.

"Please accept me as an apprentice, sir."

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