Three Kingdoms: Salted Fish's son-in-law was overheard by Cao Cao

Chapter 50 Jia Xu offered advice, Cao Jun sent food

Cao Cao couldn't stop thinking of Han Ze, and asked several people, "What is Han Ze doing recently?"

Several counselors looked at each other, and Xun You spoke first.

"I heard that Taining is making some small utensils, but it's not clear what exactly they are making."

"I heard that I found a craftsman in the camp and helped him build some weird things. Most of them are made of wood, and a few of them are made of iron." Guo Jia said.

"Wen He has been getting closer to Tai Ning recently. If the lord wants to know, why not call Wen He to ask."

Cao Cao smiled wryly. Jia Xu has not only gotten closer to Han Ze recently, but also learned the great art of fishing from Han Ze.

Just as he was talking, suddenly a figure broke into the main tent of the Chinese army.As soon as he came in, he was excited and panting.

"My lord, huh, I, huh, I thought of it..." With the cold wind outside, Jia Xu pretended to be excited.

Cao Cao also felt a little out of breath when he heard Jia Xu's panting.

"Slow down, catch your breath first, and then speak."

After Jia Xu took two deep breaths, he said to Cao Cao with a happy face: "My lord, I have thought of a plan. I have thought of a plan for how to break the city."

"This is the result of dozens of days and nights of hard thinking and meditation. After a series of planning and demonstrations, I feel that this method must be feasible."

Cao Cao was overjoyed, and then fell into distress.

It's just because Jia Xu, who follows Han Ze to fish every day, suddenly thought of a plan today.

It could not be that Han Ze saw that I was too embarrassed, so he told me through Jia Xu's mouth, just to stop receiving my reward.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao stood up abruptly, Jia Xu's panting was fake, but when he saw the lord standing up, he stopped panting immediately.

Cao Cao asked: "Taining...cough, this Wenhe, what strategy did you think of, let me tell you about it."

Jia Xu was stunned for a moment: she seemed to have heard Taining just now.Could it be that the lord has seen through everything?
No!Impossible, what Taining said was attached to his ear, how could it be heard by others.

He complained in his head, but he replied swiftly with his mouth.

"Here. My strategy is the 'internal commandment'."

"Internal order?" Several other counselors looked at Jia Xu strangely.

The internal prohibition order has just been tested in Xudu, isn't it already a big joke, do you want the lord to be laughed at again in Shouchun?

And if it wasn't for Han Ze's appearance last time, I'm afraid I don't know how it will end in the end.Just thinking of Han Ze and the internal order, everyone felt powerless.

Being robbed of 100 coins by Han Ze, and almost being pissed off by Han Ze's conclusion, is really dumbfounding.

Although he had many doubts, Cao Cao was still very curious about the strategy: "Wenhe, let me tell you first, how will this internal commandment be implemented in Shouchun City?"

In front of several people, Jia Xu repeated what Han Ze taught that night, and Jia Xu also added his own ideas on the basis of Han Ze.

So this makes this strategy not so 'Han Ze', and it fell into Cao Cao's ears, and it became a strategy conceived by Jia Xu + Han Ze

After hearing this, the other counselors also felt that the plan was feasible, and then they began to prepare.

That night, in the quiet cold night, Cao Jun took some things and went to Shouchun City.

At this time, in the outer city of Shouchun City, many places have already been purgatory on earth.

Many people's food had already been taken away by Yuan Shu, and these people could only wait for the porridge that was almost rice soup after eating the surplus food at home.

Those who have courage or brains can start to cheat or rob.

After being robbed, many people had no food to eat, so they had to join the robbery team.In this way, the number of people robbed grew larger and larger, and even threatened the safety of the inner city.

So Yuan Shu had no choice but to send people to drive those people to a place in the outer city, and let them change their sons to eat, or die of cold and starvation.

The soldiers guarding the city wanted to open the city gate to let the common people go out. They knew that these people would definitely survive when they reached Cao Jun.

These can at least be robbed, so labor is no problem, it is a good population resource.But the generals guarding the city forbade the soldiers to open the gate.

The general was afraid that there might be spies from Cao Cao among these people. Once the city gate was opened, it might not be able to close again.

Just as the general was explaining to the soldiers, an arrow flew past him and nailed to the city wall with a bang.

In an instant, the sound of enemy attacks spread throughout the city wall, and the warning gong also resounded through the night sky.The people who were driven not far from the city wall looked at the soldiers on the city wall eagerly.

I hope no matter which side it is, someone wins quickly so that this war can end.

The city defender who spoke just now was named Yan Xiang, and he was nervously directing the soldiers to defend.

But Yan Xiang suddenly discovered that the arrows shot by Cao Jun this time were somewhat different.

The arrows were thrown high, and it seemed that the purpose was to shoot the arrows into the city, which made Yan Xiang even more uneasy.

Did Cao Cao master some secret way?The pawns here are just to attract our attention?

Just when Yan Xiang's various guesses were spinning in his mind, he discovered that there were small bags tied to those arrows, and when some of the small bags were damaged, what fell out was actually rice.

The soldiers had already started to limit the food supply, and when they saw rice being shot in from outside the city, they didn't care about anything else, and one by one they hurriedly began to collect the rice bags on the arrows.

Yan Xiang yelled at the soldiers, beat and kicked to stop them but to no avail, so he had to call the supervisor team, and after beheading more than a dozen people, the soldiers finally came to their senses.

"Brothers, this is the most difficult time for us. As long as we can survive, Cao Cao will retreat."

"And the rice on the arrows is Cao Jun's conspiracy. First of all, I don't know if the rice is poisonous. Even if you just soak the croton, it can make you lose your strength."

"Don't be fooled by the little benefits in front of you. As long as we persist until Cao's army runs out of food, they will naturally withdraw."

Just when Yan Xiang had reorganized his army and prepared to deal with the siege, Yan Xiang discovered that Cao Jun had already retreated.

This made Yan Xiang very puzzled, did he really come to deliver food to us?
Impossible, absolutely impossible.

But apart from the fact that these are poisonous rice, it is impossible to guess Cao Jun's intentions.

A soldier asked boldly.

"General Yan Xiang, can we eat this rice?"

Yan Xiang glanced at the soldier who asked the question, and was so frightened that the soldier backed away again and again, his back almost hit the city wall before he heard Yan Xiang's answer.

"Take the following people to test the poison first, and then talk about others."

The soldier hesitated after hearing Yan Xiang's words, but in the end hunger defeated reason and compassion.

After taking some rice from several other soldiers, he threw the rice bag into the refugees.

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